I'm having a problem: as a gay man, how do I come out as Republican to my liberal friends?
Coming Out
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" hey boys i like sucking cock any of you guys want a free blowie"
I know a lot of gay ppl that are Republicans maybe you should go find new friends
Not sure how that will let them in on my political affiliations. If anything, I think that will reinforce their preconceived notion that I'm a liberal like them
Offer to charge them for the blowies. There, now you’re a republican.
why do you need to come out at all? If it's relevant to discussion then it gets brought up, but you should never go out of your way to say "by the way I'm republican"
There's no need to come out as anything in today's society. Coming out as X only contributes to the social stigma that certain groups are characterized by their obnoxiousness about being X. Plenty of people you interact with on a daily basis are gay, liberal, lesbian, etc, and you simply just don't know a priori. Keep it that way for yourself as well.
They’re liberals.
90% chance they deride you for it. 10% chance they don’t care.
They keep inviting me to things like Bernie Sanders rallies and I'm running out of excuses. I feel like if they knew I was Republican, they might back off a little bit, but I'm also afraid they would just stop being my friends entirely.
why is this so hard?
>Bernie Sanders rallies
in 2018?
How valuable are these friends to you? Do they have emotional value to you, or are you just friends out of proximity and convenience?
Stop being gay and seek psychological treatment for your issues with your father.
Speaking of daddy issues, Mike Pence is looking pretty good in this pic.
You're not a republican you're a pussy
>why is this so hard?
He's a Republican.
The same way my sister did, just tell everyone to deal with it or fuck off.
Quit caring so much about what everyone else thinks about you and be true to yourself.
That's sort of ironic considering my aversion to pussy.
yeah, tell them
> evangelicals don't hold a monopoly on conservatism
if they want to disagree, they'll have to take the position that gay people arent allowed to have an opinion considered conaervative on any issue
The day you stop seeking approval from others, is the day your life truly begins.
If you have to ask this question, they aren't your friends.
kys faggot peter thiel doesnt make excuses
>Stop being gay
Nah, men are awesome.
He sued Gawker for writing an article about him being gay.
Tell your friends that you suck dock but you're still not as much of a fag as they are.
listen to LEAF user. He has personal experience with this stuff.
No. He spelled that correctly.
Better idea, ask them to hook you up with another guy but say no kikes, spics or niggers.
Don't. It's safer to be gay than conservative. Most of your friends wouldn't be able to wrap their heads around the "paradox" of you being both.
This desu, liberals only have loyalty to their egos and deluded identity.
Well done sir.
But then what will I suck?
They'll just laugh at you when pence decides to gas you.
Honestly, gay Republicans probably just hate themselves.
Buy a gun, shoot your friends.
>how do i tell my friends i'm an uncle tom
why the fuck do u care to 'come out'? What does sexuality have to do with politics? Fucking sage. Imagine coming out as straight to your conservative friends
They are not really your friends then if they are willing to throw you away like dirt cause of your views
>What does sexuality have to do with politics?
sex is fully political
The issue is that I'm coming out as a Republican. I'm concerned they'll think I'm being a hypocrite as a gay man for being part of a party they think is homophobic.
Go to /lgbt/ sage and also consider suicide
Sup Forums seems like a more appropriate place for this question.
>sex is fully political
uh no sweetie fetishes aren't political at all
faggotry is a fetish and has no practical application in politics other than providing sexual favours to faggot politicians
Of course straight people can do this too so it doesnt matter
your friends sound gayer than u to be honest
right before they cum take their dick out of your mouth and say, "I just wanted to tell you I am now a republican", then get up and walk away
sodomy laws and stuff
Get your life back in check. Homosexuality is dangerous. Super High STD's and low life expectancy. Get some help friemd.
u think thats enforceable/worth giving a fuck about?
no more pertinent than indecent exposure laws
i didn't give an opinion
i said its political
how would you like to be buried with no tombstone and remembered by no one
>Low life expectancy
there is literally nothing wrong with anyone dying early, especially faggots dumb enough to get aids etc
>Super High STD
yeah most fags that engage in casual sex and spread disease are dumb as fuck ill give u that, still arguably just as dumb as straight people, though
You seemed to argue that it's politically applicable, when there is no clear evidence that being a faggot means anything at all in politics. Find a law that actually affects a fag's day-to-day life that doesn't affect straights in a similar way
Until recently, marriage equality.
Marriage is good for nothing but tax evasion
And gays also want to have access to tax evasion through marriage.
This is a pretty absurd stance to take and you should really give up on it. Anything affecting humans can have a political dimension.
