Whats her endgame?

Whats her endgame?

Attached: Stormy_2.jpg (400x300, 27K)

I bet you the jews are blackmailing her and are willing to completely destroy her for their needs

She's a whore, so $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

>I bet you the jews are blackmailing her and are willing to completely destroy her for their needs

How do you blackmail somebody who debases themselves for a living


At least a million dollars. She ain't in shit but for money. A hundred grand to SHUT her mouth was good money until suddenly we president.

She's going to tell that his dick is tiny and he cums in 30 seconds.

she sells her body for money...so i dunno...money?

whats funny though is nobody cares.

I hope she does. We need some fresh memes stat

Maybe she said nigger one time and they have a recording?

she looks jewish, has a hooked nose, and has jewbs

Attached: semitic identification.jpg (2344x2736, 2.05M)

you offer them more money to admit theyre lying, record that, then play the tape

Attention and money. As of a couple of hours ago, probably a lot of time in court, to the tune of a potential $20m fine.

The country at large still doesn't give a fuck about her in any event.

When's the last time you made contact with a non-relative female?

Porno reboot

Publicity is all she cares about. She’s an attention whore and will beat this horse until it’s a paste

>The Donald fucks pornstar
>Donald's Jewy lawyer see this as an opportunity to get some shekels
>preempt an NDA and pay hush money to pornstar out of his own pocket
>Donald out jew the jew and doesn't pay
>Jew attorney angry
>jew attorney plans to get his shekels back
>jew attorney leaks affair with pornstar
>dumb pornstar think it's okay to rat out since its leaked anyway
>jew attorney sues her for breaching the contract

The Moneyshot.


the endgame of all whores

Another thread that needs a dose of truth?

Clearly Donald Trump is a swinger.

He was friends with the Clinton's (Trumpers allegedly hate them, but its not true), Epstein (convicted pedophile), he endored Roy Moore (alleged sex abuser) and is an elitest obviously.

Attached: unnamed.png (476x473, 189K)

Well she's too ugly now to get work that pays well and god knows she's blown all her money and then some. Think that pretty much says it all.

If that's the case, she would have said nothing and kept blackmailing Trump.

washed up porno whore going to get fucked on camera a few more times for some shekels while trying to jew money out of Trump's gang.

Attached: jew_degeneracy.jpg (482x539, 82K)

I care, I have been jacking off to her since the year 2000 on dialup, sharing her videos on msn messenger and whatnot.

She was known as stormy waters back then

Does hand-shake count ?

you poor thing. you deserve better.

Interesting theory. Porno jewess also has that "fridge" body type.

Book deal because she can barely pull $100/he for a fuck these days

I don't know what to think about Trump anymore hagaha

I suppose your just gona repeat your selves, that its all lies.

The pro-Trumpers in this thread are obviously SHILLs.

Attached: Trump-Lolita-Express.png (500x508, 163K)

She's too old and busted out to get paid for getting fucked so she needs a new way to get attention and money for being a slut.

Attached: ted-danson-blackface-1b.jpg (300x400, 49K)

she wants to adopt and be a mother

thats just cuz she is old and let herself go, she was banging back in the day

many loads dropped desu


>Whats her endgame
Shes a camera prostitute who retired because she was falling off and not pulling in cash like she used to. Now she see's a resurgence in fame but because shes a retarded slut, she falsely believes this to be a shot at something more than just 15 minutes of fame. Once they are done weaponizing this whore, she'll be thrown back into the dumpster they found her in. This one is not hard to figure out , all fields

Not only did Trump bang woman while married, not the only time it happened.

He also supported Roy Moore (alleged sex pest).

Attached: cft-cft-roy-moore.png (1000x1000, 415K)

If you search "Donald Trump raped underage girl" on a search engine. You will find that Trump has a lawsuit against him in which he raped a 13 year old girl Epstein (convicted pedophile) is also noted in the lawsuit.

Maybe Trump ran for president to shake his accusers and possible financial problems?

Note: Trump has donated to the Clinton's before, so I guess lock her up was a lie, like everything else he said.

He's just another politician as being president means your in politics!

Attached: Bill-Clinton-and-Donald-Trump-both-friends-with-pedophile.jpg (940x545, 577K)

>NDA = $130K
>Breach of NDA = $1million
>$130K - $1million = $870K

If she can make more than $870K from her fame, it will have been worth it. She will be known as the legendary pornstar that took down Donald Trump.

In all honesty, she'd be stupid not to break the NDA and go on a media tour and just make massive bank.

Also, when she is done, she can charge extra for her stripping performances. She's gonna become rich very soon.

This is her former husband. I know you sick faggots have seen him in porn.

Attached: 2578875794_45c5cc3e45.jpg (500x333, 97K)

Want's to be the next Monica L. Also, the fame from it would make her more money than the NDA. She's a greedy jew, what do you expect.

