The prophecy of Judah Ben Samuel is the key to unlocking the biblical prophecy timeline. In the prophecy he said that before the 10th and final Jubilee ends (on or around the new moon of April: April 18th 2018, the TRUE Nissan 1) the Messianic “end times” would begin. (SEE THIS: If Judah Ben Samuel prophecy is correct then: The Rapture, the start of The Apocalypse and the Beginning of the End will start no later than around the new moon of April 2018.

Is there any other evidence that the beginning of the end will start around this time? Yes there is:

1. If the planet Jupiter leaving the constellation Virgo on December 2, 2017 represents the birth in the Revelation 12 sign
(SEE THIS: Then Leviticus chapter 12 calls for a 40 days of purification for a male birth and 80 days for a female birth. The body of Christ is made up of both male and female, so if you add 120 days (40+80) to December 12, 2017, you come to March 31, 2018 (Passover & Blue Moon).

2. Many people have had dreams and visions that the rapture will occur shortly after the death of Billy Graham. (SEE THIS: The Lord likes to give a 40 day notice before destruction takes place. The Lord gave Nineveh 40 days to repent or their nation would be destroyed. Likewise if you count 40 days from the death of Billy Graham (February 21 counts as 1st day of count) you come to April 1st which is Easter! Likewise, the Jewish nation had 30 days of mourning from the burial of Moses before they crossed the Jordan River into the promised land. Billy Graham was buried on March 2, 2018, so in 30 days would we be led to our promise land (heaven via the rapture) on April 1st (30 days later)? April 1st is also April Fools' Day; How fitting the Bible says that only a fool says in his heart that there is no God!

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Other urls found in this thread:

3. Many people have been seeing the number 222 and the number 153. The number 222 means first born or first fruits harvest which is around the time of Passover when the barley harvest comes in. The number 222 also means miracles are coming your way and creation of new beginnings. This also could represent the time of the rapture? (SEE THIS: The number 153 refers to the number of fish that was caught after Jesus's resurrection with the disciples representing the final harvest. The solar eclipse occurred on August 21, 2017, if you add 222 days to that date you come to Passover, blue moon, March 31, 2018. Secretary of Defense James Mattis offered a grim assessment of U.S.-North Korean relations while speaking in Seoul, South Korea on on October 29, 2017 when you add 153 days to this day you come to Passover - March 31, 2018.

4. A Blue Moon (two full moons in a month) occurs on the average once every 2.7 years. A year that has two Blue Moons occurs once every 19 years. The first Blue Moon this year occurred January 31, 2018 and this was a Super Blood Blue Moon and the last time this occurred was over 150 years on March 31, 1866. It is extremely rare to have Passover be on a Blue Moon and be the day before Easter. Thus you can safely say that the occurrences happening this year has never happened before in recorded history and that is: you have a Super Blood Blue Moon as the 1st Blue Moon and the 2nd Blue Moon occurring on Passover and the following day is Easter on April Fools Day.

5. Satan wants to mimic what Jesus did by his death, burial and coming back to life after three days. It says in Revelation the world will worship the antichrist (those names not written in the Lamb's book of life) because he died from a head wound and came back to life after three days from Passover. SEE THESE VIDEOS:

6. Many rapture watchers are now considering that on (or around) the Blue Moon on Passover is a high watch time for the Rapture! SEE THESE VIDEOS:

7. Several bible scholars are pointing to April 2018 as the Rapture and the beginning of Tribulation. David Meade a 20-year bible code decipherer says: “North Korea will start World War 3 and trigger the Rapture in April 2018 beyond a shadow of a doubt. SEE THIS-- AND SEE THIS-- Ron Reese a 40-year bible scholar is saying that the Rapture and the beginning of Tribulation are on or around April 11th, 2018. SEE THIS--

8. Many Rapture Watchers are having dreams and visions that World War III will start around the Blue Moon at Passover! SEE THESE VIDEOS:

