Admit, the two black guys (Carl Weathers and Bill Duke) made the movie better

Admit, the two black guys (Carl Weathers and Bill Duke) made the movie better.

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The indian, nazi and the white guys were all better characters. Dillon was a pussy. Hell the Columbian chick was a better actors than both black guys.

What made this movie great was a black man, but not who you're thinking of.

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Why is this kind of diversity great but in say, the new Predator movie coming out it feels totally cringe and forced?

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>implying race exists

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movie would have been shit without ventura

what the fuck is this shit?


Should have won an oscar.

You're both right

pro wrestlers are great desu

how is teddy hart doing these days?

Change one character in that movie and it would be shit.

not a single one looks like they belong on an action movie set, let alone a spec ops team.

I agree. Every character made the movie.

Honestly we could do without Hawkins. His only contribution was a couple of vulgar jokes. Also being the first one to get killed by the Predator, I guess.


I still tell this joke to people it never gets old.

The Indian slicing his chest made you think, “Ok, we’re about to see the Predator knocked down a peg.” But no, he thrashed him in an instant.

That movie was so badass. He was invincible until Arnold finally did him in.

What a great fucking movie.

Predator 2 was badass too. Busey as the eccentric, bold team leader and Glover as the realist was beautifully written.

Predator 2 was also awesome. It went to shit after that.

It's all about the suspension of disbelief. It's the most important part of making a movie.
That Spec Ops team only has two black guys so it's reasonably believable. One of them isn't even part of the team.
Modern "Team Diversity" movies always push it too far. Every single character is a token. So your suspension of disbelief collapses. As soon as that happens you start critically analyzing the movie and any chance of enjoying it goes out the window.

I fucking dropped that cuck shit as soon as they didn't rape that tidy gook soldier slut.
>murder 100 gooks
>too morally upstanding to rape the female soldier
>spend the rest of the movie white knight as fuck trying to save her from the big bad alien


Arnold was the superstar. Ventura and Landham gave it character. Chaves and Black were good supports. Weathers sold the storyline. Duke gave it emotion half way through.

> gooks

Get a load of this faggot, he doesn't even know the country Valverde or its ethnic composition. This is how I know you're a soyboy.

They were gooks right? I'm thinking of the right movie aren't I?

Yep. not all black folks are niggers. Too bad many are.

Absolutely they did. But it doesn't matter. The movie was about a *team* working together, not a bunch of individuals identifying by class/race/political identity. Contrary to liberal insistence that everything has to be partitioned by some qualifier...

This movie was just about a bunch of real bros working together. At a time when such a thing had meaning.

In the 80s there were tons of black dudes in combat arms in the Army, much more than today, so it was entirely reasonable that there would be at least one black dude on the team.

The Adrian Brody one was alright.

I got watched by a predator and it jumped up in the trees, I think it was because I had no weapons. By the time I got my phone out all I could video was that weird noise they make.

Bill Duke is based

another one on the way? sweet. I liked the previous ones

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Wrong continent.

Because the minorities in the original predator were ripped and looked like warriors. Everyone (not just the black guys) in the new predator look like out of place soyim

apparently not, have a smoko m8

The movie has diversity in it but none of them felt like diversity hires. No one in the 80s saw that movie and thought anything of the fact that it had minorities in it. They just thought damn that was an incredible action/survival horror film.

Carl Weathers is pretty much awesome. I don't really care about the other moon cricket.

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Yeah when they died

Well whatever the point is they weren't white, they treated the males with absolute contempt but treated the female like she was some sort of precious goddess who was more valuable than even their own lives as they sacrificed themselves to protect her.

Cucked as fuck.

q predicted this

He was an actual navy seal you slacked jawed FAGGOT.

Also these

Topher Grace getting btfo in the end was hilarious; also the yakuza was based

You're the best. Keep it up.

