Get the fuck into here
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i hope kim dot fat ass has a heart attack
ww3 confirmed.
seth rich could of prevented this
This is old news, isn't it?
At least, Assange has already said it was not the Russians and suggested it was Seth Rich.
Only retards still thought it was the Russians.
Clinton can literally murder people and is STILL above the law.
Fuck this fake news and the rural white trash scum that listens to this shit. Tell me, how do we round up all the white trash and get them to leave the country? I am sick of them.
>Join Kim Dotcom, Suzie Dawson and Elizabeth Lea Vos live, as they answer questions from viewers, and discuss Suzie's recent article "Being Julian Assange".
Fuck off fat boy. Assange is not gonna be there.
you should have made a thread on /pol yourself
>Assange fingers murdered DNC staffer
Excuse me sir, Sup Forums is a proud Christian board and necrophilia will not be tolerated. Please leave.
Did he actually say "Seth leaked all the emails from the DNC to me and I have proof"
or was it PR whoring of "We may or may have not had individuals from within various organizations that could have possibly provided us with some details but we're not saying what those details are who who those people may or may not be"
lol assange is an idiot. he should should have stuck to releasing info
kim is full of himself too
Kill yourself disgusting faggot retard traitor.
kim supported trump. remember that.
it shows us his judgment
he hates hillary. Hillary and Obama stole all his shit and let it rot in storage
all that stuff he got from stealing from others?
>Only retards still thought it was the Russians
Only is literally millions of retards, user. That's why the world sucks.
Be madder
I ain't mad. he made his money but ripping off other peoples work
thanks for posting op!
Holy shit I just messaged my Democrat friend to laugh at him. SHE'S GETTING LOCKED THE FUCK UPPPPP
Seth predicted Q
Not sure if he was a middle man, but here’s a letter that was sent to Mueller.
Q predicted this.
He’s a big guy
>t. Coastal fag
i doubt he uploaded much to his website. you're thinking of other people who merely used his website to share files, little bits of code as it were.
I want assange to get killed for supporting catacuck independence but I want this to be real
Mueller is such scum he has completely ignored people offering evidence directly related to what he's assigned to investigate
kinda like the guy that only drove the getaway car in the bank robbery
>people are still comparing the copying of digital data to actual theft
Keep them RIAA checks coming, leaf.
It's more like trying to charge the heads of car companies for crimes committed in their cars
hey I didn't make the law
woah the partisan liberal isn't actually investigating anything and doesn't want to blow his cover by seeing actual evidence, im SHOCKED
The funny thing about mueller is he's a registered R who prefers the Permanent Party aka the Deep State above all else. Another RINO neocon faggot
the deep state are special interests. the banks, the MIC and copyright lawyers. trump ain't doing nothing about that.
the wingnuts have convinced themselves that the deep state are the dnc puppets
I was starting to think people forgot all about that
I am cursed with a persistent memory. It's torture. Sort of like being the one goldfish in the tank who remembers you just bumped into that wall, while everyone else swims in circles, unaware.
dis gone be good nigga
lol trump exposed the deep state.
really? people like kim just found out about this stuff?
Scottish and Chinese are both 5
carter cleaned out the cia. st reagan brought them all back
Everyone does that. Name one honest industry.
Oh good God I can empathize with you. My memory is borderline photographic. I can remember the most minute details from 25 years ago.
Nobody is consistent. Everyone contradicts themselves. Nobody has any idea what they're talking about. Nobody learns from their mistakes. Nobody notices patterns with frequencies of less than 2 months.
The only thing people never forget is their feelings towards other people. If they remember you, they will remember how they feel about you. That, and that alone, can be relied upon.
Ask Assange about 9/11. He believes the Official Bush Story.
Never seen that before. What's the (((official))) explanation for those 'splosions?
hillary should have him killed
Yeah bump o caino, inside my braino!
ask kim it was probably hillary
holy fuck this guy is full of shit. conspiracy nut
Shit, i can't even remember what happened last week. I'm jelly.
Kim is so sexy
Why is there a shilly leaf shitting up this thread?
Let's play a drinking game Sup Forums. Every time Kim says Hillary, take a drink of your preferred alcoholic beverage.
Why are they not discussing current topics?? This shit is old news. As much as I want the cunt to be locked up, she will remain free. They need to talk about current shit if they want to be relevant.
fatass seems to think all this is new
the republicans used the commies as a threat for the MIC for decades
Bumping for 500-pound hackers.
Ops image is fake because hes a fag
Fuck off punk. Adults only here.
That was just such an unreal moment to witness... still waiting for "Because you'd be in jail"
then you'll be leaving?
who is this fat bitch
Get in here pol!!!!!! U alt niggers
bump for justice
forgetting is the only way i stay alive.
didn't kim go to school in sweden?
lol fox news is the best
Don't disrespect your mother like that.
Extra, extra!
we tabloids now
God Bless them.
Sage this shitty fucking thread.
The Drudge headline is fake. The stream does not include Assange. Kimdotcom is a fucking attention whore who has never ever delivered.
Go ahead and call me a shill. I'm not the one posting fake headlines to plug shitty streams.
>Clinton can literally murder people and is STILL above the law.
We are Without Rule Of Law.
We are Rome now.
Damn, one minute you're just a leaker, then you turn into a molester.
>how do we round up all the white trash
If you want something done, do it yourself. But you won't because you're a coward.
I'm amazed they has 500 viewers
I'm not going anywhere. I can hear you breathing.
19 posts by this ID
I'm amazed how stupid you are. One of the most obvious shills I've ever seen.
there's no conspiracy. these halfwits didn't watch the news until until 2010
Keep bumping.
lol muslim rapist and pizzia gate coming up
Keep bumping, bitch.
I'm sorry, sweetie, but the Seth Rich CONSPIRACY THEORY has been officially DEBUNKED. Check your facts before you speak, honeypie
last bump
fuck off bitch
lol iranians are just like the russians
yeah israel or the west would never torture anyone
Well that was a huge waste of time. Faggots even censored my comments.
We knew this.
But will the MSM even report on it.
They didn't report on...
>The movement within California to split the state between Republican v Democrat has passed the first hurdle in becoming the 51st State. The movement is called the New California. They read their own Declaration of Independence on the floor of the State Senate.
That's pretty big.
The Conservatives want out from under the Dems.