This is a Protestant Board

c*Tholics not welcome

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Other urls found in this thread:

I agree. The Church of Babylon does not belong here. Even with their "Deus Vult" larping.

Truth. P*pists are subhuman

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Papists fuck off!

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Catholics are just the worst

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The most glorious countries of Evropa are catholic with tha english exception. still fuck the D&C

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lutherian bigots have to kill themselves for the sake of humanity

t. proud french catholic

Stop worshiping a kike on a stick.

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>varg, the retard

Muh pagan tree gods!

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hello neo-pagan atheist LARPer

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>le kike on the stick xD
Here's you (you)

>Lives off welfare while claiming he is independent
>Claims he is genetically pure, breeds with an autistic wife

>Austria and Hungary are average/low

Tell me what was the world impact that Hungary and Austria had, please, even in shapping european civilization?

Austria/Von Hapsburgs were really important in European history.

The only important thing Hungary ever did was fight off the ottomans and mongolians

Even then, they failed on multiple occassions to retake the holy land. Forget taking Jewreselem, let the muzzies have it. The west is the blessed land.

>My sins are forgiven
>Continues acting like a dick

Modern Protestant Christianity is super cucked and welcomes illegals and race mixing
Stop centering your life around your religion

>This is your daily reminder that the Pope of Rome is that Antichrist, that man of sin, and son of perdition, that exalts himself, in the Church, against Christ and all that is called God.

The Pope is the Whore of Babylon

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Based Calvinism.

Yes brother protestantism is the one* true faiths!


LOL, these Jews are going insane. Next they'll be LARPing with their bald eagle imagery.

"Hey fellow goy!"

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British Marxist are scum.

Attached: Enoch Powell - British Marxist Activist.jpg (1280x800, 313K)

Based British

Attached: Victory & Abdul - Anglo-Ottoman-Love - Crimean War.jpg (906x960, 332K)

>be british
>be hated mormon

Attached: British Mormonism - Anti-Trump - Utah.jpg (1296x834, 455K)

>This whole thread
thats right goy fight your own kind

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"Just take a look at the statistics. Who made this modern world? Anglo-Saxons, Germans of Nordic descent, Frenchmen of Nordic descent and Swedes mainly. Google it, Google "inventions" by nation, and then look at the men who made them. Nordic. Nordic. Nordic 90% of the time.

And Hitler had blue eyes, in case you didn't know. A Nordic feature, that you too used to have, back when you created civilization. Today on the other hand, Southern Europe is a cesspool of laziness, unproductivity, sleazy behaviour towards Nordic women, crime and incompetence. Nothing works well down there. You can barely find a working toilet down there. And you know why? Because you are no longer Nordic.

And yeah: I have been around, so I know what I am talking about. The farther you get from the Nordic man, the more incompetent the whole society gets. Deal with it.

PS. Take a look at the newly found grave from Greece. They thought it might be Alexander the Great's grave even. All the people depicted in the grave are blonde, blue-eyed and fair-skinned.

PPS. South-Italian men today have more in common with Arabs than they do with other Europeans, genetically speaking. The other Europeans even have more in common with some Chinese peoples than they do with South-Italians. That's how mongrelized they have become. And the same is the case for the rest of Southern Europe." -Actual varg quote, 2015

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Rabbinical Jews = Synagogue of Satan
Catholic Church = Babylon

Hating Jews and Catholics is as American as apple pie

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Mormonism is the whore of Babylon.

Attached: glennbeckmormon.png (1400x933, 971K)

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The majority of white Americans are actually British according to genetic tests

most British-Americans have been here so long they are detached from their old world roots and put "American" on the census

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"Conservative Protestants" are Israel loving, race mixing degenerates.
"You can commit any sin and it doesn't matter, Jesus loves you and as long as you believe in him you will go to Heaven.
The Conservative Catholic is red pilled about Jews, communists, has 5+ children and doesn't race mix.
"Quit your degenerate ways."

>prot thread

O, ye...

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Reminder that the Orthodox Church is the one true holy and apostolic church, the original church, and we still retain old Christian tradition, P*pists and Protestswine are heretical schismatics.

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And the English were Catholic until the King decided that it was more important to divorce and remarry than to listen to the Pope.

No that isn't true. It's just some repeated lie Jewish-Americans toss around to keep their British buffer zone. The Jews understand if the British were to fall, so would they. So Jews continually promote this pro-British claptrap inside the United States.

Real Americans don't use these images. Only LARPing kikes do.
Go back to WND (world net daily) you retarded Jew. haha

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Conservative Catholics are democratic voting spics

Why don't you go to your shitty orthodox homeland and stop infesting my civilized protestant country?

Oh a thread full of pastors a part in gay marriage preforming mass? Oh goodie

Protestant Christianity.

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I fucking love my country an I use any image I want

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Reminder that England is the whore of Babylon.

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Fuck off fag. Catholicism is the oldest form of Christianity

lol wut is this real can a man be this stupid

Nope. Catholicism has nothing in common with the early church

It's real unfortunately.