9. There is an awesome day count that leads to the rapture occurring around Passover/Easter this year. Israel was established as a nation on May 14, 1948. A generation is 70 years and in Enoch's calendar a year is 364 days. If you add 25,480 days (70 x 364) to May 14, 1948 you come to February 16, 2018. Daniel 12:11–12 says, “From the time the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days." If you subtract 1290 days from February 16, 2018 you come to August 6, 2014. On this day the state of Utah appealed to the Supreme Court their ban on the abomination of same sex marriage. This appeal led to the legalization of same sex marriage by the Supreme Court nationwide. If you add 45 days (the difference between 1,290 & 1,335) you come to April 2, 2018, the day you will be blessed; Rapture has occurred? SEE:

Let’s talk about the Jewish calendar mess: For 1800 years God’s calendar and the Jewish calendar were one and the same. However after the Jews were scattered a system had to be developed where everyone could be on the same page as to when the Jewish Feasts were to take place throughout the world. What they developed was a Jewish calendar based on a 19-year cycle. The problem is that the Jewish calendar is not correct 1/3 of the time and gets out of sync with the solar constellations (God’s calendar) by 1-month either March or April. With today’s modern software like Stellarium, it is quite easy to tell when the earth gets out of sync with the constellations due to the precession of the equinoxes by looking at the sun’s position in the constellations with the corresponding month. For example, with the new moon for the month of September, the sun should be in the constellation Virgo. Last year (2017), the sun was in the constellation Leo and was a month off. The Lord has a perfect way of solving this problem and that was when the barley was ready to harvest. When the barley was ready for harvest throughout the nation of Israel (either new moon of March or new moon of April), then the first new moon is Nissan 1 on the Jewish calendar. Last year, at the new moon of March the barley was not ready to harvest and if it was not ready to harvest then Nissan 1 is the new moon of April. However, the Jewish calendar lists Nissan 1 as the new moon of March 28, 2017 and it should be the new moon of April 27, 2017. What this means is that the Jewish calendar is off by one month for this year. The fall feasts are celebrated on the 1st day, 10th day, and the 21st to 22nd day of the 7th month. This should be the 8th month, therefore 1st day Rosh Hashanah should be celebrated October 22, 2017 instead of September 22, 2017. The 10th day:

Day of Atonement should be celebrated October 31, 2017 instead of October 1, 2017. The 21st to 22nd day, the 7th & 8th day of Tabernacles (Sukkot) should be celebrated November 11th to 12th, instead of October 11th to 12th. This year (2018) the Jewish calendar is still one month behind showing Nissan 1 as the new moon of March 2018. However, no way will the barley harvest be ready for harvest and the TRUE Nissan 1 will be on the new moon of April 2018, the end of the final Jubilee (Nissan 1, 2017 to Nissan 1, 2018)!

In summary, the ending of the final Jubilee year is Nissan 1, 2018. The Lord's way of determining when Nissan 1 starts is by checking the condition of the barley crop a few days before the new moon of March. SEE THIS:

--If the barley is ready for harvest, then Nissan 1 starts the day after the spotting of the new moon in March. If the barley is not ready for harvest, then Nissan 1 defaults to the day after the spotting of the new moon in April. Since Nissan 1 started a month ahead last year due to the barley harvest not being ready for harvest, then Nissan 1 will probably start a month ahead this year being the new moon of April around April 18, 2018 - The end of the final Jubilee! This makes the true date for Purim the same day as Passover/Easter (March 31 - April 1 as shown on the 19 Year Cycle Jewish Calendar). In fact, one watcher had a dream that the Lord told her that Purim is Easter: SEE THIS:

(JUST IN – The barley harvest will not be ready for the new moon on March 16th-17th: Therefore Nissan 1 and the ending of Jubilee Year 5777 will be April 17-18th, the day after spotting April's New Moon!)

Also watch:

The rapture is after the tribulation.

I forgot to add that Billy Graham preached another gospel.

>Post-Trib rapture
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
I agree on you on this though. I only found this, and just wanted some discussion on Sup Forums.

*Rev 3:10

Trump is King David and OP is a faggot

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You're welcome to check every reference on the bottom, but from what I've seen I believe this chart.

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Seems interesting, I will.

LOL Christians believe they're the only ones who get a one way ticket out of this shithole.
No mother fucker, you suffering along with everyone else.


