Why hasn't someone "Dealt" with him yet?

Why hasn't someone "Dealt" with him yet?

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Because we burgers always wanted to find another reason to use "muh guns"

I'm not Canadian so I don't have a dog in that fight. Don't you guys have some sort of impeachment process? It's really baffling to me that he is still in his position.

is this guy legitimately retarded?

Probably, but it would never happen

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No, but the masses are.

He's a useful idiot for the Right. The more he says/does things like this the worse the Left looks. I honestly can't wait to see what he does next, it's like watching a sitcom about a retard.


Shit most of Ontario and Quebec feel he is a smart guy and a great prime minister. So he stays

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is this fucking guy insane

we have radical islam fighters
and he thinks if they return after defeat. That they will be the voice AGAINST radicalism

what fucking planet does this guy orbit around?
it obviously isn't in a space ship called common sense.


radical religious zealots will be the voice of reason and against radicalism.


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If they kill him he wins

He really likes Islamic fighters

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i wish they would. Let him win.

Either this guy is bat shit crazy or Canadians have literally elected a member of the enemy to a position of power. I honestly cannot figure out which is more terrifying.

he is just like his stepfather, a fucking commie

That's truly horrid. I feel for you guys.

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He’s got friends in explody places

We have horrid choices

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>paying terrorists "recovery"
>let own former soldires live in misery

This guy is fucking insane and evil.



Holy christ

If you don't pay and feed your own army, you will pay and feed a foreign one.

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Next country he visits, push him off the plane before it stops and take the fuck off. Please.

Canadian white people are strangely polite. They say, "Pardon me" as you genocide them. Suppose they just tolerate the cheerleader for it.

I am going to hire a porn star, because she will most likely be against sex

that's exactly what this guy is saying.

who believes this gobbly gook.

What, you mean like deal with him doing a fantastic job?

While looking very handsome I might add!

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Please don't. Just forget we ever existed.

Why people voted for him?? Everyone knew he was an Art Teacher, how the FUCK is this revelant to lead a country?



im going to bring in junkies to canada, cause they will be against drugs

that's what he's saying

Why couldn’t he have been like this instead. If he wanted to be a dictator, wish he would have went the other way then.

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He's banking on the fact that the fighters will make hundreds of Canadians win.

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Someone tried not too long ago.

Issue is that the Canadian PM is unelected. And even though the PM has huge powers, they're puppets. Especially Trudeau. The ruling party will put someone just like him in the PM seat.

It gets worse.

The other leading party, are identical policy wise. They only differ on rhetoric. Same in the US.

So, for real change, you'd need a large overthrow of every major party.

I remember reading a book over a decade ago talking about how Pierre Eliot Trudeau thought his son was on the autism spectrum

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darwin will weed him out in due time op

You are right I like him
>pic related

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It's only useful if the right does something and/or the left realizes their mistake, neither of which are presently happening.

This one is real unfortunately

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ya canada has a mixed tier government. Mostly UK but some US for good measure

They basically (government entity) CANNOT be taken out. Period.

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It's his mom.She's a Sinclair; hugely powerful family in the British Empire. She was a spoiled West Van drug slug. Don Winterton was the chief of Vancouver Police back in the sixties, early seventies. I met his son, a charming handsome dude with long hair on the SFU football team basically every guy on the team got to fuck her. She's still around. Totally a space cadet from Planet 9. Delusional in the extreme. They don't let her out in public unless she's loaded to the gills on Thorazine so there won't be a repeat of the incident when she went around talking to reporters on video about Princes William and Harry coming to her home for a party when they'd never heard of her.

When Justin starts babbling he sounds just like his mom. He must have gotten a pretty good cocaine/lsd/mdma bath when he was in the womb.

As usual he's putting the JUST in Justin, what else is new?

no men left in Canada

Checked, but damn you were not kidding.
Is everyone in Canada a fucking insane commie now. I mean that doesn't even make sense either desu. Commie's fucking hate sand niggers as well, the soviets were in Afghanistan before we were

Remember when Trudeau went to India dressing his whole family up like a cheap bollywood movie, literally dancing and pantomiming Indian Stereotypes for the majority of the trip? What a simp.

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no one fucking cares about canada, not even canadians.

because muh weed

>frog detected

You care enough to put tariffs on us you mongrel

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Sorry user.
What is seen can not be unseen.
>fucking leafs

nigga look like discount David duchuvney

clean up your own mess, faggot. or are you asking us to annex your ass?

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cos Canadians have no spine. I mean they are nice and all but seriously... get a fucking spine.

He's a good man. Why would you want him dead?
You're stupid anyway. If Justin Trudeau is assassinated Canada will just elect another liberal.

because Canada is known for it's middle eastern terrorism and ties to Islam. Well they weren't, but they are now. Fuck this timeline

Im thinking of dealing with him if he gets re elected. Not like i have any future in this country being a straight white male. Might as well commit suicide by assassination

>Canadian PM is unelected
True but this is a dumb way to put it.

Trudeau is an elected Liberal MP who was also voted by the party to be it's leader.

You're one of those fags that insists on correcting people when they say "I voted for Trudeau" by saying "No, actually, you only voted for your Riding's representative!"

just kys now please

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He's a fool. A fucking jester after his retarded world tour.

>Chavez's passing is a sad milestone
For you. Where do you even find these mongoloids?

>he think Canada can turn ISIS soldiers into liberal individualists

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He won't be re-elected. Even the CBC is shitting on him. Singh refuses to denounce Sikh separatist terrorists he spent time with. Get ready for those two fags to split the far left and we'll end up with PM Scheer. He's kind of a cherubic neocon cuck but he's the lesser of evils at least.

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wtf I'm queer for Scheer now

His antics drive people to vote for right-leaning candidates.

Bernier for Minster of Everything.

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Because for whatever reason people don't do that anymore. You could ask that question about thousands of people out there.

Any other leafs /non-voter/ here? I took Peter Hitchens' voting black pill...but we ended up with Trudeau.

f-fuck you Peter!

>letting non-whites dictate your countries laws

Faggot, you vote even if they're all cucks

Pick your poison

No party would even mention the demographic replacement of /old stock/ Canadians. Why would I vote for any of them? 500,000 immigrants per year no matter what party is next.



Elect that ndp turban turbo fuck, I wanna see Canada descend into chaos and the natives do thier war dances like they did in quebec.

Yeah. I can't wait to see which ethnicity or religion this ass clown will shamelessly culturally appropriate for a cheap photo op next.