They say it can evade ballistic missile defense systems. It must be undetectable by satellite or be capable of quickly changing trajectory. Is it possible ?
Is Satan 2 even possible
Netanyahu is a bitch
Or flies too fast maybe......
No missile defense system actually works against a proper nuclear attack anyway.
Many don't know this. Missile defense, on both sides, could not defend shit. A NATO official once said it's like trying to shoot a fly in the sky with a bazooka.
Explain our missile defense system protecting us from the Israeli false flag nuke attack on Hawaii?
>4.3 mi/s on reentry/terminal phase
You’re not shooting it down.
ABM's measure trajectory so the don't need to be faster. They could collide head on.
The system can manage a single missile, especially if the missile doesn't exist in the first place.
It works like a zerg rush, it's a nuclear cluster bomb and you can stop maybe one or two of the bombs but the rest get through.
One of these things would cause enough radioactivity to have global consequences.
This, its more the NATO security blanket or night light
Hold on a moment I think that's SATAN 1.
SATAN 2 is the new shiny hypersonic missile thats low altitude
the thing is that shit dont even need to come close
or explode in your ass
let alone its nuclear waste/fallout will fuck you up
Nope, that is Kinzhal. Satan 2 is an upgraded Satan 1.
I don't think you appreciate how hard it is to hit an ICBM now. Our success rate in simulations is terrible. The system works against wobbly old-tech ICBMs like the Norks might use. Brute force with speed, we can't compensate. A few simple trajectory changes and our "intercept and pray" defense doesn't work at all.
The Sarmat-2 can deliver up to 24 individually targetable warheads (capable of obliterating an area the size of Texas) at hypersonic speeds from central Russia to the Continental United States in 12 minutes. It’s a mobile system, so they can’t be easily tracked or targeted on the ground. It can outmaneuver and outrun any currently operational missile defense system or any currently under development. It’s also capable of being fired over the South Pole, meaning it would evade all our ground-based early warning radar and detection systems. It also has a very short first stage burn which makes it harder for out infrared early warning satellites to detect. Our land based siloed Minuteman-III deterrent, which was developed in the 1970s, can deliver one warhead along a linear trajectory and could can be intercepted. It also takes over 30 minutes to travel the same distance. The only thing we have that comes close to Sarmat-2 is our SLBM deterrent. And Theresa fucking May just tried to start a war with these people over nothing.
Yes, it really is that scary.
BMD is a fucking meme. It is designed to shoot down simple IRBM/ICBMs that carry 1 warhead each.
Most ICBMs carry 3,5,10 or 20 incase of Satan 2.
Citation needed
Lol you don't think we have more sophisticated technology unavailable to the public eye?
Bro, they googled it..
I mean shit, nobody knew about the x37b until it had already been in space for 300 days
Even with the best anti-missile technology, the countermeasures against that are always ten steps ahead. It's essentially an unwinnable battle when even one high altitude nuclear explosion renders a total radar blackout against other missiles, that combined with inflatable decoys and MIRVs it's basically useless no matter how much money and effort is dumped into research.
Research yourself. Lazy or shill? Which is it?
okay... but that's retarded because the same blackout that supposedly renders radar useless would render the rest of the incoming nukes into dumb bombs with low accuracy.
Lasers move at 299,792,458 m/s... Pretty sure that's faster than a missile.
>the US conducted a successful test of its homeland missile defense system for the first time in almost three years. Codenamed FTG-15, today’s event was also the system’s first test ever against an “ICBM-class” target, as opposed to lesser surrogates, the Missile Defense Agency announced. The painful history of Ground-based Mid-course Defense (GMD) — which, as GAO notes, has cost $123 billion since 2002 — now stands at nine successful tests out of 18 since 1999, exactly 50 percent.
How bad a day? If that 50 percent hit rate carried over into real-world operations — and critics like the Union of Concerned Scientists say the tests have been unrealistically easy — it means the current inventory of 36 Ground-Based Interceptors (GBI) could shoot down 18 incoming ICBMs before coming up empty.
It pole dances and makes you a sandwich too...
do we not have mirvs?
No U!
Incoming warheads don't need radar, they can use a combination of inertial guidance system and digital scene matching area correlator to hit their targets.
Burdon of proof is in the statee
Is that a reliable source? A .com?
i think they have to shoot 4 patriot missiles per one ICBM too, it's simply not feasible
> believing anything from a second world deceitful communist shithole
nope! None currently in service, anyways
Yeah well you must be young. Cause all the info you want is out there. Not gunna spoon feed zombies
the peacekeepers?
