Why were the nazi's such embarrassing failures?
Why were the nazi's such embarrassing failures?
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because their aryan myth was a fictitious hodgepodge of fragmented antediluvian knowledge, because Hitler is the offspring of one of the Rothschild's bastard children, and because you don't send an ill-equipped army to invade Russia during the wintertime while fighting on other fronts
I think the amphetamine abuse made them insane and weak
>embarrassing failures
Have you fought until your last breath for your people?
Have you laid down your life for an ideal you want your children to live in?
Have you dedicated your last breath to your country?
Then shut the fuck up and stop sullying the names of men that died a death you can only dream of, sub-human mutt trash.
>said the leftypol faggot, who hates his country thoroughly and gets a raging hard on at the thought of it being destroyed, thinking that he would be welcomed by the Muslims and Communists with open arms while the reality is a bullet from said "allies"
>meme-flag + bait-pic
mhhhhh what a nice juicy thread. free (YOU) for you
Is he gonna be ok?
>This many slide threads at once
>People still fall for them
God dammit 4/pol/, will you dumbasses ever learn?
Have fun talking to your police, Fritz
Have fun choking, kike.
>Yeah goyim don't improve your cognitive abilities it makes you dumb and weak, keep being stupid you stupid goyim
Gift Gas. How can you say no....when its free?
There was a lot of problems with the Nazi military and political apperatus.
The Nazis had very bad logistics. For example pre war plans called for using thousands of kilometers of captured railway to re-supply troops in Russia after operation Barbarossa. The Nazis manufactured extra rails and cars but after capturing Soviet Positions they realized the trains were using a DIFFERENT GAUGE!
How do you fuck that up?
Why did Nazis attack captured Slavic minorities? Many were willing to collaborate against the Soviet Union had they been given equal treatment at least for the time being they would have fought on the side of the Reich but they were all treated as partisans as soon as they were encountered.
Another idiotic failure was the complete under utilization of Soviet factories capture by the Germans. The factories were supposed to be re-tooled and workers re trained instead they got something like 9% of the industrial output they captured working again.
Why even declare war in the US? The Nazis should have told Japan to scrap Pearl Harbor and should have assisted them in running the American blockade instead of direct military action.
Why would anyone want your kind as a friend?
You're racist. Don't treat females with respect and probably a pedo like half this site.
Starting the war without having naval assets to counter Britain/Royal Navy and not capturing the oil fields of the Middle East instead of invading Russia.
holy shit ur actually german fucking lmao
yet you lost
You clearly haven't kraut
Atleast we took some of your rotten kind with us.
you are evil on earth hope you burn in hell
I'm a Democrat, not an evil Nazi Republican racist.
Fucking idiot.
This is why the jew loves Sup Forums best. Even Sup Forums can let a shit thread die without a single reply. But never Sup Forums.
You're their favorite goyim.
Not enough to make a difference because we rule over you and your fictional race now.
Why are you talking to yourself, schlomo?
The war's not over
repeat bot post? Seen it like 3 times
my grandpa was in the red army and he killed dozens of scum like you
he also told how all your woman are whroes they opend their lags just for a can of food
they weren't a failure; kikes out, super power in 6 years. 11% GDP, hyperinflation gone. Savings restored. Porsche invented in 1939. Meanwhile Israel has yet to produce a F'n riding lawn mower.
Because the US was stupid and couldn't see what was coming. Otherwise, they would have never lost.
There will be no more brother wars.
it is over you lost now you are just a social outcast
we invented drons and fuck ton of other things
Autobahn built, National Team wins the World Cup in 1954 despite being bombed, genocided and having the team split into two teams, East and West Germany.
Israel is really neat and everything but their athletes can't walk and chew gum at the same time, their one lone pro got busted for RAPE yesterday on video, and Israel needs $3.1 billion per year from the US to stay afloat. Israel made the world cup once in 1970, bounced immediately. Jews are good for usury, debt, wars, sexual assault, lying and stealing and spying through the Talpiot project. That's that's why the world hates Jews.
One of my favorites:
>Ignoring every commander telling you a counterattack is futile when your army is in the shitter right now.
That crazy retard Hitler
Keep kvetching sub-human.
Political leadership that interfered too much in military affairs. Giving command of armed forces to mere corporal might not have been their best decision.
Honestly it was Hitler's fault.
This is the critical flaw of dictatorships. You get one retard in charge of the military and you fuck your country up hardcore.
If he had ever listened to his generals even a little bit Germany might not have been destroyed and remade into a globalist plaything.
>not even having one insult to give other the holocaust jokes you are fucking lame
Holocaust jokes are enough for your kind. I'm not going to waste creative thought on sub-human trash.
>jewish iq meme
>can't greentext correctly
k retard
yeah yeah now keep sucking mohammad cock he is waiting for you hans
This is not over.
God damn that is some hardcore cringe in that photo. Your kike elite have really enforced the Kalergi plan well.
What kind of subhuman gloats over a dead soldier? At least they had Germany, what have you got? A meme nation created by people you hate.
As Charlie said the war isn't over kikes
weak genetics
You may have won, but we made you pay the price, in blood...
Why do Communists even bother trying?
They lose eventually even if they "win" with superior numbers
Hitler was indeed a cuck he should have gassed all of you decrepit jews
Fuck off shylock
Socialist tax corporations (The ruling class) We the people are still commoners.The ruling class world wide will attack you to protect their own
Terrible leadership plagued by out-of-touch ideology. They also burned out their own society to start a preemptive war economy.
Its about the spirit overcoming the material demands that thrives us forward, not some silly notion of contemporary loses.
oh could you do better fighting a two front world war against the soviets and allies?
They faced the jews, lost, and were made an example of.
#No all Nazis
allied Yank pig properganda all lies that got them into the war by deliberately mixing yank ships and brit ships going to britain they used that as a excuse for war.
they planned it right from the word go.
Yanks are ZOG and never listen to their BS
Nazis could of had britain and europe and fucked russia off the fucking map
honestly user have you used amphetamines daily for a period greater than 2 months?
Failures? They were vastly outnumbered and almost pulled off the greatest fuck you in human history.
I'm sure they fared a lot better than your pathetic ass would do against me in a 1 v 1.
>Why were the nazi's such embarrassing failures?
Fighting two world wars........just by yourself is usually not a sign of weakness, its a sign of an unfair fight. I could do the same to you, drive a tractor over you, ask, "why so weak cupcake?" and keep reversing...reversing...reversing...
>Fight 3 fronts.
>Try to establish ethno nationalism
But.. They succeeded in
>Destroy generations of germans
>Destroying the germanic race
>Destroyed german culture
>Race watered down by slav raping
>Destroy future europes right to exist
>Literally takes all of Europe and North America to stop them anyways.
Really activates my almonds.
modern germans are a bunch of gays
Japan actually follows Tripartite pact and attacks Russia from East instead of doing god knows what with the Americans, and the Axis win. Fucking Brainlets in this thread....
>1 post by this ID
This board is garbage, fucking Redditors ruined this place. It's all just bait now.
Remember to sage.
Those numbers are so high due to all of the Soviet troops that were encircled and captured at the beginning of the war. Millions upon millions of Soviet POWS were sent off to die in camps. German cowards didn't even kill them in combat they starved them to death and worked them to death in camps. If you look at the actual kill to death ratio on the eastern front it is nearly 1:1. This is for troops who died in combat, not who died after being captured.
fuck off mutt,material demands supercede the lives of the workers and their rights,you cunts champion yourselfs for
mein gott, it's another dresden. Ignore we destroyed ourselves!
No you didn't. The holocaust never happened, remember?
>OP is fucking gay