Why do right wing retards worship this guy?

Why do right wing retards worship this guy?

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Nobody worships him, you stupid kike.

I'm fucking sick of Hannity

Because he actually reports on the biggest scandal in American history.

I worship the All mighty Q

he's a useful idiot, just look how he interrupted PRESIDENT TRUMP in his first white house interview with him - absolutely unprofessional! but of course, the don was big enough to overlook it, while not forgetting.


For the same reasons left wing retards worship this guy.

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They forgot he has no problem destroying the constitution and lying us into wars, because Obama erased all that from their memories.

Right wing retard here. Hannity is scripted opposition claptrap.

Hannity is literally a fucking hack who only hurts Trump. Last night he could have mentioned why the bridge in Miami failed or why the company could cause that kind of accident, but instead he focused on the same "Russia is a hoax" yeah like no shit but jesus please just talk about something else for one god damn second and also get that dirty italian guy Dan Bongino off im sick of him

>*tosses football*
sup op

instead of the shit about "Breaking: Russian Special Counsel is gonna be reset! Huge!!!" How about talking about more than one thing?

Yeah let's talk about Hillary's emails again for the umpteenth time

you're behind the times. Tucker Carlson is the guy we like. Not Hannity.
And we don't worship anyone except Christ.

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we dont, he just gives us accurate news reports on our president, not MSM garbage


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He was good at being msm opposition to Obama. After Trump won, he is just a cheerleader

sheer boredom

*lives in a $25M mansion next to Rupert Murdoch on Long Island*
*wears $700 Gucci loafers*
*his kids are prissy tennis fags*
*hangs in the Hamptons with rich left jews every weekend*
>muh i painted houses when i was 19

Hannity is awesome because he speaks truth to a very primative audience.

The vast majority of Americans are disinterested normies. They don't spend dozens of hours autisticly pouring over FBI Crime Statistics and leaked documents.

Hannity takes this unwieldy mass of scandals and conspiracies and force feeds it through a base simplification filter that is entertaining for mass consumption.

> Crooked Hillary
> Anti-Trump dossiers
> Uranium-One Scandal
> Fake News Media
> Second Special Council
> Fake Russian Interfierence

See? Without even paying attention, you could skimp over that greentext and get the general gist of what I was getting at. That's America.

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ring wing retards who fell for the russian propaganda campaign worship him because he pushes a similar narrative. hannity is """entertainment""" so its legal, but he should be hanged for treason for the damage he is causing

dude he's a huckster conartist who says whatever he's told and whatever will get him ratings -> $$$$$$

It's the chin