What can we do to fix the indigenous peoples of Africa?
What can we do?
Put them out of their misery
Kill them all
Slavery again
Looks like nature has everything under control.
Just stand back and close your doors.
Let them die.
People who can’t raise themselves hasn’t the right to breed.
keep providing aid, so in 20 years when the exponential population growth inevitably collapses there will be billions of dead kids everywhere....
Forced birth control is the only humane thing to do
Dump food and water from helicopters.
Stop all aid and let nature take its course.
Alternatively we nuke them and start over.
>What can we do to fix the indigenous peoples of Africa?
Stop sending aid money and such. Let nature re balance it's self.
stop fucking feeding them
Send them to America with the rest
Leave crops and instructions for harvest, leave the scene. If no progress has been made, it is only natural to assume that the negro's environment is reflective of its own abilities.
stop feeding them
Colonization by uncucked Whites
They don’t need to be fixed. They’re animals. We need to stop pretending they’re human just because they can talk. A literal gorilla tested for a higher IQ than the average of some African countries.
clip em so they stop bringing souls into poverty
it's fucked up, but when they themselves have complete disregard for their own kind wtf are you supposed to do? if the richest of the rich won't save them how the fuck can we do anything?
Nothing at all, stop helping and let nature take it's course
africa need to build ourself up and stop all the corruption, start with agriculture
we don't
You can't fix them, we tried.
cleanse it with fire
free sterilization
youre late
pull out of africa and let them be so they may create wakanda and lead the world into a new golden age
>What can we do to fix the indigenous peoples of Africa?
Stop feeding them.
tech them how to farm make dams etc.
why give money to something when you can help them feed them selves.
Also not everyone likes handouts
The one time a U.N. flaggot is on point. Cheers!
Release them back into the wild. They were never meant for life in civilization.
More flies
Let China sort them out
A lot of napalm would keep the flies off.
you guys are so mean
>why did you guys who had no education, training, or resources maintain something following the civil war where belgians removed 10% of your populations right handsj
really wish i had two something to rub together in situations like this
y tho?
Put them in a new home. Give them what they really want in life which is to be crawling all over shit.
Those flies deserve better.
made me laugh so fckin hard ty
Time to bomb 80% of Brazil then
not really
not our responsibility to fix their shit
just don't let them in
Why do African women have 67 kids each when they can't even feed themselves and also have AIDS.
this is objectively the correct decision
It's extremely hard to turn 4rth world tribal areas into advanced civilizations in only a handful of decades. Europe itself was civilized into feudalistic civilizations and then became modernized after successful industrialization
it honestly is. africans are too stupid to understand the consequences of breeding like animals.
Europeans invested untold amounts of money trying to fix them for a century and nothing came of it. Just end it.
Why do we need to do anything?
>Purchase land in Africa
>Send black farmers to produce crops, along with armed soldiers to provide protection
>Sell cheap to locals to gain their favor
>Begin an uprising to overthrow their governments
>Start educational programs to promote agricultural studies
tl;dr teach them how to farm so they aren't our problem
You niggers are all cannibals, it'show nature intended you to control your overpopulation.
Nearly all the tribes in the Congo Basin either are or have been cannibals; and among some of them the practice is on the increase. Races who until lately do not seem to have been cannibals, though situated in a country surrounded by cannibal races, have, from increased intercourse with their neighbours, learned to eat human flesh.
Can we crowd fund a nuclear weapon?
i saw a webm in another thread the other night of a chinese guy basically calling this african guy retarded for being so lazy after the white people left their country. sauce?
im not a cannibal. I dont think I did anything wrong
nuke africa
Nuke them with every single warhead the world has..
We put them out of their misery and we also prevent nuclear war
No, you should be a cannibal, it's the only way to control the nigger problem. It's nature's way; why fight your cravings?
