>a pizzashop in washington dc on ct ave runs a pedophelic network of child sacrafice importing oprhans through the pegasus museum and transporting them by underground tunnels
Dutroux affair and the franklin scandal. These two cases of VIP pedo rings being exposed show that it is very real, and worse than can be imagined. The names of those implicated is chilling. These two cases have taken elite pedophilia out of the realm of "conspiracy theory" and into reality.
The shit is real. Fuck off op.
Jordan Jones
its white and gold you retard. its provable by any digital image editing program like shop or gimp where you can look at a colors value in numerical senses
also it was proven that the store doesnt have a black and blue version fo that dress only white and gold
also people who see black and blue are from a genetic background that dies younger on average. what im saying is your a nig
It was years ago, not sure how I did it. What convinced me to try was because my girlfriend saw gold and white, to have someone that close to you see something so different was interesting, I was intrigued.
Asher Peterson
That's fucking funny how you shills always go quiet when proof is presented.