Israel tried to nuke Hawaii with a submarine and blame it on North Korea. That actually happened. The Nuke alert wasn't some random guy pushing a button.
left service in 2005
This is why we are two minutes from midnight.
Not if the other nukes re-enter the atmosphere after the the EMP goes off you retarded memeflag.
That's not how that works. It basically deploys chaff. Decoys. BMD is a damn meme anyway.
Check out this bad-ass video about it:
The systems are only somewhat useful for small scale nuclear attacks. If it's one missile and they have plenty of advance warning and if EVERYTHING works perfectly, even then it may take multiple interceptors to successfully bring it down (According to our own tests on the system).
If someone were to launch multiple ICBMs with MIRV technology, we would have a problem. If we had a serious nuclear exchange with another superpower, the missile defense system would be completely irrelevant. When it comes to things like the possibility of Russia or China launching a strike, the defense system might as well not exist.
In most nuclear scenarios, a salted cobalt bomb would create the EMP blast in the upper atmosphere as the first strike weapon. The rest of his friends would follow soon after the area is darkened.
Why do you think the media was chimping out about the NK talks? They can't blame NK for a false flag nuke now.
a slight correction, we still have Trident IIs, which are MIRVs, albeit max out at 12 warheads, and they are submarine launch only.
>it's a Sup Forums doesn't know what they're talking about episode
The weakness of Russia's Soviet heritage is these big MIRV systems are as a rule liquid fueled, which means they literally have to gas up before firing. If Russia isn't the first striker they could conceivably be wiped out without getting a single Satan 2 off the ground.
Putin himself said it evades ballistic missile defense because it isn't a ballistic missile.
Well I don't have any 14 series MOS dudes nearby here on JBLM to go ask if they have anything secret up their ass for ICBM defense, but the GMD doesn't have the most stellar success rate and that is a hard-line fact that is well known.
It's called mutually assured destruction for a reason, even if we could defend against ALL initial ground based missile attacks, secondary attacks from submarines and bombers would wipe out any major population center afterward.
The idea that we can protect ourselves from nuclear strikes is a false hope. You have to remember that modern nuclear missiles are MIRV, and that they split up into multiple warheads on re-entry to strike a larger area.
If you don't strike them at their own launch point the chances of you stopping an ICBM are minuscule.
>Waves at Washington.
Hi, senpai!
>Lefty Logic
>Russia can successfully hack and rig an election in a 240 year old republic that remains technologically superior but can’t do propaganda.
>liquid fueled
The Topol M flies above mach 20 and is solid fueled
Well our forces and theirs probably have dozens of such missiles (MIRV capable) ready to fuel at a moments notice at any given time, and we probably fuel up some of our missiles during political crises just in case things go really bad and we need to resort to using them but cannot afford to waste time fueling them.
Then why post about it in the first place
all of this fancy shit is fucking useless with nuclear deterrence
Really funny reading through these posts by anons who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.
First: Russia exaggerates their tech just as much as burgers do.
Second: the name of the game is telemetry. Can't hit your target if you can't see in front of you (unless it's stationary). Can't intercept unless you can make a detection.
Third: there are way way more aspects to this that most are completely unaware of. A good intro book on radar systems (Skolnik) will cover most of them.
Fourth: there are so many layers of obfuscation and security on all sides that likely no one has an idea what would actually happen. Plus m&s != Real world.
No, 18 re-entry vehicles. Every MIRV ICBM will dump multiple warheads. Any significant nuclear exchange is still doomsday no matter what. Our current missile defense kit is really only useful against mid range weapons that primitive nuclear powers would use. ICBMs come in much faster and are likely to be much more sophisticated in evasion countermeasures.
In other words, missile defense only actually defends Israel. Shocker, right?
Doesn't affect your point, but did you know that Topol-M can also be configured so that later stages of the missile are liquid fueled?
>They say it can evade ballistic missile defense systems. It must be undetectable by satellite or be capable of quickly changing trajectory. Is it possible ?
The fact that the ((((NATO)))) is afraid of it enough to call it "Satan" says yes.
Did you also know Russia has tigers?
i thought that was the RS-24 Yars?
Also, what's the deal with scramjets? I remember watching some documentary about the usa trying to penetrate ussr air defense in the 1970s or 1980s and they were using scramjets, now im hearing about them now like they are brand new. what the fuck?
I thought they were asking the internet what to name it.
Autistic child alert
its called Sarmat, you idiot
The real redpill is that nukes are a lie to keep the goyim passive, they’re nothing more than hollywood bullshit to prevent another warrior state from challenging international Jewry.
