are Jews even human?
Are Jews even human?
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Are you botty?
WTF are those ears
There’s something reptilian about it
Damn. I knew she looked too caucasian in the movie. They really did fucking well at hiding her Jewish features.
It's time for you to take the Jews = neanderthals pill user.
Holy shit, my face looks like this.
Am I fucked?
My nose is even much bigger.
Goddammit i didn't need to see that shit user. i went to the mirror to look my ears and they're not so aerodinamic as hers.
The ears are weird as fuck but that forehead doesn't even look right.
No, these fuckers are far from human.
Who cares? They are hot.
everything over 45° is oven-tier desu
Mine too. I'm not jewish though.
Yes goyim, we're just like the rest of you.
Where is her frontal lobe?
Gal Gadot is my waifu.
Jews are human just as viruses are forms of life.
I guess she's lacking the part that makes you human. interested sincerely infographic?
If shes not human than i dont want to be human.
Forget the ears, look at the neck.
The chin, senpai. The jawline.
she s aging horribly when she was Miss Israel she was extremely hot
of course jews are human
abbos, however...
Que maldita creatura es esa...
no non-White is.
nice thumbnail, retard
wait what are yoGOOD FUCKING LORD.
>side angle to mask forehead
>hair covers ears and neck
Are OP's even heterosexuals?
>shortest legs ever
better pic
damn didn't know her head was this fucked up. baka those nigger dna
doesn't matter because my IQ is BIGGER than everyone on pol even though i got this test from my neurologist to assess brain disease
wtf mine's at a straight 90 degree almost
Biologically, yes. Psychologically and spiritually, no. Jews are agents of one of the authorities who is in control of our planet. To put it in terms you mint understand, Jews are the devil in human form.
Look at the shape of that head. I'm scared, anons.
jew rat teeth
>my IQ is BIGGER than everyone on pol
Mine is 145
Especially that Jesus motherfucker. Seriously fuck that guy.
i certainly dont feel like one and I definitely dont fit in with them
Shes unironcially the most beautiful girl ive ever seen. Fuck you guys. Leave her alone.
Her feet are at least nice
Them ears though.
this. pic related.
dat neander forehead
cunt really see them, they are partially covered, so I'm suspicious.
Ivanka Trump has perfect feet
degenerate.jews are at the forefront of putting women in the military.part of the decline of the west.
Some of these pics are misleading. Her forehead does slope back but not to the degree these pics show.
Clearly here, and in a couple of other pics, her chin is up, which tilts her head back slightly, causing it to appear as if her forehead slopes back more than it actually does.
Just look at the angle of her ear. Her head is tilted back in this pose. In a more natural pose her ear would be more vertical and the jawline would angle down.
They are your neighbors and your equals. Stop trying to spread hatred and seek help.
who would sell your organs online for sheckels.35
I’m not sure whether my brow is just very pronounced or I have a sloped forehead. Took ancestry and 23 and me. No Jew in me. 30% welsh 25 Scandinavian and the rest potato nigger
There is no way those ears and that forehead could ever look normal, no matter how you tilt and angle her head.
Her pics in magazines etc are edited and photoshopped. This one isn't.
ffs underrated
Just sayin it doesn’t fit the Jew=Neanderthal meme
you describing yourself, Gabriel Rodriguez Hernandez?
what's wrong with it?
the average poltard has a 50/50 chance of being homeless and deranged or in jail harrassing the black residents and then droping the soap in the shower
Kikes are the sworn enemies of Whites.
It's either them or us.
Retarded theory. If the Neanderthals were living away from Homo Sapiens for 25,000ish years they would have garnered genetic difference that set them apart from the Homo Sapiens that would cause difficulty if they bred with Homo. The Jews wouldn't be completely speciated. This is really not plausible at all.
never noticed
The longest of long cons...
Superior aerodynamic jewish forehead allows for faster bending to pick pennies up off the ground.
Jews are basically big brained niggers. They have the same sloping forehead and underdeveloped frontal lobe. Where as niggers have no capacity of justice or sensing right from wrong. The jew has a corrupted reduce capacity for those same attributes but is intelligent enough to form abstract concepts from other brain areas. Jews have their own rituals, morality systems separate to the gentile because they had to develop them. They didn't come naturally like they did for white man.
But Jesus wasn't jewish?
shes a shiksa,rotten meat.
jew pussy you abuse and treat like filth because that is what they are,filth.
Jesus was a Roman.
Your shrimp dick wouldnt even get close to her gorgeous slit.
thats israeli propaganda where they hire attractive women to take pictures in uniform, pic related is reality
Wrong, creatura demonio de los tigris euphrates y babylonia.
Majority polacks are lurkers, noble workers and not active like us.
Those rope things probably represent the snake from the garden of eden. They take turns shove them up each others pussy and spraying squirt all over the dildo tabernacle. God jews are so sick!
true but it also reflects thinking of that of a,money driven,fame and or public eye is sought out,are actors....etc
What does Varg make of this?
lost. have rare webm
Tranny neck has been detected. Alert!
>hire attractive women to take pictures in uniform
source? sounds like bullshit to me
We are God's favorite. Jews and good Christian people will rule the Earth in the new world like Holy Governors.
"The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all people; but because the Lord loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your ancestors." (Deuteronomy 7:7-8)
When we sin He takes all wrath out upon us. The Holocaust was real:
"You only have I singled out of all the families of the earth: therefore will I visit upon you all your iniquities."
Most all of the rage of God is against His chosen people. We are sons of a Son of God e.g. Adama.
we are cro-magnon
how new are you?
wouldnt want to and u eluded to one of the main reasons why.
43 niggers have stretched all of her holes so badly when she goes for runs she has hands clapping between her legs.