>The whole wide country seemed to be given up to cannibalism, from the Mobangi (a major tributary of the Congo) to Stanley Falls, for six hundred miles on both sides of the main river, and the Mobangi as well. Often did the natives beg Grenfell to sell some of his steamer hands, especially his coast people; coming from the shore of the great salt sea, they must be very ‘sweet’ – salt is spoken of as sweet, in the same way as sugar. They offered two or three of their women for one of those coast men. They could not understand the objections raised to the practice. ‘You eat fowls and goats, and we eat men; why not? What is the difference?’ The son of Matabwiki, chief of Liboko, when asked whether he ever ate human flesh, said: ‘Ah! I wish that I could eat everybody on earth!’ Happily his stomach and arm were not equal to the carrying out of his fiendish will.
>Fiendish? Yet there is something free and lovable in many of these wild men; splendid possibilities when the grace of God gets a hold of them. Bapulula, the brother of that ‘fiend,’ worked with us for two years – a fine, bright, intelligent fellow; we liked him very much...
Like others have been saying. Let nature take it's course. It'll put them out of their misery
Why doesn't he just eat the flies???
ooga booga muh fuggn bix nood
Cannibalism described and shown before you are one full minute in.
Holy shit, ramp up the population to the point where not even the aid can sustain it, and it collapses on itself
Somewhat evil.
white rule is the only way to save Africa. build roads and start farms, they are hopeless without us.
Been there, done that
I had a weird dream last night about a snake like aircraft on the news appearing in Africa. It was huge and moved glided in the air like a snake. And the moon was much closer than normal. A dumb but bizarre dream I don't remember much about but it felt real.
Allow evolution to take course and save the future generations from pain and suffering.
In all honesty, the best thing we can do for them is completely end all aid to them. No more medicine, food, water, infrastructure, money or military help. They need to learn on their own.
When a young bird is ready, the mother pushes it out of it's nest and it either flies or dies.
If not for this push, the necessity of flight would never arise and the young bird would starve due to a lack of necessary survival tools.
Such is the nature of things, life choses the path of least resistance until necessity or discipline direct it from this path.
We need to remove the crutches because discipline is a non starter with niggers.
the only logical and humane conclusion is to sterilize them
That description makes them look as part of the local fauna. Which isn't wrong.
I'm more concerned about the flies. But they seem to be eating well, so I'm not worried.
The flies have the instincts and skills to sustain themselves. The niggers do not.
As it was said above: end all aid.
Or even better: increase aid by three times, but only give it to people who have sterilized themselves.
cant be fixed. next 20 years will not be pretty.
Chinese must take over Africa, rape its resources, and forcibly sterilize
As it was said above: end all aid.
Or else: increase aid by three times, but only give it to people who have sterilized themselves.
kill them all.
bombing it with condoms like it's a fucking dresden
>Somewhat evil.
What we can do is often called genocide. But we can call it "take them out of their misery".
You can't. They are so genetically predisposed to famine and they breed like rabbits. Giving them resources just means that when the gibs run out, there will be even more starvation. They literally can't stop breeding to suit their economic situation.
Stop sending them foreign aid so that their local agriculture industries can actually start up.
Unfortunately we keep feeding them, perpetuating the problem.
Empire of Dust
Don't be a lazy nigger.
stop sending gibs
let mass famine happen
let them return to hunter gatherer life style
they're actually incapable of watering plants
How much treasure does the Pope have in the Vatican or wherever they keep the loot?
How much money does the Queen have in her castle, and where does she keep the loot?
How much money do our so called representatives have in government positions, and what do they do with all the loot?
How about the central banks, in ALMOST every country, how much money do they have and where do they keep the loot?
I could go on and on, but i think you get the point.
Why haven't the problems of the world been solved yet?
Why is it still continuing to this day?
Everything just snowballs. How much money can peasants throw at a problem in a country foreign to most of us ?
How much money would solve it all and be done with it tomorrow and get on to curing cancer, and solving problems in our own countries, our own lives. with our own money we pay in taxes, and resources in our countries?