You stupid niggas need to understand some shit.
I'm serious. LISTEN.
This whole place is being shill-shat on because they understand what this place is; the power it has and can have.

You HAVE to understand something, regardless of your damn politics - WORDS.

W O R D S.

These are the means to meaning.
These are the truest nodes of power.
The early Christians understood this deeply;
>In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And right now, the enemy, the ones looking to choke you to death with legislation, with social fear and yes, even violence - these people understand the power of The Word. The remake, repurpose words that had solid meanings for their ends - they're clever, and you aren't taking the enemy seriously, you're looking at their massive contradictions and their worst examples and getting fat and lazy on your hubris.

This has to stop, you cannot afford this.

Words are the ultimate memes, they're divine memes; memes with the power of Godhood.
They put a tangible mask upon something undefined and liquid, but the enemy seeks to take these existing masks and place them on other, much darker and horrific things, to drive the world towards chaos and misery.

Take "racism" for example - racism used to mean when you judge someone differently based on race; now it means exactly that, but ONLY applies to whites due to some insane arbitrary formula based on power and privelage - they've TAKEN THE WORD from you.

You all claim to be the masters of memetics - meme magic, invoking primordial gods like KEK...

If you stupid bastards have any hope of beating these sick cunts and their world-destroying ideology, you HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THIS.

MAKE WORDS FOR THE LEFT'S FAKE-WORDS (eg. reinterpreted """racism""")


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Everyone knows this already mr. revelations. But I can see you're trying, so have a bump.


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The problem is that they super fucking don't.

They really don't - only a few deepminds in this place get it - the rest are just fucking about and indulging in pointless bullshit.

There is so much untapped psychic power here it's scary.
If controlled, there is no stopping it.

>There is so much untapped psychic power here it's scary.
I stopped reading your post halfway through to skip to the end, as one does, but then I saw this and now I'm just laughing and leaving your thread.

>if only everyone controled their half larp /x/ tier shenanigans
you cant aim chaos.

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sure nigger.
>"as one does"

Oh, but you can. You really can.

teach me senpai

good OP
7/10 using a meme flag faggot
or, if we're inventing new ones, flaggot

You're the one who talks like a nigger, which is likely why you also believe in supernatural retarded shit as well.

Tell us more about our untapped vast reserve of telepathic autism powers, please.

>implying pol is unaware of the shift of language and the impact this has

Lurk moar, faggot.

Well yeah...

Words are weapons of mass enchantment. A small grain of truth will topple a mountain of lies.

By changing the meaningd of commonly understood words, they have found a way to mobilize a force of action in one group, without the opposing force of action from the other group...

Words are a conduit for the flow of truth. So always speak the truth...

What do you think "weaponised autism" is.

Chaos builds pressure - and explodes out from the weakest point.
In the case of psychic (psychological-emotional) energy, these are usually campaigns of emotional outrage or ridiculous fun at the enjoyment of someone else's stupidity or failure.
I've been here for years and seen it - people launching CIA-tier find and destroy campaigns against people who hurt cats, investigating web metadata to ruin idiots just because they can, stealing flags and finding masked faggots committing assault.

Sudden breaches of outrage aim the chaos.

But what more than the degradation of the West is Sup Forums outraged at?
What better to aim this chaos at?

There is no such thing as supernatural.

But there is supernormal.

That is correct OP. Another example: "tolerance". Tolerance does not equal acceptance. I can tolerate someone stepping on my foot once or twice, but that does not mean I want him to keep doing it. Or "homophobia", just because I don't agree with the faggot lifestyle does not mean that I'm afraid of queers. Or that I secretly want to fuck them, unless people suffering from coulrophobia secretly want to fuck clowns.


Good word. For that, i'll reveal my flag.

SOME are aware, some.
Awareness is not good enough.

Nobody is weaponizing this knowledge, they're sitting on it, content with it.

Yeah, we know. Where do you think we are?

>but ONLY applies to whites due to some insane arbitrary formula based on power and privelage - they've TAKEN THE WORD from you.

only psychotic leftists believe in that shit

those people cant be helped, they are extremely low IQ and or mentally ill

theres never been so much genetic trash as there is now in all of human history

these savages cant be won with words, they know nothing but tribalism and violence

>theres never been so much genetic trash as there is now in all of human history
This is true, it comes with allowing the stupid and crippled to reproduce. Too many people give to charity to support the defects and there is not enough war to send them off to their deaths. Stupid people also breed easier and faster than smart people.