You Trumpkin fucks will all hang.
You Trumpkin fucks will all hang
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no u
You already burned the gallows
You faggots just fucking try it already
It won't be hard, fatty.
>everybody who disagrees with me is a communist
Didn't Kurt Russell kill a commie in escape from L.A.?
Then do it pussy
Escape from NY was arguably the better movie. LA was camp and gay.
>everybody who disagrees with me is a communist
Wasn't Trump supposed to be impeached and Antifa taking over the country in a big revolution? Oh, it hasn't happened at all. He just does what he wants as president and you can't do dick about it, except make hollow threats on Sup Forums
When mommy is done bringing you pop tarts and Mt. Dew, come see me.
why would anyone give up snacks and soda to visit you?
What are talking about? You wanna make us hang then quit being a larping faggot and try it. You won't. Pussy
>implying Snake would ever align with commies.
Why do keep post Kurt Russell? He would probably be one of the guys shooting you.
>Commie-Libertarian against the Paleolibertarian President.
>try hard fatty detected
Is this more cp plants?
I hate these nazis.
Nah, just a kike that wants a weird hybrid between Sanders and Ron
>Hardcore libertarian
>not right wing
what's got you all worked up now?
Not sure that disproves what I said. Are you OK?
We will all hang communists.
>escape from New York and Los Angeles
Accurate description of the future
Don't know if the escape is possible tho
Keep deflecting pussy. You know you'll never see any one of us hang. If you ever try some faggy little revolution you'll be swiftly met with a firing squad. I guarantee it.
I fuck pussy all night.
*Paleolibertarian - Aka Your Prez
Sooo... he is libertarian, what makes ypu thinl he gives a shit about your political persuasian
>you'll be swiftly met with a firing squad
I guarantee it won't be swift, fatass.
The absolute state of slide threads today.
Something big was supposed to happen today. That must be why ShareJew has paid so many crews overtime to shitpost here relentlessly.
Avatarfagging is bannable fuck off back to whatever autistic edgy discord you came from
>implying snake couldnt escape
nigger, please
McCabe got fired. That's your happening.
That's not a happening, just a petty frivolous thing one person did.
yes, but that is all you get
Bring it. I'm ready to die. Are you?
>I called an anonymous person fat on the internet again
It cost the jew extra shekel to pay for this shift, all for nothing. This is winning, right?
Commies hate fat people.
C' know you're fat.
>Commies hate fat people.
Is that because fat people have food?
Snake is with us, Commie
I'm 6'2" 175lbs and enlisted in the Navy DEP program. Would it even matter if I was fat? You'd still never see me or anyone else hang in your faggy revolution. But you'd never try it anyway
>the Navy DEP program
>You Trumpkin fucks will all hang.
Oh shit. Deleting my four chin account right now.
>t. dangerous hobo
Lmao fuckin loser
>Itz tru becuz I want it 2 bee tru!11!1!
That implies leaving the internet shitskin.
u mad?
you liberal gringos will have your faces pulled off by your beloved illegal invaders
There’s literally nothing you can do.
>You Trumpkin fucks will all hang.
Yes we will, we just haven't decided who to start with first.
>mfw modern-day conservatism has wholly and fully hitched their entire ideological wagon to the next Nixon
Glad you're amused. You've got no insults, no argument, and no revolution. Pretty shit thread bro
What’s your r8 m8?
>muh constitutional values on Sup Forums
Are you fucking retarded? You're pleading to the wrong group of white men who are not neocucks
You better hope I don't make it back
What are you talking about?
I'm not "pleading" to anyone
You guys have made your beds, now it's time for y'all to lie down in them
>mfw Republicans will try to memory-hole Trump like they did to GWB
Kill yourself you sick disgusting faggot traitor.
why the hate, user?
Sup Forums is a board of piece