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Is abortion murder?
Why or why not.
Let's see how conservative Sup Forums truly is!
Murder? No, murder is a legal definition. Killing? Yes. That fetus would have been a baby without the abortion, absent extraordinary (miscarriage, etc.) circumstances.
I just don't believe in making abortion illegal, though. If degenerates want to kill their spawn so be it.
Yes, but it's murdering niggers and liberals almost exclusively, so it's OK.
When does life begin tho?
>Murder? No, murder is a legal definition.
So, what is murder? The taking of an innocent human life. So yeah, abortion is murder.
Yes, abortion is murder.
Murder is always un-Christly. But murder is not always wrong.
The question is not whether or not abortion is murder, it unequivocally is.
The question is whether or not women possess the sheer will to power BALLS to confront their actions for what they are and choose take a life for their benefit without being handheld through the process by an enabling state.
Abortion is murder, but only if the baby is white.
A shitskin abortion isn't a murder, it's a necessity.
>abortion: killing a human being out of convenience
>is abortion murder
It depends how you define life if life is human potential, then there is alot of potential even in a clump of cells. If it's a soul (whch I find retarded) then obviously yes it's murder in that regard as well.
I think that abortion is wrong unless the baby is retarded. Even a rape baby can be adopted out.
nah fuck that, if it's a pregnant kid, a rape baby or a retard, abort
I don't care. I don't have an uterus so it's not my problem.
Didn’t know Croatians were still liberal communists with no respect for life because it inconveniences you. Kys Luka.
There are well over 2,000 abortion each day in the U.S. It’s a fucking genocide.
Abortion should be allowed in the first 2 months, after that youve made your bed.
while i think it is wrong and don't support it as an option for myself, I do think others should choose. Its a hard line to walk on, part of me feels conflicted in my decision but i think its the best option we have right now.
But aren’t you outraged that 1.1 people die a day in a mass shooting in the US?
It is murder. But it's legalization has been nog control par excellence. So morally it's like war--sometimes its justified.
Which race?
Yes murder. Secularly speaking, the fetus is a biologically unique individual with human rights.
Those people died because they didn't have a gun on them to defend themselves from the attacker.
Think of this: If society was built around laws such as murder being legal, and the ownership of any if not all weapons being allowed, and even enforced, what would the violent gun crime statistics look like in this society?
Bible says baby isnt truly alive until its first breath. Also, the bible has instructions on how to perform abortions.
Push thou woman from thy cliff face.
Heartbeat or verifiable brain function
Morality is universal, so abortions must either be "immoral" or "not immoral". There is no gray.
An abortion doesn't magically become immoral at the third trimester. "Oh, so at 7 months, an abortion is immoral, but not 6.9 months?" And how do you know? There is no objective ground for it. The same principle applies for the second and first. I will explain why this is so.
If a fetus of x age is not life, at least agree that it is potential life. A man in a coma should not be killed because he can potentially break out if it. A baby is like someone in a coma. If they were unharmed, they would be human.
The only moral way to judge this touchy situation is to assume that the fetus is a potential life that should not be aggressed upon.
Of course this all only works if you believe in moral absolutism. Universal morality.
I was playing devils advocate. I agree with your post. Something like 2-3 million lives are saved with a gun and only about 15k are murdered with a gun every year in the US.
Man should not spill his seed on the ground either. Masterbation is murder!
I know you were.
I was just trying to give you an IQ test, and see if you could pass it or not.
Unfortunately you evaded the question.
You can’t be serious. Degenerate cuck. Is that why in Genesis if a brawler unintentionally knocks over a woman with child and the child dies he is to likewise get death? Fucking idiot. And that’s more or less unintentional from be a careless brawler, imagine intentional killing of a baby.
>if we legalize abortion, blacks will kill their own children!
if you make abortion illegal, and punish it with the death penalty, not only do you promote a good society that values innocent life, but you also get rid of the dregs of society.
it begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg.
Depends if the Bible is true and if that version has not been mistranslated. I get my morals by defining immorality on common sense: It is immoral to initiate the altering of another's property against their consent. Alter could be stealing, destroying, hiding, damaging, etc. Animals and humans are property owners of their own lives and well-beings. Humans are smart enough to additionally have material belongings. To act in self defense is to act second, which is to not be the one initiating the violence.
Bible in unabashedly pro-abortion if you do it, dawg. Just not if someone else forces it on you. Abortion is Christ-approved and in the Middle Ages all for it. Child isn't a child until long after conception according to God.
If the killing of an innocent life is immoral, then yes, abortion is immoral.
BUT with that said, everyone commits immoral acts all the time. I decided personally that eating meat is immoral. I can't justify it with so many alternatives available. But, I still eat meat and love it. So it's entirely possible to see abortion as immoral, but still permit it.
look, sperm is not a potential life because on its own it won't develop into a baby or some crap, it will stay as sperm, turn old and turn useless just like that. Just like an ovule wouldn't be a potential human life, it would simply be a reproductive cell (Even though that ovules actually come in limited numbers and sperm is made in masses with no end.)
Abortion is murder when white babies are being aborted. It's natural and necessary for nonwhites who would not be able to sustain their population in the first place without whites
This. Only acceptable to get rid of non white babies
So it doesn't work because morality isn't universal. Why waste so much time typing out a non-sense argument ?
Kill em all
key line of thought is that abortion is killing a *human* life, and eating meat is simply killing animals that are bred for that sole and only purpose, they aren't rational beings and all of their actions are based on instincts. Killing a sentient and rational being =/= killing a critter
How the hell do you live with yourself? You know for a fact that you are contributing to the rape, confinement, torture, and murder of animals.
No, it's clear that the child doesn't get a soul until 40 days after conception until then it is not human and there is no sin.
>babies have political views
I say yes, but getting rid of it just leads to overgrown populations of white trash and niggers. I'd probably be all for illegalizing it if humanity figures out how to teach niggers not to nig or maybe develop terraforming to expand livable areas.
then in that case, women shouldn't have periods, since they're wasting eggs.
or we can just not be stupid and realize that until sperm fertilizes the egg, it's not a human life.
Yes but it’s acceptable murder according to the ethics of the times.
can't murder a retard
Not true faggot. You need an the sorry and egg to meet. Ever heard of biology? No where in the Bible does it equate masterbation (tho still not healthy) with murder.
If it's acceptable to terminate a living body after brain activity stops (as in becoming a vegetable kept alive by machines), then we know where life ends. Working from there, we can infer that life begins at brain activity (estimates at about Week 5-6 of fetal development).