You know what this means
You know what this means
Absolutely nothing?
shoo shoo insta jew
I thought Asians were all lefties?
>Absolutely nothing?
Sure, sure. Let me DOX you then bikelock your face off, when the police arrives, I'll be whistling saying "nothing to see here officer, nothing to see here". Pretending not to see a crime should be seen just as bad as the crime itself retard. Watch yoself.
Why the fuck would you think that you stupid fucking retard?
Okay not all, but most?
ooooohhhohhohohoho momma she;'s so fucking hot hng HNG HGN
yeah, only 90% of our insect people voted for Clinton so it's not like it's some kind of racial trait for them to be disgusting boot lickers and traitors to the ideals of the country that gave them a new life.
It means that chick doesn't have my dirty precum oozing cock in her tight 20 something cunt
do you know that 88, as in 1488, is a lucky number in chinese?
We're all going to harass the qt asian girl for some reason even though she's on our side?
Why the fuck would you think that you stupid fucking retard?
This is an 18+ board.
Oh god must resist the jungles pull
88 fochune bitch boy
She's a typical e-thot. Talked about Berkeley Riots for weeks and didn't show up. Don't trust this noodle nigger.
I'm not, i don't even have a gay ass insta, that shit is cock sucker technology
Now I'm hungry for noodles
My what big teeth you have
because Asians do vote Lefty.
Get bent liberal scum hahaha
Those e-thots and merchants always lie about being censored everywhere for attention
Back to r/the_cuckold with you, civnat faggot.
It's not the jungle. It's the honorable rice patty.
Not the better off ones. Altho iv heard all the Asians vote Democrat in the states so its the opposite of how it is here.
Asians are more racist then we are and hate brown crime waves.
Because we don't take control of them again.
Hitler Youth on a summer trip to Japan