McCabe, who had stepped down from his post earlier this year but remained an FBI employee, had been accused by the Justice Department’s inspector general of authorizing the disclosure of sensitive information to a reporter and misleading investigators when asked about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Thank kek

Nigger is OUT. This FAGGOT has a net worth of 11 million dollars as a “public servant”. Fuck this guy


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Cernovich is wrong again. Guy has a track record like that bitch Rick Wilson.

Thank God. This weasel piece of shit may finally get what's coming to him.

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So this confirms: Flipped Sessions is REAL.
I guess (((Cernovich))) was either just making shit up or being fed disinfo?

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Press S to shit on his grave

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Pro-tip: Don't edit interviews dipshit

Cernovich IS disinfo, jesus fucking Christ stop listening to non Goys.

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End of the day too. Fucking kek


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So, Trumpweenie trash is literally celebrating waste of taxpayer money so Trump can play his cuckold childish games?

Instead of letting him retire like a mature politician he fires him and gives him hundreds of thousands in taxpayer money, lmao, based trump is based XD XD LE LULZ amirite 'PEDES?


Yup. Chalk one up for the good guys, you piece of shit.


Enough with this limp-wristed shit. Indict the bastard.


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let him collect taxpayer money for the rest of his life, yeah right. He deserves the noose

I rate digits on Sup Forums as being more credible than Cernovich

Is he going to the unemployment office

>sources familiar with his decision making
was it even in question that Cernobitch wasn't full of shit? It's the same phrase CNN uses for God's sake

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Fuck off, most e-celebs are disinfo fucks.

Court is in Sessions - Keebler

Was he not being snide?

just before retirement. How does this e(a?)ffect his pension.



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Wtf are you on about? McCabe doesn’t get to collect a dime of his pension now. It’s effectively been wiped out. This just saved the government millions.

>now mccabe can get a subpoena from the mueller investigation and testify totally free of any threat from trump admin since they already fired him

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It’s been zeroed out. He will collect no pension now.



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If it is sealed they can't know. Don't post larpers too often or you spoil them. Make them work for it!

not a single dime???

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I wish.
Then we could really get this party started.
I fucking dare you faggots to make a real move.

>Leaks classified info to MSM
>Only fired
>Not arrested

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Is this the hyped happening today?

The guys a fucking millionaire anyway. Book deals and other shit. He's already set for life no matter how you look at it.

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Feels fucking good lads. One less leech.

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>24 hours away from being able to collect a fat pension for the rest of your life
>get shitcanned

Not even a big Trump guy, but you have to admire the sheer ruthlessness of this.

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One of them, though it's pretty big.
>Obama used FushionGPS back in 2012
>Uranium One informant met with all three House, Senate, Intel committees and testified for 4 hours of his knowledge of the U1 breakdown.
Pretty good week I'd say.

Real and heterosexual.

>living in this delusion
you get fired from public position for corruption but someone is supposed to believe your testimony in court on a case with no evidence. fucking kek

Session's nickname back in the day was, "The Silent Executioner."

This proves Sessions ain’t dead. Q called it. Sorry haters, but that Quigger is looking more legit this month than the last year.

Not after the DOJ brings charges against him and he has to pay a legal team for over a year. He'll be broke like they did Flynn. Fuck you Andy.

Hannity and many of his guests have said they heard he'll be brought up on criminal charges. He was fired pre-emptively due to the IG report. Once that's release McGAYbe, and many others. will be brought up on charges user. Tonight's comfy.

I dunno. Hopefully that's in the works as well.

This is why peter stzok and lisa page freaked out in their released text messages.
>"Heard he's thinking about Sessions for AG"
>"OH NO"
Interesting reaction in a private conversation.

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Thought it was “the hammer”?

What are you talking about dipshit? Because he fired him the taxpayers don’t have to pay him a pension. Moron.


Cernocuck delivered!


Was it ever really in doubt?

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Someone tell me what the cucks on CNN and MSNBC are saying right now?

It keeps him from getting it. Someone post trumps 90 day tweet about it.

Hahaha that’s literally Trump dangling the fucker like a chained animal. Perfect.

He framed Flynn, and now justice is coming to get its recompence.

B-but Sup Forums said Sessions wouldn't do it.

Probably the same thing as that dude with the shotgun on liveleak I’m guessing. I won’t allow my tv to cross their station for fear of it registering as a viewer.


Unless he goes to prison.


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That's our first scalp

We need more

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Trump tortured him for three months for lels.

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Qe predicted this

So all four of user's very specific predictions have come true.

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>Fired less than 24hrs before retirement
Trump did say something about when you destroy your enemies make it absolute.

Hey Wohl, how are ya

I hope he gets completely destroyed. I hope his wife gets raped by a nigger while he’s in prison, she dies of aids, he hangs himself in his cell. That’s what he deserves. He was the motherfucking DIRECTOR of the fbi. That level of corruption deserves death. It’s not hard to be honorable.


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what challenge? he's an employee of the federal government, Burger King employees have more worker rights than he does

Until charges are brought it's not a scalp but a spit in the face of the deep state

Yeah no way this doesn't become a huge lawsuit.


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In statement released after the firing was announced, McCabe said: "This attack on my credibility is one part of a larger effort not just to slander me personally, but to taint the FBI, law enforcement, and intelligence professionals more generally. It is part of this Administration’s ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the Special Counsel investigation, which continue to this day. Their persistence in this campaign only highlights the importance of the Special Counsel’s work."

Ahh the old “I dindu nuffin” defense. Works for niggers.

Sounds like the faggot didn't learn his lesson, start hitting him with federal charges.

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None of these fuckers ever go to jail. I would be absolutely astonished if he were to be arrested.

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Nobody here watches that propaganda

Yeah ok

>May 2017

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he's lucky he's not dead yet

Pax ex Vindicta

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Watch. Enjoy the show. It’s looking more and more like Q is legit every fucking day. Just LOOK

>It is part of this Administration’s ongoing war on the FBI

Who declared war on who?

He cries like a typical liberal.

> “I’ve been held accountable for my actions, this isn’t fair.”

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I don't think it will, McCabe manufactured evidence against the Trump team. He'll want to stay the fuck out of court, and his (((higher ups))) won't let him do that. Even if it costs McCabe his money.

Prepare to have your mind blown.

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>Louise fucking untermensch

Is this guy for real?

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It's a level of Emperor Chad not seen in millenials

He has backtracked because of the late announcement but I believe he did predict this

quick rundown for a learning impared user?

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