A thread to tlak about the canadian problem. Creeping communism, globalist criminals, and self hating pussies. These are things we need to fight and work against.
Everyone is LITERALLY laughing at us. Its sad when even Sweden can call us cucks.
Owen Lopez
We CAN be great, we just need to make us great. Iron pill yourself.
Jace Williams
coming from a country who just finished eight years of nigger rule and has fucken dick chopper offer's in thier "badass" military (that hasnt won a battle in fifty years)
>hasn't won a battle in fifty years >battle I'll this retardation slip, as I was originally in the wrong, user.
Samuel Garcia
Hes not that much better friendo. as long as we stop him from getting 4 more years. King nigger barely got anything done, Trudeau is destroying the country in less than a term.
well in your defence if the fucken american government stopped sending the military out to "win hearts adn minds " and instead instructed them to "crush thier enemies" you'd probably be winning more often
we could do our part by mailing back all the draft dodging california cowards that show up at our borders!
Its like Patton said, Send cowards straight to the front, either they will die or get some balls, the last thing you want is them returning home to breed more cowards
its too big to succeed, and with all the imports, we aren't going to make it as a single nation by 2100 we will break up
just do what you can to prepare yourself and your famly for the eventual troubles ....so, get a PAL get some weapons, stash them, teach your kids to hunt, teach them the truth about races/ideologies (its all there just point it out to them irl) ... and stash crypto/silver/bullets/beans
Blackpill is not the answer. Fight for your sons and daughters. Save your country. Bring the traitors to their knees.
Robert Bennett
Im not that black pilled, I think in long term a breakup is good. our currency is way overvalued, and when the trouble starts its going to redpill alot of people fast. Just like its doing in Europe. Diversity sounds all well and good until you get raped/robbed by a pack of feral niggers. Thats what its gonna take.
there is no country to save, only my people, and if the way to save them is to accelerate the breakup of canada then so be it, we were always destined to this because of the anglo-french pact, it would never work, and has never worked, we should have split up then, and no i dont hate the french, in fact i really like quebec and have family there ... but thats where the split began, and gave rise to the whole "multi-culti idea", and we know now it doesnt work I support french nationalists, just like i support anglo nationalists, they are a separate and distinct cultuiral group and need the right to self determination that can only be accomplished by having thier own nation