/nzpol/ - Chloe is a QT edition
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she needs some southern European cock to fill her up
she dresses like a nigger btw .. literally why
You're just jelly that your MPs aren't as QT as based Chloe
ill be honest i am.. lucky cunts
I need a disordlink to /nzpol/
wait which hobbit is this again?
Looks asian.
What's wrong with you? Do you see an epicanthic fold? No. Her eyes are just slightly closed.
The fact that this little mutt gets into parliament shows just how much of a joke MMP is.
We need to revert to first past the post system again. There's no way idiots like her, that Iranian refugee or 80% of the maoris in parliament would get there if they had to run for a seat.
Your government is an autistic sideshow. NZ is full of REEEEEEEEing normies.
Do love Queenstown though my bros.
>We need to revert to first past the post system again.
So National win every election?
> National win every election
As a South Islander I see no problem with that. They're a shitshow but nowhere near as bad as the sjw hypocrits of Labour.
Every single Labour MP has been screaming about metoo. Jacinda has said all along that women need to feel empowered to tell their stories. Except she forgot to mention men who are victims. Or the four 16 year olds who were gotten drunk and felt up at their recent Labour youth conference. The same 16 year olds who were told to keep quiet, not tell their parents and let's just let this one pass. Labour have no credibility at all. Total fucking hypocrisy.
Also did anyone see Jacinda at that press conference? Fuck she looked like shit. As if she was gonna chunder at any minute. But hey, she told us being preggers wouldn't cause her any problems or hinder her running the country.
>Do you see an epicanthic fold?
nope, which is why she looks southeast asian.
Im with you on fpp but we part company on national as they currently are. Youre insulated down there from the effects of a million extra (brown) people but its coming.
Not to mention other maori pandering, china fellating, welfare state shit.
>find out girl is a leftie
>suddenly she's less attractive
any of you kiwis know this feel?
god i love her she is so fucking cute
Fair points. All valid.
Yep I know this feel mate.
Thanks for not calling me a labour shill.
Top kek. I doubt any parties bother shilling on pol. I don't think they know what to make of the place.
I'm an NZF voter. But have voted for Aunty Helen. Going by how things are atm, I think I'd be happy to have the Nats permanently sitting in government. Just as long as they close the doors and let no more immigrants in. Something Labour told us they would do, but don't seem to be actioning. Looks like they forgot to keep their promises.
Highly annoyed with all of them. Held my nose and voted winnie and he preceeded to fuck me royally.
I see no hope. Labour as you know are all about identity issues, old worker base get fucked, national i should line up with more are somehow worse and both are led by twelve year olds.
Hostile takeover of nz first is my pipe dream but with all the maoris its likely to remain that.
Well I doubt this government is gonna go the full distance. There's too much separating nzf and the greens. And I'd expect there'll be a squabble between them at some point. And it'll be fatal. No idea if it will be next week or next year but that coupling ain't gonna end well.
And to have it all being led by miss sjw herself there's no backbone in a crisis. Labour are looking hesitant like no one wants to stuck their neck out for fear they'll be the first to fuck up.
And Jacinda looked terrible. Her own party didn't keep her informed about those guys being sexually menaced. She looked blindsided when asked about it. At that point she should've shit Andrew Kirton in the head and shown us all the body. That's what Helen would've done. But no Cindy smiled at the camera and said ' no blame, no recriminations, let's all hug it out'. That moment alone mustve made everyone in her party realise she's a total pushover. The next few months are gonna be fun to watch. She's just realised taking selfies with islander school kids doesn't cut it anymore. We need substance.
Labour, greens and nzfirst all have many first time MPs that don't know what they're doing
They're still working how to politics
The fuckups will come, and be many
The greens/nzfirst beef will start properly when the MPs find their feet
At least labour will only be fucking shit up for one term, right?
Literally who
Also anyone else notice rnz went super sjw left since getting Jesse mulligan etc and even interview people like zoe quinn? Every time I hear some ignoramus bring up gamer gate I have to restrain myself from emailing
They've always been rabid left, varies by the show tho
Good point. Again, it's gonna be an interesting couple of months as they find their feet. Looking forward to Winnie being in charge when Tony blairs friend drops her sprog. Now thats gonna be real fun to watch.
Also it's pretty telling how many in the media are shilling for the greens for instance. Even normies who know nothing about politics know about people like Chloe, gilriz and Genter because they've been given a huge profile. For a party that barely polls at 5% nowadays it's all out of whack, think about how many nzf mps have a profile. Remember they have a higher party vote and decided the make up of the government so it stands to reason we should be hearing a lot more about Tabuteau or Martin.
Its obvious in the greens case they're the media fav party, and especially chloes, media see her as their darling. Even in her uni days when she went for Auckland mayor we were hearing about her down here in chch. People like jack tame make no secret how much they love her. Shows just how out of touch they are.
>Good point
It was the perspective of an user who is an assistant to one of the nzfirst MPs
Pretty interesting, sounds like most of them don't know what they're doing
>shilling for greens
Yup, they always are unless the greens are in a scandal. Chloe's cute and an easy story, le girl power XD
Its always seemed to me that nzfirst members are happy to work behind winston, altho that opinion might have been affected by the media
so guys how are things in NZ
give me a run down
>poses for picture
>Dog licking dick
top keks.
Amazing that he hasn't touched the story of the teens getting felt up at the Labour party conference. But he was all over the Vic Uni Law students march against Russell mcveagh. He's as bad if not worse than turbolesbian Alison mau. You expect hypocrisy and man hating from her.
All good mate. Just we are all wondering how we ended up with such a retarded government when economically things were going ok. Like how Canada threw out Harper and ushered in an age of Trudeau. We've gone and done the same.
Apart from that, can't complain.
I think you guys are in a worse situation though. Your leftists are out of control. And shorten looks almost guaranteed to win. You deserve better.
Didn't notice that. That's fucking hilarious. What's she got a dog for anyway? I thought muzzies hated dogs.
So we all know NZ1st are gonna get destroyed at the next election. The arse raping will be brutal, but I won't feel sorry for Winnie. He deserves everything that's coming to him.
The cunt.
How desperate do you have to be to rape the dead body of a 69-year old woman Jesus fucking Christ
So hot
Not gonna click the link, not in the mood can't be current though otherwise we would know about it.
I bet you a million bucks he's fucking maori though
So apparently back in 2016 this guy (19y/o) killed and raped his 69-years old neighbour
Best part is that he was freed from prison only 38 days before the murder
Really makes you wonder how our rehabilitation system is working
Is that that strovant cunt? That was out west . Not sure how you spell his name. There was another moari arsehole around the same time on the north shore who ran over a chink lady, drove her to a cemetary and raped and murdered her.
> Really makes you wonder how our rehabilitation system is working
We need the death penalty. I fucking hate maoris, violent pieces of shit that need to grow up. Andrew Little is going to look at putting less maoris in prison because it's racist to make them accountable for their crimes. Fuck this gay government.
Not politics related but damn it's cold tonight. Lived summer this year, not looking forward to autumn