Could change the son of a bitch

It was good because the characters were fucking believable. I mean nam era special forces in some south American country trying to take out some communist rebels. Everything about the film was pure homoerotic machismo.
After killing some commies and finding a few dead bodies of army rangers these guys one by one start being hunted by a predator. The first film keeps it suspenseful as shit.
Predator 2 was also good Bill Paxton, Gary Busey, and Danny Glover play cops in 1997 LA. It was a good flick personally if 1997 LA was more like Medellin Columbia during the height of Pablo escobars reign of terror and a gang war and less like 1997 LA. But overall both good films I personally recommend the first then the second. Predators isn't that bad Adrian Brody is underrated the performance still was far more believable then what looks to be the new movie.
Everyone's skinny, more tokenism with the kid, female, and the "prep" black character looks more like he belongs at a office then in special forces. Yeah guys who.wants to think the predator remake ends up being Ghostbusters 2016 2.0.

I came to say this.

How the fuck do you manage to fuck up so bad. I mean with the predators film the gear was right, in 2 everything felt to Hollywood esq, and the original they looked like commandos but this shit they look like they are about to star in a low budget for tv movie series. And fuck me look at the gear it doesn't make sense someone call /k/ on this shit and rip these people a. New one.

The Predator remake can be predicted quite well.
Tomb Raider though, it's weird.
On the one hand the actress is trying her best, on the other hand they might as well have cast Hayden Christiansen as Lara.
What made the character appeal at first is very simple:
>big boobed British aristocrat shoots the shit out of wolves, bears, tigers and dinosaurs
This girl however is shaped like a boy. Makes today's Cameron Diaz look voluptuous.

Expect more of this shit. Remakes are cheap, easy to subvert and the masses still pay for them.

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They were great, they were all great. But that is what happens when you don't have forced diversity.

They also look way too young.

What do you mean why, look at your own picture. The director is more ripped than any of those pussies supposedly about to face down a predator. Why the fuck is a woman facing a predator? She'll probably end up being the sole survivor too.

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Greatest movie ever.

Yeah looking at the remake it looks like a cheap tnt series vs an actual Hollywood movie. My feelings overused CGI, less actual special effects, a score that will have more single note French horn score then anything else. Ends up being utter shit because none of the characters will spout off the right one liners or feel right. You can't replace dutch with one of the kay and peele guys. You won't replace these guys and the kid why the fuck is a kid in the film. This feels like it was made for tv series.

>gun hab me suh fuh, gun has me suh fuh, gun had me such fuh...

Remember when casts were mixed and it wasn't screeched about, it was just organic and allowed them to be [blank] character instead of BLACK [blank] character?

Just look at the scene where they all tear apart the jungle building traps for the Terminator, classic example of what's been lost in Jewish cinema: the glorification of masculinity.

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like we are gonna hate on this great movie, fuck off cunt, you cant bait us as if we were liberals.

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Billy the Injun did too.

Great movie.


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>That Spec Ops team only has two black guys so it's reasonably believable.

It's actually not. Even one would be pushing it.

Source or fuck off

The whole cast was fucking awesome IMO

Fuck all the haters.

Bill Duke was an ugly motherfucker....

But his part was great.

"Out there.....past them see it......I seeeee yoouuuuu"

What was Mac shaving all the time? Also, Blain should’ve been little nicky cage. With the same hair and accent from con air.

dillon was cia, of course he was a pussy snake in the grass. weathers was great in that role.

Absolutely. Because they weren't forced interjections. Their casting made sense and wasn't grandstanded as some revolutionary world event.

Put all the black folks in movies you want. Just don't fucking ask celebrate it. Ffs make entire movies with only blacks! Just do not criticise movies with predominantly white casting when it it's absolutely fitting to he story or historical period.

Source of cropped photo is

This is from 09 but is still relevant today.

Fiscal year 85-95 it's around 27% and then drops off significantly, and is even lower now. Young black people don't join combat arms, or the military in general anywhere near as much as they use to.

My infantry company has 11 black soldiers out of ~140 soldiers. Our company has the most black infantrymen in the battalion. The vast majority of black soldiers in my battalion are non-combat arms in our headquarters company.

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why are australians so fucking retarded

When I was a little kid and Predator came out, nobody cared that the cast wasn't all White.
It was a good film. Not some SJW movie with some politicial message.

The Black dudes didn't act like Niggers...everyone was just military. Now, a film like that would be chopped apart into some Nigger vs. Beaner vs. Whiteboi garbage.

I thought this was a joke but it turns out it's real. Are you fucking kidding me? All of them would be annihilated in less than a second against the Predator.