Is being a trap sending me to eternal damnation in hell? I love dressing up as a girl

Is being a trap sending me to eternal damnation in hell? I love dressing up as a girl.

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Post pics

No, but after the revolution we will send you to gulag.

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Homosexuality is a sin.

not tonight, perhaps another

You are trash and will burn in hellfire you tranny scum

Sorry bro. Regardless of belief system, you’re objectively a mentally ill homosexual.
Hell or high water, you’re still a degenerate and will never be accepted by anyone except thailand

What thread are we sliding now?

No hell doesn't exist, also being a trap has to be one of the most liberating things you can do.
Imagine unburdening yourself of your ego and societal expectations and just embracing your desires and happiness.
It's a shame most men aren't brave enough for it.

Something big was supposed to happen today. That must be why ShareJew has the nerd virgins shitting up the board so hard. The faggotry tonight is overwhelming.

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Lenin normalized homosexuality, the USSR being the first country in the world to do so, and oversaw dozens of free love orgies before Stalin gained power, purged jews, and ended that garbage

true dat user...thank you

Yeah no, Lenin only made that shit public so we could take better list of faggots in hiding.

Yes, your just going through a degenerate phase. You should learn from it, seeing the female perspective on life is a good thing that will help you grow into a stronger man than most. You don't really need to give in to the submissive and weak tendencies of your feminine side to really understand, whatever you do just don't go full faggot and keep faith that you will find your way back to a true masculine self. Also you will have to give up porn eventually. Basically make this an intellectual exercise of looking into your own mind to understand femininity, but remember that you are not your thoughts and that God made you a man for a reason.

>it’s brave to defy your nature as a man and pretend to be a woman
Remove meme flag and show Star of David plox.


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stop being a crossdressing fag

t. self hating homosexual

Lol stop glorifying your shit ideology
Your commie shit loves trannys and every other letter in the lgbtqwerty alphabet. Your Jewish overlords nerd population control and faggotry is but one of many ways of achieving that goal.

You need to psychologically learn to integrate your anima archetype without pathologizing it by crossdressing and larping as a woman for attention. This behavior will eventually spiral you to hell if you're not careful.

You have Autogynephilia and if you don't deal with it when your young, you'll be a old pervert who'll probably move onto more extreme shit. Stop now.

>Jewish overlords

Read the jewish question by Karl Marx. That expresses the general feeling of hatred that every communist has towards Judaism.

For all your gnostic bullshit and Freudian kikery, you’re 100% correct, dingo

OH WOW! Marx was self aware! WTF I LOVE COMMIES NOW!

>posts a tranny

Dumb mutt.

post pictures plese.

Marx was not considered a jew according to Prussian,French of UK law.

do you post pictures of yourself doing it? do you feel shame? back ni the old days, you'd do it ,not tell anyone and feel ashamed. the problem is people who plaster it over the internet and brag about it and feel proud. keep it your secret shame and you'll be fine,

Well.. yeah. It is more Jungian than Freudian, one of the reasons they had a falling out was because Freud didn't understand such things and thought these kind of desires weren't pathological, but simply repressed. He was wrong. Jung knew.

it's amazing. Linetrap is one of the few traps that guys might actually fuck. Because of her so many idiots say "trannies aren't that bad" when only like only 1 in a million trannies look as good as she did. She's almost 30 and looks like shit now too.

>using law to vindicate a Jew of not being a Jew
Very Talmudic famalam. Remove meme flag, show Star of David pls

He would have been subject to conscription too, if not for his political misconduct leading to his exile. Thing that Jews were except from during Marx`s time.

Jung totally knew. I did misspeak and you’re right. OP desperately needs to face his shadow and come to grips before he does slip into Freudian pathology.

Btw OP, you’re gonna be fine. Just be realistic. Truly look at yourself, both in the physical mirror and in the mirror of your mind. You’re a man. You’ll never be a woman. You truly want to see what it’s like to be inside of a woman? Place your dick deeply inside her vagina and brace yourself.
It’s truly a wonderful thing. She will love it too.

Definitively speaking, how gay is it to have a cheeky fap to some traps?

traps and twinks are not gay

Thank you for removing meme flag. I see now that you are capable of a good faith argument.
But I can’t accept your argument. The dude was biologically a Jew, and it shows. I’ll grant you that he was right about many many things.
Just like Hitler, right?

mods please move this shit to Sup Forums

You can do it sure, but the fact that you even have to ask this signals that you feel guilt about it... so if you do engage in it, the guilt will get pushed further and further into your unconscious and you'll eventually start considering the road OP is on. OP is an example of where it can lead you.

>discussion of a politically incorrect thing and trying to help someone who’s asking to be redpilled isn’t Sup Forums related
Do you even know what happens here, faggot?

Hell is speculation.
A complete end to your genetic line is an inevitability.