Fire all the FBI you want, Donald

Fire all the FBI you want, Donald.
Your ass is mine.

Attached: mueller.jpg (876x493, 42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how many investigators into POTUS carried Uranium to Russia by order of the HRC state department?

>but hes a republian


>which wasn't illegal
Come back with an argument t_d faggot.
>you won't

tic toc drumpf

Attached: mueller.jpg (680x524, 39K)


I'm shaking in my space boots...

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not illegal?
>podestas daughte rinvest a million dollers in uranium one.
>bank running the uranium one stock sales donats 100million to clinton foundation
>bank staking U1 pays bill clinton 500k 2x his normal fee


>mfw fires mueller

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Trump didn’t fire McCabe it was Sessions, and the president is always insulated it’s much more /comfy/ that way don’t you agree user?

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I'm the real lawbringer here, Rahbert.

Your pitiful attempts to stop the priesthood rising are futile.

Step away from Dahnald's delegates, Rahbert...nice and slow...

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Is it finally it? Ive been pretty nervous the last 47 times you guys said it was the end of Trump. This has got to be it this time right user? Right? Right? Right?

Kill yourself disgusting faggot traitor.



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As if anybody with half a brain would think Donald Trump as POTUS was going to work out.

You're either a RussiaBot looking for chaos or dumb as a fucking brick.

Donald Trump? What?

It's been over 1 year now and all he could find is russian trolls and crimes from Obama era with Ukraine.

What do you think the point was?

Attached: DrumpfDoomed.png (1263x478, 318K)

I wonder if alt-rightards are gonna hang themselves or attempt hilarious crimes and wind up on COPS when Mueller deposes him.

This has got to be the most fucked up thread I've seen in days.

Actually Mueller's probe has advanced incredibly fast, and it's getting really good now with the Trump Org subpoenas. Do you really believe your post?

shills are afraid

sessions woke up

>I'm a retard that thinks pay for play scandals are legal.

Please kys faggot

How are you going to last 7 more years dear if you keep clinging to pipe dreams?

Liberals are so desperate to get trump out of office it's really pathetic

THIS. Firing McCabe like this is desperate MAGA knuckle dragging buffoonery. Trump still has to sit down with special counsel. Trump fags on twitter are giggling tonight but it won't last.

Shit it might actually work you ponce

LMAO, gonna be tough for muller when he gets investigated. Treasons a tough charge.

this got memory holed very hard

accidents dont get made in translation in situations like that.