Was religion created to control the masses?

Was religion created to control the masses?

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Yeah, but it turns out that the masses do need controlling, and the Church acts as a soft-power cultural regulatory agency, which is infinitely better than having the state regulate morality, which is where we're at.

No it was created to explain the unexplainable. Certain people do use religion to control people though but that's not it's original intention.

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Religion came about because it gave people a rapid way to adapt to a changing environment.
How come commies harp evolution all the time, and then deny the natural selection advantage that religion gives to peoples?

Yes, but it functions as benevolent mind control. It tells you to kill your enemies that would harm you, that faggotry and deviancy are wrong, that men and women marrying and having children is redpilled, and to always have faith in God and living a simple life free of sin. The kind of life free of the degeneracy outside forces would peddle and encourage to undermine your unstoppable society if it actually strictly followed all of those rules.

no it start off as ancestor veneration

Initially created to control? No. Utilized later to do so? Absolutely.

Christianity specifically I'm talking about.

>believe in me or go to hell

> people had social engineering all figured out in ancient times.

The absolute state of atheists.

I'm fairly sure christians invented christianity to gain power during the middle ages. (OP HERE)

There were no fucking "masses" in the paleolithic.
Stop talking like a commie.

elites are even more religious than the masses, so i think they failed if that was their goal

and the corporate capitalist class controls the state.

Religion didn't have as much control under certain polytheistic societies.

>This is God speaking, not some guy with a pen. Do not kill anyone or else you will burn forever.

>create structure to gain power

>charismatic people havent been able to manipulate idiots since we started talking to each other

Religion was and still in places around the world used as a control system.


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No worries.. I'll give you a new one

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>benevolent mind control
Beheadings, child rape and eternal torture have been re-classified as {{{ benevolent? }}} That's quite a trick. Did anyone fall for it?

I don't know, but it certainly does work well.

Partially, but it had noble goals. It was used to unify society under a set of coherent ideas and direct them towards a greater purpose.

Religion and myth are two different things.

Islam was

Every belief is a religious

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This is true.

Religion became to explain the world through the eyes of the ignorant. Then it became about controlling.

>Initially created to control? No
Control and greed would be the only purposes for any religion to start. One liar pretended to have all the answers so he could collect tithes from the mentally-feeble and gullible.

Can you show me an atheist church?

Not understanding things and trying to explain them could be a possible reason for some religions to start. There were so many of them.

Every single time a country accepted state atheism they ended up with a communist government and mass genocide. The suppression of God is required to control the masses. They have to be stripped of their morality and be made to fear death.

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>Was religion created to control the masses?
I’m not sure if that was the original intention, it probably wasn’t. I’d imagine it being just an early mans way of making sense of the world. But it’s definitely been subverted for that purpose now.

Its an evolutionary adaptation to organize populations, and a social technology. While any man can "create" a religion, for it to spread it has to cater to human nature.

This. It was an evolutionary response to prevent an existential downward spiral.