What does he want?

What does he want?

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To be left alone.

Vodka and hoes


He could already have that. Dude is loaded. Maybe he got cucked when he was younger so now he wants to cuck the West.


Putin controls the NRA and him and Trump / Sessions / and the rest of the Republican cronies are giving children guns to get killed in highschool because then when the midterm elections in 2018 they will get more money from the NRA because people think the democrats are going to take their guns and as well more votes for the republicans. It's pretty much standard fair for the most corrupt political party that has ever existed.

A better future for all gen Z Russians.

People to stop fucking kids

the philosopher's legacy

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Ensure the existence of Russia and a future for slav children

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The title of Tzar, and complete global dominance. I suspect he'd also love to rebuild the Soviet Union in his own image based on his past actions.

From interviews with Putin himself:
Revenge for the Soviet Union
Revenge for Yugoslavia
Revenge against the globalist cabal

You didn't listen. You will listen now.

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Oooweee time to learn Russian and switch teams

The same as Chinas Xi Jinping, to rule for life

Yes. That’s why russian libshits call him “Putler”

There's Russian libshits? I thought they all liked Putin

Not all. Never all

Of course not all loves him.
But you need to be in any safe place to talk radically, except England.

A better plastic surgeon

So Russia has all the negatives of the Soviet Union without any of the power?

To conquer all planets within the system

he wants to treat his people like godless peasants that only worship him. pathetic. and the dumb ass blasted soviet kikes buy into it. hahahahahaha

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A return to cold war era politics. It's what he knows and understands.

It's doesn't matter what he wants, what matters is his plan.

It depends on what kind of power you mean.

Is that why he invaded and annexed Crimea? To be "left alone"?

World peace.

Unfortunately the United States of Israel won't allow that.

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Keep winning.

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He wants to make Russia a global power again thus making the world a balanced bipolar world .

Crimea belongs to Russia.

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Largely this. Unfortunately, the earlier cold war pales in comparison to what he's doing.

We left him alone, then asked for his help in Iraq in exchange for oil, then we and the Europeans double crossed him by cutting off his supple, so he took a very sensitive Mediterranean trading post named Crimea.

awww little kremlin kike boy. poor you


fuck russia and fuck the kremlin, kike

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> his plan.
> The Putin's Plan - Russia's victory
open wiki first
He did not have a choice
Plans to "annex" Crimea was since 2000s (In addition to the fact that his status was problematic even in the USSR)
Just a series of events accelerated this moment.
Crimea is strategically important for region.

Half of CP comes from Russia and Ukraine

a) a lot of money [done]
b) be famous
c) not to be killed

>What does he want?
to put his weewee spike in May's poopoo polo


More than half*

Putin's a kiddy fucker.

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Warm water ports

The utter destruction of the West as revenge for the Soviet Union falling, not even kidding.


No step on snek

diversity and tolerance