Has he been redeemed and is he Our /GUY/ again ?
Has he been redeemed and is he Our /GUY/ again ?
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He has the IG report
>and based on the report of the Inspector General
Here we go
It's party time
No. OPR basically did the job for him- he just took credit. Fuck Keebler and everyone that looks like him.
The FED commie broke the law and he is above the law and that's wrong.
Tonight was a baby step
Future firings and indictments should start coming down more quickly now that the seal has been broken
There's a lot more to get through.
that fag stepped down turning AL blue, and never intended to do his job (Swamp draining)
deep state had him under wire tap all of 2016 same time Flynn was being watched, this fucker is a deep state cock sucker to the max
Threadly reminder:
Anyone pushing
>Mueller is /ourguy/
>Muh indictments
>Any variation of these
Is a confirmed SHILL.
>Is a confirmed SHILL.
>It's debunked Goy!!!
The IG seems like he's not bad so far, compared to ur usual swamp.
You have no response when asked why he brought fraudulent charges against Flynn. Flynn was cleared by the FBI under Comey 10 full months before Mueller wrongfully, maliciously coerced him into pleading guilty to crimes he did not commit
Yes. In that he's finally fulfilling the basic duties of his office.
Flynn got indicted on purpose so that the truth could coem out that he was framed with FORGED 302s and was spied on by a CRONY FISA JUDGE
If an investigation is all talk like Mueller's it's usually nothing burger.
Sessions being silent is a good thing. You don't reveal your cards to your opponents until it's game time.
No. He is a Swamp Dweller. Justice Department is still not doing their job.
Pathetic psyop that no one on this board buys. you realize no one buys or believes your shit? yet you post in every single trump thread
completely deranged loser
You said I'm a confirmed shill and that anyone saying the things I was saying are signs of being a shill. Where's your evidence? I don't want talking points. I want evidence.
I don't know if Mueller is in on it or not. But it's getting really hard to say Trump didn't plan all this shit with Flynn to set up every single thing that's happening right now.
>promotes the drug war which is the source of black funds for ""moderate rebels"" (Al Qaeda)
>our guy
Fuck no.
Speak for yourself, faggot.
Not really following burger politics, but could someone explain why firing someone who was about to get retired such a big deal?
Trump supporters are loving it, libtards are hating it. Makes no sense. All you're saving are some pension dollars, but the guy most likely was already rich.
WTF are you talking about nigger?
How many more CIA charted jets full of heroin need to crash before you understand what's happening?
Get shit on.
And what people doesn't know Sessions just picked up the investigation. It was ongoing even before Trump took over. It didn't go through because lots of Obama's people are obstructing it.
>Why's it taking so long then?
They are trying to bring down someone big which requires the case to be airtight.
Only reason Sessions isn't as bad as someone like Holder, is because he has been so completely useless he has not managed to fuck anything up .
Not someone. Everyone.
He was one of the small cabal of people who came up with the conspiracies to let Clinton off the hook for her e-mail server violations. Then the same group led by McCabe started the fake Russia investigation into Trump
"Accuse your enemy of what you, yourself, do"
i bet mccabe takes this shit to court and he wins and still gets his pension
Just a casual observer. I would love to be wrong and the Deep State is all being played, but I think more likely it is an ongoing war where the vast majority of Washington people (who Trump hired because there was literally no one else and he's busy MAGA) are in some form either sympathizers or go-along-get-along weaklings.
The Establishment was never going to go quietly amd while I do still think we'll win the war, I don't think it will be some huge bombshell everyone goes to prison type of deal, but rather a slow grind to reverse the cultural degeneracy that will take place over decades. I think simple solutions like "Mueller is playing 5d chess at Trump's direction! He is a secret anti-Hillary agent!" are appealing to believe but less likely than "The 100 year degeneration of our political system has left us with basically no allies in Washington and Trump is pretty much on his own and has the Herculean task of single-handedly draining the Swamp"
Life ain't a movie. Mueller is a swamp creature and Sessions is weak. These are our tools. Fortunately, Trump might actually be up to the task regardless of the shit hand he has been dealt.
Negative. Literally the absolute minimum effort
>blackpill demoralization shill
You realize you can't stop what's coming. Fucking kike.
People are not reporting the most important part of the story
His own agency turned on him and said "fire him, he does not deserve a pension"
McCabe is fucked for the rest of his useless life
oh hmm, it sounds like a trap then
And so what now? Will it end the investigation? Will anyone actually get punished? Getting fired from the FBI a few days before retiring means nothing.
okay, but I wasn't trying to demoralize. I think Trump is going to win. Maybe I'm just not privy to all the new shit. I don't pay much attention.
If everyone who disagrees with you is a shill, then how do you expect to educate people who may just disagree because they are uninformed? Or have different facts they are working off of? I think it's a foolish tactic to write everyone off unless they already 100% agree with a theory.
Meh, we'll find out one way or another. If you end up being right I'll be here to eat crow and admit I was wrong. Be the happiest i've been in a while if it happens to.
kys Jason
There is an impending deluge of official investigative reports coming out about how FBI - DOJ - Clinton campaign - Obama WH all colluded to spy on Trump after they colluded to let Clinton herself off the hook of serious crimes.
This will lead to a large amount of litigation
If you can't do anything but whine about shilling then you clearly dom't have much to go off of other than theory crafting.