And any law can be brought back, anything could happen in the next volatile decade.
they already did through civil unions didnt they?
Regardless, it's still a law where sexual orientation is relevant to politics, which was your question.
it still doesnt explain why anyone would actually give a fuck about sex in politics
is your bedroom a debating chamber?
Do it anyway. They're probably not your friends and just using you for status on The Oppression Olympics Ladder (TOOL).
stop being a faggot
That kind of sounds hot actually. I'll give it a try.
Hey! You cannot burn leafs here! drop the rake!
You can’t. They won’t accept you.
Do it gradually. Come out as a classic liberal. Nowadays a classic liberal is closer to Trump & republicans than to the Dem Party (crazy left). Wait until you see how FAR LEFT the Dem candidates will go in 2020 primary, and maybe your friends move to the republican side with you.
I was a very active bisexual in my 30s & 40s. I only had one gay friend that was also a republican. Being gay or bi & right wing is difficult. Then again, back then we didn’t have a milo.
Who cares. Were you bi-roamntic?
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HAHAHA im not actually gay ive just been pretending this whole time for four months now and ive made daily gay threads saying im gay and saying gay things i u retards fell for it now whos gay bet you guys are hella shooked
Statistics on gays and marriage:
Science on gays as parents:
The benefits of gay marriage:
Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:
Does conversion therapy work:
HIV information:
Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?
Is being gay a mental illness?
none of this refutes the fact that marriage is good for nothing but tax evasion
Break the ice by letting them in on a little secret - most Republicans don't actually give a fuck about faggots. You'll find a hell of a lot more indifference than actual interest in gay shit.
Faggots are similar to pot heads - they only talk about one thing, all the fucking time, and the vast majority of other normal people don't actually give a fuck at all. But - they can always find some religious zealot out there and play the victim, and so it goes . . .
>I'm having a problem: as a gay man,
I don't.
Get lost.
And I voted for Obama twice.
Get lost.
Well we're all straight in a way. But some of us straights have a hollow jarring shell of attraction to the opposite sex, and instead yearn for our own gender.
Being gay is a bit fucked up to say the least but pedo is much MUCH WORSE.
>Being gay is a bit fucked up to say the least but pedo is much MUCH WORSE.
you are just closed minded
go and experiment more
ok you're in denial. Nobody care that you're gay.
keep sucking, we don't care.
It's ok to be gay.
Just say "I may like dick, but at least I am not a faggot like you liberal niggers."
Same-sex marriage policies are associated with reduced adolescent suicide attempts:
A majority (37) states had already legalized gay marriage when the Supreme Court decided to legalize it:
Gay marriage makes older LGBT adults happier:
I'm pretty sure Republicans don't need queers
I'm extremely open minded. I can understand the pedophile, what is broken up inside them because I'm broken up in my own way. But we can't allow such potent chaosHell near children.
You may not be gay but you are still a faggot.
You don't. You go back into the closet, lock the door, and never think about spreading your disease to the rest of the public.
Too late. We're all infected and it's called the Human Condition.
Problem solved.
99% percent of humans are engaged in homosexuality. If you got that way from being molested, then I have some sympathy for you. Fair warning: the Apostle Paul wrote that no homosexual will enter into the Kingdom of God. We all do sexual sins but with belief in Christ we can be saved (which I believe includes repentance).
99% ARE NOT******
>HAHAHA im not actually gay ive just been pretending this whole time for four months now and ive made daily gay threads saying im gay and saying gay things i u retards fell for it now whos gay bet you guys are hella shooked
Nobody's gay, how are we supposed to tell that you're gay if you lie to us, lying is surprisingly effective.
First step don’t tell them you go on Sup Forums second step don’t listen to Sup Forums that never helps anything
>99% percent of humans are not engaged in homosexuality
100% are engaged in it's constituent components.I'm not just talking about sins. God knows what I'm thinking and he's been quiet so far. Must want me to keep thinking it over. Maybe I'm on to something?
It's simple, don't. What's the point in coming out? You don't have to tell them what party you support. Just love your life and suck dick man
Serious question, Lets say you come out and are accepted by everyone "we kinda knew but we love you anyways". How long after does the lisp and double finger snapping at every thing come out?
no change, but people start noticing what you were already doing
First off congrats for being strong enough to come out. Secondly, I have a TON of gay Conservative friends. Follow Conservative gay guy on Twitter, he’s fantastic.
Lastly, you owe NO ONE explanations. You live in a free country, you can be whomever you want. My friends refer to Islam & killing of gays as a huge factor. Good luck.
guYS i WAS oNLY preTENDIN to bE a faGGOT
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It's gay. It can't live without attention.