Shit is getting out of hand in the U.S.
>Marduk had a cancelled show in Oakland last year due to Antifa threatening to show up
>Taake had their entire U.S. tour cancelled a two weeks ago due to Antifa spreading disinformation about the band
>Watain/Destroyer 666 have their show cancelled in San Francisco today due to Antifa spreading more disinfo
The black metal scene is fucking fed up. Read the comments on Watain’s IG and FB pages. There’s going to be major violence against these cucks very soon.
Antifa vs. Black Metal
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I was actually going to attend the Watain concert tonight. Bummed when I found out. I’m ready to kick their asses, as are a lot of fans.
Good job antifa. Mom would be proud.
Got their Plague Angel album on red vinyl
Holy fuck this dude sounds like a histrionic retard. "If you're not a nazi no one will accuse you of being one." Really dude? You've got utterly basic conservatives in this country being called nazis by a big chunk of people. Hell, just wanting our border and immigration laws enforced earns you the label of "nazi" these days.
I've seen this guy's blog a few times through the years and he's always struck me as a bit of pussy, but it's been some time since I last seen it. I guess he went full retard since the last time.
gas the soviet red pig communists
Might go to Destroyer 666 concert at end of month, might have to tussle some trust fund kiddies (in self defense of course).
Antifa is about to get murdered, buried, dug back up for their skulls, and used as props in some band photos. Sucks to be them.
I want them the come back to Australia soon. I understand they don't get the demand here and thays why they moved overseas but the scene here is so utterly shit.
Oh they went to England huh? Have to see if I can make it.
Deploy the Lemmygrenadiers
Dude their lead singer literally has a swastika tattoo
You might want to sit down for this...
The best black metal band from America is nsbm too. God damn I wanna see them live
this happened a few weeks back in kansas city too. kcanon posted here, is pissed off, and is organizing. i hope he's itt
>That feel when no more Fanisk albums
Feels bad. GBK would be arrested or deported from Canada I'm guessing?
The best US black metal band is Cobalt, sorry bro
Yeah I get that but his logic is utter trash because it could apply to literally anyone who gets accused of being a nazi.
Would he ban Motorhead from playing his venue if they were still around? How about Slayer, famous for their song "Angel of Death," about Mengele? Would he allow Rammstein to play? How about Hanzel und Gretyl? How about ANY of the industrial bands that have used "nazi" or fascist imagery at any point in their career?
Let's not forget, this started because of D666's "misogyny." Does this policy apply to the multitude of death and grindcore bands that have songs or imagery featuring violence towards women?
Basically this all comes down to him choosing to ban certain performers he personally dislikes, because you goddamn well know that any hip hop act with sexist lyrics is never going to receive the ban hammer.
>he doesn't know about the clone program
Fuck Antifa cowards. Should do the gig anyway
Yeah definitely.
Whoa watch out for that slipperly slope, at first you're prosecuting real hitler himself and then suddenly just regular americans are all nazis!
That nanny state bullshit irks me to no end. well good look with that shit, cya.
Congrats on not addressing a single point I made but I should've known better than to respond to a fucking leaf to begin with.
There was a metal band in philly (cannot remember their name) who were blacklisted before they played a show at Century a month or two ago...
Turned out they were hispanics that spoke out against zionism and anti-Palestinian jew tendencies and ended up playing at an undisclosed location nearby.
There was another band that went by the name White Rose who had their show dropped and van vandalized due to assumed associations with Nazism and the Edelweiss...
Turned out they named themselves after an anti-fascist publication popular amongst university students during ww2.
What I'm saying here is that antifa/commies/stupid retards are super easy to fuck with when it comes to crypto fascism. This is where you need to hit them; think Death In June.. Make them see how far they can move goalposts. Push the envelope if this something you're interested in.
>black metal against communism
So Varg was proven right once again. Should have gone for 88 stabbings
There's no point in addressing a fallacious argument, there is no reason to believe one a couple self avowed nazis from a single venue is going to lead to some sort of universal liberal crackdown or whatever you imagine
At the Riot Room, correct? Because of that rapper chimping out.
Did you fucking read the blog post? You either didn't, or you're a fucking brainlet. In any case, enjoy your HRT.
They better not disrupt Sabaton next week.
I wanna get to the point where I have enough money to buy a panzers and dress in SS uniforms
feels good to be a black metal fan, cant fucking wait for the carnage. anitifa is going to learn you dont fuck with metal
it was the riot room - i dunno about rapper chimping out. user said antifa called the club and made threats. band in question ended up canceling entire US tour
Wow one guy at a venue blogged some things you don't like, watch out for those jackbooted fascist antifa
taake was going to your place, but they canceled because you are a pussy and because your antifa can't differ bants and props from the real deal, just stick wit your boybands faggots. I am sure they are politically correct en ough for you
Why don't metal fans start ruining the commie hangouts in response? like some death metal safety squad type shit
the most funny part, this guys coulnd't care less about politics
Metal fans are some of the craziest fuckers in any music scene and if this keeps up, especially if it starts happening outside of California, antifa is going to find themselves in a war they absolutely don't want.
Hire the hells angels like the good old days.
Are these faggots for real ? I thought antifa was just some highschool tier group, but it clearly seems like an organised crime militia or something. Is america THAT free ? What the fuck. Also,
>fucking with metalheads
Boy are they gonna pay
You have good taste user
>right wing death metal squads when?
Because "safety squad" shit is fucking retarded and ruins it for everyone.
I'm right leaning and have played shows at "commie" venues. Antifa meetings are conducting at socialist non-profits and peoples' houses, not venues for bands. These DIY venues are ultimately a tool for people to make money. Only teetotalers and retarded Sup Forums normies are against them.
