I've been pondering this for a while now. I understand you're not going to get along with everyone and people need some room. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ARE YOU INDIVIDUALISTS RETARDED. No human ever has been an 'individual', humans are not individualistic creatures. individualism as a concept literally doesn't exist. Freedom and personal liberties lead to all sorts of awful. Individualism leads to sociopathic selfishness, torn families, degeneracy; a society that doesn't work. Let me also repeat FREEDOM DOESN'T"T EXIST. Everything and everyone in order to survive has to exist being dependent on one another (reproduction is a simple example). None of you fags self govern. LET ME EXPLAIN FREEDOM...... 3 people in one house working 40 hours a week per person to barely scrap by, to be plundered and absolutely fucked by (((big-nose))) corporations, saying the wrong thing and having your life ruined. It's a fucking meme.The list goes on and on folks, UNKEK
Individualism is fucking retarded. Prove me wrong
It's only retarded when used against us by psychopathtic Jews like this guy and his kike wife.
But it's still essential for human advancement and intellectual growth.
>But it's still essential for human advancement and intellectual growth
I think you're wrong there big man
Jesus did not die for collectives, groups or societies. He died for individuals so that we could have individual relationships with him.
Okay christ faggot, I hope one day you'll have a brain capable of realizing that uhh well its all bullshit
I would consider most of these acceptable points on the surface, however individual thought processes are inherently necessary for the development...hell even to sustain normal functioning society.
As quoted by the man himself. Mein Kampf (new ford edition page 100);
>"Isn't every accomplishment of genius in this world the result of one genius going against the inertia of the masses?"
>"can anyone believe that this world comes from the brain of majorities and not from the heads of individuals?"
Obviously I promote thinking for ones self, and I believe we all should ponder things. You do realize that selling yourself to the idea of individualism is a falsehood. of course there are free thinkers, people think its what we do.
At which point do you draw the line then between individualism and collectivism?
I do believe no one can truely be an individual as we are inherently influenced by external forces and a desire to belong.
Also no there was no suggestion of trying to prevent or somehow that in case we stopped being an individualistic society people would stop thinking or having original thought processes idk where you're getting these far drawn out conclusions.
Where the line is drawn depends on which objective sense you're tying it to. I'll use the analogy, - instead of constantly restraining the dog on a leash, and also instead of letting himself run off and get killed, you give him a large fence.
I do agree with you mate. Love to continue this conversation alas I have work. HH.
collectivist societies are shit
no innovation, embrace communism or its socialist derivatives, lack of intellectual competition, and government coercion
Most of the greatest thinker, innovators, scientist, philosophers etc, weren't having some sort of an intellectual battle. They usually achieved what they did out of their curiosity or their compulsion to achieve something (that achievement not being based off of you're idea of "ha I am more intellectual than you")
One does not preclude the other in reality, the dichotomy is only apparent when considered in an abstract sense.
Macro collectivist, micro individualist. Take some personal responsibility for the good of the group.
Any system that tells you that the system is more important than you is a fucking scam m8.
You are a slave
Your right but that dosnt mean that we cant try to be truly independent individuals.
individualism is good only if you're in a homogeneous nation. white people are probably the most individualist race, sometimes to our detriment.
I mean look at all the subcultures we produce; punks, jocks, preps, goths, nerds, gamers, etc.
As a homogeneous people self rule is in the best interest, not to be cucked into another shitty system faggot
we all know the individualism-collectivism debate is not about a dichotomy but a spectrum right?
that there is room for individualism within a collective and that the strengthening of racial ties does not necessarily entail a reduction of muh individual rights?
You're never gonna be truly independent or individualistic pal. Those are false narratives you keep getting sold
i think white people are always going to be crisis of trying to separate into individuals. I think it gives us a lot of strenght, but a lot of weaknesses.
i think it is in our nature. I think we should be more conscious of it, and try to be more conscious of our racial identity too.
Somewhat correct
Mother fucker I dont owe you shit. Go take that cult like group think bullshit and go fuck off to China if you want to be a drone and dress like a faggot
Exactly my point , Gaylord. But that requires individualism
collectivist recognize that, but libertarians and civic-nat-cucks don't seem to get it.
rampant individualism has failed us, it's time to collectivize for a time so we can bring us back into power and THEN we can individualize again.
Hitler was a fucking idiot who got smashed in the war. Why would anyone listen to a loser?
individualism is synergistic with collectivism. A bundle of iron rods is much stronger than a bundle of twigs.
No. I am not gonna lump myself in with dumb white trash because qe have rhe same skin color. Those people can go fuck themselves
Still i can try to be as independent as i can be.
