Do you believe

In everything on the internet or just pizzagate?

>a pizzashop in washington dc on ct ave runs a pedophelic network of child sacrafice importing oprhans through the pegasus museum and transporting them by underground tunnels

Ya right Sup Forums. Ya fucking right

Attached: 150226215539-black-blue-dress-super-169.jpg (1100x619, 63K)

Attracted to miners...

Attached: miners.jpg (964x606, 224K)

Thanks for posting in my thread. It meabs alot to me that youre here

Stupid gold dress

Americans are prudes as if they'd have an underground loli express. More believable for Eastern Europe or SEA.

The real story is that dress is actually a pair of pants

Depends who's wearing it..

Attached: dress_gate_.jpg (666x774, 602K)

Blue and gold.

Left, black and blue.
Right, light blue and gold.

Attached: F8reXuE.jpg (864x864, 110K)

Attached: onion.jpg (500x491, 147K)

I refuse to believe anyone sees this as white and gold.

Attached: dennis.jpg (450x600, 77K)

Do you belive in 31 genders, race simultaniously exists while also being only a social contruct, being non racist while actively genociding whites ?

I have the capability to entertain any idea you can possibly imagine, and quite a few you can't.
What I believe? I'm not an open book.

>There have been no babies thrown out of their incubators by evil muslim soldiers
>There are no WMDs owned by Saddam
>Your PC isn't being watched

Ya right, conspiracyfags. Ya fucking right.

That guys just your usual child- and family froendly pizzashop owner.

Attached: 1509982271782.jpg (300x175, 19K)

The Yotsuba Newspaper speaks the truth:

Attached: Yotsuba Newspaper.png (377x332, 110K)

this is white/gold

Attached: IMG_2400.png (1039x559, 261K)

Dutroux affair and the franklin scandal. These two cases of VIP pedo rings being exposed show that it is very real, and worse than can be imagined. The names of those implicated is chilling. These two cases have taken elite pedophilia out of the realm of "conspiracy theory" and into reality.

The shit is real. Fuck off op.

its white and gold you retard. its provable by any digital image editing program like shop or gimp where you can look at a colors value in numerical senses

also it was proven that the store doesnt have a black and blue version fo that dress only white and gold

also people who see black and blue are from a genetic background that dies younger on average. what im saying is your a nig

Attached: 1494574494307.jpg (800x452, 20K)

its just a small piece of a big pedopie op

Attached: 1520906542461m.jpg (1024x1024, 175K)

how can anyone see white/gold when theres literally a black and white dress right next to it to the left

I saw it as white and gold and was unable to see it as black and blue even after hours of studying it.

b-but that's wrong

I can see it as black and blue now. Took weeks though.

I had to train myself for a long time to see white and gold, but that was a long time ago and it's only black and blue now.

shit like this makes me sad

Attached: 1455447728219.png (1080x1080, 1.37M)

teach me how, I want to see it in white and gold

It was years ago, not sure how I did it.
What convinced me to try was because my girlfriend saw gold and white, to have someone that close to you see something so different was interesting, I was intrigued.

That's fucking funny how you shills always go quiet when proof is presented.