Varg is a fucking idiot

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hahaha oh wow... literally every stereotypical generic "patriotic" Jew photo that has floated around for many years.

Good god, you're literally a living Jew stereotype. laff

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You are retarded, prior to the 80s the majority ancestry in America was British and even genetic studies prove him correct.

Reminder, Glenn Beck is the whore of Babylon.

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I have a large "Americana Folder"

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It IS the early church, it was started by Jesus Christ himself.

You are literally retarded. What the fuck is genetic British. Hahaha, you kikes are too much. Thanks for the laugh.

Enjoy getting nuked by Putin.

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>I have a large "Americana Folder"
Isn't that what I just said? Fucking hell man... call it a night you retarded boomer.

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Mormonism is a cult. And thats coming from a SDA

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You don't like American patriotism? Are you a fucking immigrant or something?

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Yes it does. Peter was martyred in Rome. Nothing about Jesus is more important than what Jesus said about the Jews

How does it feel knowing you picked the wrong religion faggot?

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I'll never forget when I was required to take "Social Justice" and "Morality" during my junior year of catholic high school. That's when I found out that catholics are crypto-Marxists and deserve all of the hate that they've received in the U.S.. You can't be a catholic and an American.

Bunch of Kikes LARPing as American Patriots. Consider this thread fixed. My work is done. :)

ATTENTION: We British are in dire trouble. Never has there been a time so troublesome. Our culture and identity are on the verge of collapse. We survive on the support of loving caregivers. Please, hear our voice in this dark time. Stand with us today, join us.

Belfast County Orange Order -

Attached: British Israelism - Belfast County Orange Order - -18.jpg (765x990, 400K)

It used to be an answer on the census you fucking moron.

>One Catholic high school
>Speaks for all Catholics
Don't lie, you are still in high school.

BINGO! Caught me a Jew.

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Posting in a Divide and Conquer thread.

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fuck off you dumb mutt

Good lord... I'm catching Jews tonight. Look at all these (yous)

Little kike boy LARPer. Take your Glenn Beck ass on out. Fucking whore of Babylon.

Catholicism today has been over manipulated by Jews. Mussolini had the right idea

>same faggot who says if you're italian you don't belong in the us


Protestant brainlets who don't understand that the Whore of Babylon was in fact Ancient Rome, the heads of the best were Roman Emperors, Nero is specifically lauded to, and that a good portion of revelation has already happened and happened in teh 1st/2nd century.

Protestants so driven by their own love of self that they constantly defame Christ's own mother. So driven by their own egos that they think they know more about Christian theology than the early church fathers. Hold their "services" that make the Novus Ordo look like the Latin High Mass. Still can't explain where all the "true" Christians were from 33 AD to 1609.

And to top it off, ignore constant (((media))) attacks on the church. Believe wholeheartedly what said media says about Pope Francis but out of the other side of their mouth decry the same media for what is says against their president and right wing leaders.

Yeah, the Church is sympathetic to refuges and those who are treated unjustly. Have you forgotten that we're men of European decent? We have empathy. That doesn't mean let yourself be abused.

Hypocrites. Heretics. Histrionics.

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He was crucified upside down which is why the pope where an upside down cross

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Like the marijuana legalization threads, an intentional attempt to cause Sup Forums to argue with itself.


>Still a Christian.

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I've never seen these retarded kikes freak out over the Irish as much as I have the past year. Especailly with these recent months.

Holy shit... they're going full sperg against the Irish. This is great stuff. They're getting fucked 10x harder right back.

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England is the whore of Babylon.

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plastic anglo

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Will you stop spamming this stupid shit you god damn fucking jaffacake

Gwd dach meín herbhormed bhrynden.

Swarthy Italians don’t belong in the America or any other civilized protestant society

Look at this British sperg. stfu

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British Israelism

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The Anglos will rise again
We built this nation you ungrateful mutt

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>This is a Protestant Board
>c*Tholics not welcome

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All the protestant countries in europe are now atheist countries. Meanwhile countries that stayed catholic are still religious. Protestants can fuck off

You have more hope than I could ever wish to have.

Rebuke your devil in a fishhat!

Get rid of the memeflag
What kind of Catholic are you? Italian, Mexican, Spainiards or 56% American?

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Darwinism is true and Anglos will rise to the top of the heap once again my /beady/ friend

Be gone devil's cuck.

I recognize Darwinism as divine intervention. It is god's will hence why a sbhart is still a sbhart.

>Your religion changes the shape of your skull

People will just say anything on here lol

How does it feel being the branch of Christianity that cucked Europe with your BS Ideals of "Christ forgives all transgressions so long as you believe in him." At least with the Catholics in charge Europeans ruled the fucking world...

A bunch of kikes LARPing as White men. You British loyalist are burning down.

Attached: Stop The Anglo War on Guns - Support a Trump.jpg (933x1346, 525K)