You could be right. I didn't expect McCabe to be fired, so that's a data point for your theory, but is it conclusive? I remain unconvinced.
Of course you didn't. Because you're a kike. He's not gonna be indicted. He's the shot across the bow from Trump signaling the end draws ever so close. You ready for Mueller to drain the swamp?
Still sleeping. Somebody had to lift his arm and place the pen between his fingers to get him to scribble his name on the termination form.
I told you dude. This guy is totally deranged. He makes the same exact posts in every thread related to this business. He heavily emphasizes Israel, insists Mueller is working to drain the swamp and is in general a very mentally ill person and or really pathetic (because he's seriously always here) shill
>He heavily emphasizes Israel
I wonder why
Mueller is going to drain the Swamp? Mueller has been in the Swamp for his entire career. When did he flip? Does Trump have something on him or was he an anti-establishment plant for the last 30 years just pretending to be a hack, or did he suddenly have a change of heart and wants redemption?
I think most people would be skeptical at this point. Not the least of which because this kind of thing is always talked about: pretty soon the big one is going to drop and all the Swamp Dwellers are going to go down! But it never happens. Maybe this time it actually will?
Or maybe, just maybe, it's not that easy and it will be a long-running war to dislodge an entrenched enemy. That seems more realistic. It might not be, just from the casual observers perspective, that's what seems more likely. Though truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. So maybe you are right.
Sessions is a sleeping giant. It seems like he’s doing nothing, but then he awakens and shakes everything up.
The day Trump interviewed him.
When did Trump interview him?
The day before he fired Comey.
Whoops. I meant the day before Rod Rosenstein appointed him.
>Or maybe, just maybe, it's not that easy and it will be a long-running war to dislodge an entrenched enemy.
people want to believe that there is only one big battle that has to be won, and then everyone will live happily ever after
the reality that retaking the government is going to require slow, incremental gains and lots of hard work over 8+ years is more horrifying than any scandal or enemy
That's why you have to keep it constantly exciting. Exhausting but necessary
People here seem to think that building up a criminal case against an established power is an easy thing, I still have faith that Sessions was the right pick
Trump and Sessions both are major bitches who can't fire people in person like men and they hide behind other to do their dirty work. Mueller's team is gonna dance on their heads and go cockadoodledoo
You sound like a pot smoker.
Hmm lets see:
List of people blatantly guilty that are not in Prison:
I could go on, but you get the jist. Now kindly take a gun, put it in your mouth, and pull the trigger like that r9k kid. Trump is not dishing out justice. This is pathetic. But I guess this is enough for Trump fanboys to REEE that progress is being made. You faggots need to kill yourselves.
Can I get a gestalt? Who is McCabe? Did he do 9/11?
Your imagined perception of Trump voters is what hurts your side the most. Do you really think Trump voters who were keen on his Drain the Swamp message expected him to round up politicians like the French Revolution? He is doing exactly what we wanted, I would even say on or ahead of schedule
Lol you're in the wrong fucking place.
>what we wanted
Speak for yourself cuck. Every politician who has taken money from AIPAC or Saudi Arabia has committed treason to the American people and should face justice
Agree. Youre a nutter if you thought they were going to face angry mob justice, though
What part of lock her up didnt you understand?
This isnt even a happening. Being fired for not doing you job is fucking common place nigger. This traitorous piece of shit should be locked behind bars. But we have a joke for a justice dept. A joke for FBI. and a REAL joke for president. A liar and a con. Where is true justice? It is HIS FUCKING JUSTICE DEPT. Or is it?
here here, round them niggers up and day of the rope them
Or im not just a pessimistic faggot like you Trump cock suckers
Agreed. Clinton et al. could shoot someone on 5th avenue and still not go to jail
so outraged. Great energy bro but come on. Focus on your own shit and let the process unfold how it has to unfold. A giant bureaucracy doesnt just roll over and let an intruder like Trump fuck it all up without severe pushback
He more than redeemed himself.
this guy is still a colossal faggot and a pussy. the ONLY reason he fired mccabe is because he got recommendations from other people in the FBI. that way he won't have to take any blame for it. fuck sessions.
Not until he sends Comey, Mueller and John Brennan the glowie chief to the chair for trying to stage a communist coup against the FUCKING ELECTED PRESIDENT.
I dont want to hear excuses, Ive been listening to them for Trumps entire presidency.
>trust the bureaucracy
Nigger gtfo.
The same that got us into this mess? Fuck this if this is what you consider results.
Im not here to be High Energy, Im here to make people realize this is a crock of shit. People need to pay. PRISON. BLOOD. Not being fired for not doing your fucking job. This is pathetic.
This mother fucker needs all the bullets.
He has always been our guy
> support the klan
> put potheads in jail
> end affirmative action
>This is pathetic. But I guess this is enough for Trump fanboys to REEE that progress is being made. You faggots need to kill yourselves.
This. Can you imagine if the FSB tried to undermine Putin with a phony investigation? Or if the Chinese intelligence service was saying to Xi Jinping "NOT MY PRESIDENT #RESIST" and it's agents texting each other plans to take him down?
No other nuclear world power has it's own justice and intelligence agencies trying to take down their elected leader under blatantly fake pretenses, this shit is fucking unprecedented in the history of the USA.
It's so surreal that a LITERAL ANTI-AMERICAN COMMUNIST who voted for pic related was the head of the CIA and the normies just shrugged. He's out now but still, the swamp is nowhere near drained.