Individualism and colectivism works as much hand in hand as against each other for individuals creat a colletive.
You're talking about individualism of collective groups of people? A homogeneous white culture is collective in essence but sure independent because everyone within it relies on each other.
Its interesting to think those boys had 40% higher test levels than an equivalently aged modern male, weird
There is nothing wrong with individualism, those shortfalls are features and not bugs. Strict adherence to negative liberty breeds the type of individual worthy and desirable of voluntary association. Form your nazi club, hope you don't get the untermensch among you looking to cling to a group for validation and self worth. Jews are actually the most egregious offenders of group think and collective thought, it's pretty pathetic.
dumb white trash are so rare as to not even exist
What mother fucker? I am from the south and you are a liar. Those people are sub human
Yes, but a single iron rod with 29 sticks is stronger than 30 sticks.
A good collective would mean it also can improve the individual and not tear down him down to the lowest denominator (communism).
A strenght shouldn't be homogenised, it must be promoted.
nigger do you think blacks are individualistic? do you think muslims are? Do you think china is? The jews?
And when they rise up , they are going to leave you alone, because you are an individual lol? They are ALREADY lumping you in with other whites
You are so short sighted
>Napoleon was a fucking idiot who got smashed in the war. Why would anyone listen to a loser?
As a whole, a homogeneous culture is collective. But is also self reliant and is free from the reign of others. Within this strengthened collective yes there is some room for individual rights, but individualism in a multicultural nation is cucked and sad
nope, the subhumans have brown skin
the dumbest white person you met is a productive member of this society and a net positive
>omg there's dumb white people
>we should totally import even dumber brown people!
Napoleon established a legal system in use to this day.
Hitlers legacy is getting droves of gis own people butcher his women mass raped and Germany split apart for 40 years.
Hitler accomplished jack shit and conducted the war like a faggot
You can save yourself stay away from processed food, BPA and hit the gym
I never said i am for multicultural societies.
Lmao Yea I forget Cletus scamming disability and banging heroin is a good guy. You are aware virtually all heroin users are dirt poor white trash right?
This could quite possibly be the stupidest post ever made on Sup Forums.
>"Individualism doesn't exist."
Go to so much hell it's not even funny.
So then you admit that you want a Homogeneous collective to make up your individualistic society and within this homogeneous society include individual rights? HA gotcha faggot
gym doesn't raise testosterone nearly enough and modern food is filled with feminizing chems maybe organic food might be alright but far too expensive
there is trash in all populations. that white trash though? their kids are on average smarter than them. regression to the mean.
white trash also fits in with whites better than any nonwhites ever could. they're more cohesive with you than niggers will ever be whether you believe it or not. look at the way they vote, for example.
I dunno, this board and most others are actually a good example of why individualism is more realistic and a smarter way to go about life.
Most people here share common moral, idealogy, political beliefs... but they jump first chance they get to shit on someone, even if they think similar as they do.
How many people in your own life do you know who are loyal and reliable people?
You can roll the dice joining a group if you want tho.
The point is that a society of strong individuals who have developed character through the various rigours of self-discovery, aka the alchemical trauma of growth cultivated in individualistic pursuit, is much stronger than the society in which there is no chance for the aforementioned processes to take place, resulting in the fasces of twigs.
dumb whites exist and we shouldn't cater to them, but they had a place in society; lawn care and shitty manual labor. they used to get payed ok to do that, but now we've imported even DUMBER brown people to do those things and pay them less.
An individualist is someone who believes in individual rights and if you want a prosperous society you're going to need those. Remember the state serves the people, not the other way around.
t. yuroproxy
>3 people in one house working 40 hours a week per person to barely scrap by, to be plundered and absolutely fucked by (((big-nose))) corporations
This is what individualists fight against, retard.
low distrust and low social cohesion is a direct result of multiculturalism.
Have you ever met white trash? Not joking here they are disgusting. Always difty always bitchibg about how they cant find work always drunk or high always abandoning their kids always refusing to get an education. They are the lowest form of life on earth. All poor white trash should be killed and their kids taken away
How can it be independent if everyone relies on each other ? Anyway, nevermind, there no scenario where you don't need anyone, other than living in the woods perhaps.
I am talking about me as an individual. The way I see it, up to now , society only tried to fuck me over. Everything I got I did by working and paying ten times the worth. Why should I feel in debt to the society, enough to go to a war maybe ?
I imagine that in any "socialist" regime things are even worse, as related to this supposed debt you have to society.
Religion is the same. You owe something because of some supposed sin your ancestors committed.