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dude you only saying that cause 1488

>The body of Christ is made up of both male and female
First off, most retarded post of the year. Second, even if it were true, you wouldn’t add the days together. Third, before Satan is cast out of heaven:
And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

Shit doesn’t get juicy for another couple of years. You are still in the prologue of the end of days.

John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” He is not a way, as in one of many; He is the way, as in the one and only. No one, regardless of reputation, achievement, special knowledge, or personal holiness, can come to God except through Jesus Christ.

Only found this and wanted some discussion going on at Sup Forums.

Oh no it's the happenings again. Oh noes better kill myself.

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>muh rapture

more likely that this is some jew numerology and jews will just fucking kill us all with nukes and or viruses

thanks for larping instead of doing literally anything about anything in the past entire fucking century, christcuck faggots

No man will know the hour or the day. Try again. This won't happen.

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Your "true" Nissan stuff would put Passover on the 2nd full moon after the equinox.
You got anyone actually looking at wild barley in Israel or just guessing?

Hillary Clinton is a cannibal.

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Hey that's my birthday... could I be the Antichrist?

Let’s hope you are

>says the faggot on tinder currently sleeping with a mudshit

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The most tl;dr thread I've witnessed.
I kekd audibly at "Death of Billy Graham."

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Java fuck (you)

(You) can get it too


The biggest hype threads on Sup Forums are always ~2 days away

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Wouldn't be surprised.

>jew numerology
That shit is legit

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Gtfo back to /x/ you fu-rapture you say?


1 Corinthians 15:51-54 New King James Version (NKJV)
51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—
52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.”

>Jesus will bring us the trapnostate

>the Juden thinks his Edomite self and bretheren will be saved no matter what
Jews sure do have a lot of nerve.

>the patient is incapable of walking without support
>pathologic bursts of laughter

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No offense op, but i'll believe it when it happens.

>Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
I remembered of this passage. See how it clearly says that the man of sin will come first and will exalt himself in the temple and only then will the Lord appear.

That's a good point.


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TL;DR: If you are retarded, you are going to have a disappointing Easter.

No man knows the hour or time

4/14/18 might not be the Rapture, but could be the start of the Tribulation period.

Well, actually... you won’t.
>11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Much like with pharaoh, you will have one last chance to excercise your free will before revelation of God revokes that ability (for who can deny the God they see performing things only God can?). Your last free choice will be respected and your heart will be hardened against all evidence to the contrary.


nothing happened and nothing will happen now.
I want it to, but it wont, it never will.

In Jesus day it meant to speak in the language and idioms of the day. Those
who heard the Lord speak knew what He was saying and usually what He was
alluding to unless He was speaking in parables, which had their own
analogies. Of course, today's generation of believers struggles to
understand His words and concepts. He used a common Jewish figure of speech referring to the Feast of Trumpets.


Do you read this site, user?

>Posting biblical prophecies
Christian faggots have been predicting biblical prophecies for over a thousand years and a single one came true. What makes you believe this date is the day?
Hint its bullshit.

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It’s bullshit, but it isn’t a biblical prophecy; it is pure schizophrenia.


You know there is some fuckery going down when the tweets of some random coded info turns into a biblical revelation on Sup Forums

Amazing that this has been manifesting like a mormon prophesy all along and I never noticed

>the black flag will fly over the dome


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>the cross was a cube
come on dude


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Ignore him, he has that really boring type of schizophrenia.

No, just no...

>the cross was a cube
>come on dude



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I have faith this is true also brother. Go and spread the gospel to all nations

saturn and chronos are literally satan
if you cant see that you are retarded

when i see a 1,500 mile cube floating over jerusalem then i'll become a christian

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“Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment. What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice,”
Philippians 1:15-18

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That comes after all the wrath, tribulation and judgement. If you did not believe in the Christ, you will not enter into the Holy City.

>beginning of the end
The rapture will happen in the moment before Christ's return so that He can return with his church triumphant.

Pre-trib rapture is an invention of dispensationalists in the 19th century. The church has always been amilennial.

The bible is a fucking psyop meant to passify the jews after the kitos war.