>believing Russian technology is anywhere close to ours
>(capable of obliterating an area the size of Texas)
I don't think you know what Texas or obliterate means
It's utterly pointless against high drop cluster bombs.
NATO call name SATAN
>Call name SATAN
>Satan is the fallen angel Lucifer
>Lucifer was knows as "the bringer of light"
i thought of this guy for some reason have some knowledge
All this talk about mach 10 is nothing really that impressive considering they go into space.
A very fast reentry is whats gonna fuck defensive systems.
lasers, rail guns, rods from god the gov keeps secrets at area 51. were good
Its insane that so many Americans think missile deffence is worth the money. Russian ICBMs like Satan can have massive throw weights.
You are talking about 36 or even 48 indavidual warheads plus shitoads of decoys and countermeasures and it's all moving at over 4 miles per second on re-entry.
You can't defend against that. If you want to defend against shitholes like North Koera getting that kind of technology you conqure them before they can develop it.
No one will touch you once you have MIRV ICBS's. It's the invincibility cheat-code of forign policy.
this is a simple example of lateral thrusters on a much smaller system , China and Russia have these mounted on there bigger missiles they detect incoming countermeasures and fire in short bursts to create a high speed zig zag or jank manoeuvre that shakes off counter missiles , to shoot down a missile with these capabilities would be like shooting a bullet with a bullet not impossible but the margin for failure is catastrophic.
Yes, they could knock it down but it could still be detonated (assuming was lucky enough to hit it) unless they strike the tip and fracture the containment chamber, then you get radiation leakage but it's no longer capable of fission. The tip-strike scenario has essentially the same odds as winning the lottery.
I get a feeling most if not all of that is pure bullshit aimed at the Russian equivalent of boomers, that is to say, internal consumption. You faggots shouldn't worry about it.
lol, you actually think military tech has advanced since the cold war and hasn't just been a series of increasingly more expensive boondoggles that don't do anything?
I'm thinking this one has something new in this area.
That must be the most boring game ever. Fly to target, bank left. Continue banking left until target is destroyed. Fly home.
You only have so much time to measure the trajectory and the ICBM is able to change it to a degree mid-flight. It is easier to intercept it during boost phase but you need to be close and with Russia it won't work because it will be launched from the middle of Russia. By the time it goes into terminal phase you will be looking at dozens of real and even more dummy warheads coming down at Mach 20+.
its not like we could stop your other icbms anyway, igor
we cannot shoot your stuff down so it doesnt matter how much better you improve on it
18mins left to launch.
"I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning."
>36 Ground-Based Interceptors (GBI) could shoot down 18 incoming ICBMs
Do you realise 1 ICBM can have over 40 warheads?
For every $123 billion dollar system a rival nuclear power can just stick one more missle on a launch pad.
This kind of pointless arms race helped bankrupt the soviet union. Go and spend the $123 billion on schools, space exploration, hospitals, genetic reaserch, supermarkets.
Basically anything, anything is better than misslie defence.
I don't think the Sarmat is mobile. Isn't it a liquid fueled ultra heavy and ultra long range ICBM and can strike the US from the south? Putin deliberately showed it striking Florida in that 3D video.
Why do you think the US and China have been going hard on quantum computing?
To use it as missile difference. Do get a missile defense system that can calculate trajectories as well as all possible ones and compensate within fractions of a second. Quantum computing missile defense is the end of missile based nukes.
>Quantum computing missile defense is the end of missile based nukes.
I've considered this problem a bit and think that the only viable defense would be to fire small nukes, or other EMP generating devices at them and cause their electronics to fail, crashing them with relatively much less damage.
The system is meant to protect the US from a Chinese or Russian 2nd strike. If the system works then everyone will be under US nuclear blackmail. Threatening a first strike automatically makes you the villain. But by this point Putin doesn't give a fuck anymore.
The whole misslie defence + missile buildup shit happened in the cold war.
Both Russia AND the US regretted it. The sums they spent on it were astronomical, all for stuff that kills you in nuclear fire.
But what if we used lasers? Surely lasers are gonna work.
Because sadly we think about and research such things to exhausting ends and your "burden of proof" doesnt mean anything since this is all hypothetical since there has never been a scenario where this has been tested
The Topel-M is by Russian standard a "light" ICBM.
>government inefficiency rampant and intrenched in every facet of the state
>expects government military to be efficient
new quantum defence would just be met with new quantum missile, only orbital lazors will be the end of missiles
russia does that already, moscow is circled with nukes to use for missile defense