Lol no they won't, most of these bands aren't very good. Even among black metal fans Marduk is ridiculed
Varg is still better though
Black metal is fucking gay, weird that antifa hates it. I would fear someone who listens to the beatles more than any metal fan including that euro murderer, who is a pussy that I would be able to murder first
Black Metal artists should double down, those Antifat pussies wouldn't go to their concerts anyway. The minute these mouthbreathing liberal hippies start attacking people is when shit hits the fan. They really do not know how bad it is when you anger whites, last time that happened we dropped 2 nukes.
Varg has 2 decent albums and Taake is just derisive boring trash, sorry m8
wpaste, varduna didn't come up with this, it was as always varg
Most of these incidences are happening in California, which is super liberal and venue owners are terrified of any sort of negative word of mouth about them allowing "nazi" bands from performing at their venues.
>Even among black metal fans Marduk is ridiculed
See, now I know you have no idea what you're talking about
This is very good news.
Sorry to all the metal bros, but when when hobbies and entertainment are being shut down by leftist political factions, that's when most people start taking major redpills and swinging hard right in reaction.
They should have learned by now: NEVER touch the bread and circuses.
>Antifa provoking violence from blackmetal heads
>someone might actually get murdered by those retarded nail gauntlets in the near future
best timeline
It was the band Taake. Antifa notified the Riot Room, then pic related found out because he was about to perform there, and then cancelled his own show because he didn’t want to perform at a place that “gave a voice to white supremacy”. The venue cancelled Taake’s show and then that rapper started tweeting about it and made it a national news story. Once other venues heard about it and cancelled their shows too, so Taake was left with only a few venues on their tour, which forced them to end the tour. So lame.
It will happen. I saw some hardcore Watain fans in the comments threatening to kill Antifa fags. Watain isn’t even a political band, but I guarantee recent events will force their fans to choose a side. The Right side.
>See, now I know you have no idea what you're talking about
Lol, I can guess exactly which bands you listen to now. Boring factory produced blast beat garbage.
Baldur will come
>and it's all from scripture
Oh shit. That’s a call to arms. That pumps me up. Good on watain
it's a song about ragnarok, later wardruna have adopted it in a more civil matter
>The black metal scene
Found your problem right here. All "scenes" are subverted by... Some unnamed people.
Also, grow up youngfag.
Sorry the truth hurts, look at how fucking bad those new burzum albums are. The only reason his first two albums are any good is because of the people he had around him at the time. He never had much artistic talent.
It would be cool if they stick antifa heads on spikes like Gorgoroth did in Poland with pig heads.
Also: Gaahl is a literal faggot, fuck that piece of shit.
What Wardruma song is it?
Gorgoroth is trash, but you'd be insanely fucked up too if you had the same childhood as Graahl
Are you calling The Days of Yore bad? Get out of my board now you fucking despicable leaf
Still a faggot, no better than Milo.
still kick ass though, it's not from völuspá, but it's to the dot just like with Varg. you don't realise who varg is, when it comes to this
völuspá, but it is 66 verses
Old news, literally a month old
The guy is a fool though. Notice how Europeans don't give a fuck about him.
Melodeath is better than black metal. Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: You might.
I wish would do more of this, but he is occupied with his 40 children and shitposting on youtube now. All these guys knows him very well
Kvitrafn has such a soothing voice. My favorite Wardruna song is Solringen. Love listening to it when I hike in the Sierra Nevadas.
I asked for YOUR opinion, I don't give a shit about blog reviews. These are the same faggots who think Mayhem is still kewl because le edge. These are people who take a slob like Attila unironically.
Sorry didn't notice Watain. Haha...
Is that because of their latest album cover?
well - i wish the kcanons the best in organizing. the guy had a facebookpage up and another kcanon had done up a nice logo. they were going to print up flyers and were looking into permits to stage an event. i wish i had bookmarked the page. other anons might want to get into a grassroots movement like this that could possibly grow into something much greater
Too bad most black metal fans are pussies. I wish it weren't the case but if you're familiar with the scene at all you know I'm right.
I like melodeath. In Flames’ first three albums, At the Gates, early Dark Tranquility, even Dissection could be described as melodeath.
this one is fucking great, and it's so natural. Einar there has understood this so perfectly too, åsatru I mean
If you want my opinion the only reason The Ways of Yore is even being talked about at all is because it has Burzum's name slapped on it. It's so uninspired and uninteresing that it wouldn't even get noticed otherwise.
>Scandi music is anathema to anti-white cucks
Imagine my shock.
We should unleash the original band members of Absurd. Didn't those fuckers garrote a kid to death while they were in High School because he ratted on them for being "Satanists"?
Being in prison for 20 years really takes a toll on one's mind.
Einar is basically the new Varg, but he isn't mean and he hasn't killed people. I suspect but I don't know though, that he is the in secret the user vikingskog on youtube which features tons of folk music and is slightly vocal about the shit in europe. Regardless he is not stupid, he is just silent, he is ourguy
So what? We shouldn't fellate boring cash grab albums just because he was in prison
It started with Destroyer 666 saying “the girls in the #MeToo Movement need a hard cock”. Some Antifa fag notified the venue about it so the venue dropped them from the show. Watain got pissed so they moved venues. The owner of the first venue went full retard and wrote a long blog post about how Watain and D666 are nazis and misogynists. The local news picked up the story, so the second venue got scared and cancelled on them too. So stupid.
Who gives a fuck. Black metal is garbage unless Immortal or Venom are playing.
Black metal is the anime of music
Is there a better album in the same "electro ambient" vibe about norse traditions? If you don't like the style it's one thing, dismissing it entirely is another.
>not including Dissection
>not including Wolves in the Throne Room
Pleb detected.
fuckin kek
This guy is great