One theory I heard was that Melania can possibly use this as a reason to divorce Trump and get a massive payout out of it. So, it's in Trump's interest to keep her quiet, because A) It looks bad; and B) He'll lose a fuck ton of money in the divorce settlement with Melania.

Attached: Melania-Trump-Screen-Capture-800x430.jpg (800x430, 51K)

No shes about to be a dead prostitute soon. By means of a "car accident" or apparent "suicide".
>InB4 would look to suspicious.

She has blue eyes in the pic but brown irl

How exactly would having sex with stormy Daniels lead to impeachment or taking down trump?

Do you people never learn?

get paid

Attached: did I do that.jpg (325x155, 13K)

thats trumps problem not mine

Bannonn said there's 100 women Cohen paid off. 100!!!

tfw jews are the niggers this whole time

to fade from the headlines in a few months when this whole thing unravels for her


You'd love that ya trump ponce

Trump is a pimp
Who cares about fucking teens?

Money and fame...

desperate attempt to stay relevant because she's a dime a dozen bitch ith fake tits

The storm is coming.

come suck my boobs. you must be 18. but these fucken things are for neonates
>where'd all these pedos come from?


A few more dollars for a few more years.

You know that feeling when a word or name is repeated so much it becomes annoying/grating to hear it again and again? Textbook case of it happening with this cunt.

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Is that a hint to Trump's pedophile lawsuit?
Search engine "Trump raped underage girl" research it and see.

Gotcha Bitch!

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Funding her drug habit.

hopefully joining the recent trend of porn trash suicides.

To collect shekels.Jews are using her to fuck w Trump to no avail crashing her career/life with no survivors. It won’t effect trump but she’ll prob off herself within a year from getting so badly rekt financially by lawsuit.


Attached: 20607636-43E4-44AD-95E3-40A8695F0E15.jpg (1920x1081, 186K)

Reports in she was threatened with physical violence.

Reports in you suck dick for money.

Trump's dick pics
>Enjoy your ban

Opiate overdose I imagine. Isn't that the standard porn star retirement package?

Reports in you support a president who supported an alleged sex pest (Roy Moore).

Attached: nypostdailynews.jpg (640x360, 62K)

Same as any other mother...she wants what's best for her son.

Attached: BarronsRealMom.jpg (1776x1337, 1.14M)

>implying that shit isn't all toned up in the pre-nup

i've seen so much porn since 1994.. that i don't know who this bitch even is.. like is this a real porn star or is this a cover up? kayla hiltons early shit is my waifu. fuck off. don't care. that bitch can get me off quicker than your mom.

her nose is to small to create a nose like barron has via trump.. fuck off. the timeline doesn't even work.

> baby comes out of a vagina
> "whoa who could the mother of this baby be?"

Profit, Profit, and Profit

>These D rank shills posting for the first time and not getting any (You)s
Funding must be running low, yikes

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Ugly af bolt ons

>Whats her endgame?

a revived career and writing a tell all book for millions of dollars

ruining everything she can
like all other women
don't know if she'll succeed though

She is being sued for $20 mill by trumps lawyer, he will win and she still wont be able to say a thing. All those around her promising the world will be gone and she will be ruined.

I just want to fuck those kike milkers.

is any content she's released worth a fap at all?

1 million fine every time she talks, already at 20 mil

She had a good deal, but got greedy
Now she is going to be broke

Moist Meatbag

She offered to return the initial 150k, which is an admission of guilt.

Or announce to the world she slept with the president and sign a book deal with all the steamy details for several million. Trump would not give her more money, because she already sold out and can't ask for more. And before she tried to sell the story for money and she probably only got a few thousand from the tabloids, thus why she took the hush money, better than what she would have gotten with tabloids. But, ahh, things changed, trump is president, now her story is worth BIG money and she wants it.

hopefly her larping about a physical threat was true, i mean even if its a false falg by hillary to make it seem like trump silanced her it would make a great happening thread.

seems lik best case scenario she deis b4 the 60 minuites, itll make her card worth way more.

Failing carrer

They're fake as fuck, and they look terrible. She's old. She got them done before it was a perfected procedure. The nipples go off in different directions.

An ugly old bimbo can be a good fap every now and then.

god she looks like a baked potato

End game

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Let's say she fucked hillary..lol
She will be dead if crossing hillary..


She is probably getting a new book deal so she can make more money.

Also, her scenes are average at best to be honest.

She wants attention because she's an attention whore. Also she wants money because she's a plain old whore. Obama will be back soon in another form.

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shes israeli intell tied to ashley madison.


She fucks and shows her parts for a living. She has no agency, she just wants money and attention .

theres six of em apparently. since election