Stop posting this stupid bullshit every day

Amen brother. May you as well spread the message that Christ gave unto us.

Every prophecy on the end times has been wrong:

There is no christ. God in the "bible" is a representation of Caesar, since kings and emperors were seen as "gods" during their time

haha good one

Basically what you are saying is that it won't happen lol

YAY prophecies. Haven’t seen one in a while.

7 years from first solar eclipse to second over same spot. 7 months in april since the first one. but i dont know. it's been a while since the eclipse. like a thief in the night but no man knoweth day and hour

Are you stupid?

>don't hury anyone

>don't protest against governments fucking you

>don't do anything bad

>just believe and be a vegetable in society and let pther people take advantage of you

Look at what the jews did during that time.

What was the FUCKING reason for the kitos war?

Educate yourself faggot

Don't hurt anyone*

I was thinking that. Is it the same dude or? This last few days pol has been shilled to shit.

Probably bodes well for us either way.

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Kek, Nice try.
>And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

Pretty sure Jesus said Caesar and GOD were separate.

the 70 generations somewhere in OT i believe where the nephilim were locked away for that length of time? that brought us to 1900 AD from the 3000 BC that was said to occur. or some point quite a bit in future. this year is also the 70th anniversary of israel. festivities to be held at mar a lago

actually this was supposed to happen in 70AD. the revelators faith in a supernatural messiah was so great that he tried to meme this into happening as the romans were catapulting jeusalems walls. the non believing jews believed that messiah would come down from the heavens too; they destroyed their food stores to hasten the event. this is what happens when you try to soothsay. matt 24 also descibes the events leading up to the final judgement but has a more accurate ending because it was penned after the fact. hindsight prophecy is always 20/20

>2017 was the "Year of Our Lord" (5,777 in Hebrew)
>Trump was born under a Blood Moon (total lunar eclipse)
>His name means "the one ruler of the world, graced by God and a descendant of a drummer."
>7 hours into presidency, Trump turned 7 decades, 7 months and 7 days old.
>7th US President from New York
>Officially won by 77 electoral votes, due to 7 faithless electors
>Skipped the 7th debate
>Has 7 family members
>First conference after becoming president was 77 minutes long
>Mother's name is Mary
>Father's middle name is Christ
>Declared his campaign on 6/16, saddest day on Jewish calendar (Tisha B'Av)
>Tisha B'av in 2017 is 5,777 days since the start of the war in Afghanistan on Putin's 49th (7x7 years) birthday.
>Born 700 days before Israel is founded. 777 days after his birth, Israel was a nation for 77 days
>His grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump died on 6/6/66. Jerusalem reunified on 6/7/67, 366 days after her death
>5,777 days since 9/11 is 7/6/17 (anagram of 1776) in the year 5,777
>7 hours into presidency was 7x7 years, 7 months, and 7+7 days after Jerusalem reunification on the 7+7+7th day of 2017 or 5,777
>Lamech the father of Noah (builder of the Ark), died 5 years before the flood at 777 years old, symbolizing the year 5,777
>Mike Pence was born on 6/7, which is 677 weeks after Trump's birth
>'Jesus' in Greek gematria equals 888
>'Donald J Trump' in gematria equals 888
>'The Art Of The Deal' in gematria equals 888

>mfw read your whole post and I still thought we were in 2017

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numerology is a banned practice


They are not seperate.

Read about Flavius Josephus being a represtention of Arius Piso.

Everything about this religion is jusy made up from other religions much older. Hinduism, egyptian god epics, etc. It's all the same on purpose. Please educate yourself instead of peddling more psyops/alien-human mind programming

literally the Bible teach you to be a revolutionary, throw goverments, change way of thinking
jews and romans were in a war, they had a war, that's normal

educate yourself

sure. there are heavenly signs. that's what theyre there for. but lots of people talk of biblical numerology. but in deuteronomy it says it's a form of divination, no? youre trying to predict future? i doubted rapture for a bit. but luke says two men will be in a bed and one goes and one stays. aha. and what do most retards say? that those were the conventions. it says will be. can you see two men in a bed these days?