It jewelry all over
I also never said that i want that either.
Idealy for me the only collective for people would be a selfgoverning and actually indepenent family (parents and childern). Later chidren can grow up and can start creating there own family.
That's why we're advocating for a Homogeneous culture as a collective made up of whites to serve and strengthen whites while also allowing individual rights. Not the far ended rights you may know
We collectively believe everyone else can fuck off. That sentiment is truly uniting.
>big-nose corporations should do whatever they want
t. Libertarians
You don't seem to understand that bad PR doesn't mean a company will go under. Look at EA, Nestle, Nike, large banks etc.
I thought this board was literally anti individualism ,inb4 emus
You literally don't. You retards unironically want to go back to a time when we had no labor protections and unions, a time when people would be mangled by industrial machines and die of black lung and be shot to death with their families by "detective agencies" if they tried to organize and demand better conditions. You always try to skirt the issue and use polemics to make it seem like you don't, but that's essentially what your ideal world boils down to.
>I dunno, this board and most others are actually a good example of why individualism is more realistic and a smarter way to go about life.
We don't all have to buy land and move together. Also, this board also has a topic to begin with. If you want individualism, go to Sup Forums. Individualists have fucking ruined this place.
I ran with a whole group of white chads in high school in early 2000s. They all fucked each others girlfriends and sisters whenever they got a chance.
This unity is a farce, its a nice thing to think about... but people only care about them selves.
Good thay saves people who didnt fuckup. In life money
True story: I needed my yard mowed and some white guy wanted $50 for an acre but some mexican did it for 25. Why should I have to pay more to some drunk redneck for the same job? Maybe his ass should get a better job but I dont owe him the work when Jose will do it half price and actually stay sober while he works.
Mexicans work harder than poor whites and they deserve the work.
Poor whites are the most entitled group in America
The layout of this imageboard is an anonymous COLLECTIVE.
God damn you redditards are so stupid. Go back to wherever you came from.
Unions are shit because they also exploit people, but otherwise spot on.
agreed. Can libertarians finally die off we have enough autists in the world anyway
Very apt way of putting it mr meme flag.
Oh yeah? Where is this nation gonna be at exactly? Because we both know it will never come to be and even if it does whites like me will put you fuckers down just like Hitler.
Modern civilian labor unions are for sure. You can thank the Sicilian mafia for that here in the USA. Now they're just nigger advocacy groups.
you don't join any group we're talking about. you're born into them. and not only do you not have a choice with respect to your genes, your genes lead almost inexorably to homogeneous social circles that further reinforce your existing intrinsic tendencies. this board is mostly white despite any retarded meetup screencaps you may have seen.
yeah I have. they're obviously not the best people, but they're honest and hard-working and endearing for those reasons. they're great mechanics, manual laborers, that kind of thing. I find them really agreeable.
because that line of thinking, when taken to a national scale is a race to the bottom of wages.
big corp jews use this libertarian logic all the fucking time.
and we've had 30 years of wage stagnation because of it.
Die already boomer fag
Go back into your mother room cletus she needs to breast feed her giant infant again, I hope all the greasy food you eat kills you faggot.
individualism and collectivism are both needed. the collective is made up of individuals but every individual's actions have an impact on the whole collective.
too much of one or the other is destructive.
Guys with high test, Which was normal 50 years ago will generally have sex with many women, even an average guy from 50 years ago would likely sleep with every girl in his class because none of the other males would stop him , or like in sweden where the foreign men have sex with all the women because they native men are too low test to stop them
almost all collectivists get that. individualists don't.
>he's not bettering himself for his own sake while simultaneously working alongside his friends and family for a brighter tomorrow
Think for yourself so that you can offer the best to your friends.
That's not even what I said or meant. I want almost all regulations and barriers to open a business scrapped, so that if you don't like a big corporation gaping your bum, you can start a rival business without any (((municipal))) bureaucracy or bylaws in your way, and tell them to go fuck themselves. Like back in the day when you could become a tradesmen and have your own company without ever applying for some stupid business license and permits that cost X thousands of dollars. I want open season so that big corporations have to fight with locals. But that requires you collectivist idiots to take some initiative instead of flapping your gums and complaining about corporate america while sitting at a cushy office job.
Even back then. Why even have them when we can just cut out the middle man with a NatSoc gov ensuring the labor laws are followed?
Nobody is going to put anyone down you old wrinkled coward. Everyone younger than you thinks you're retarded because your worldview is stunted, your ideas and advice are trash and you've ruined our countries.
Well the Third Reich had state-integrated labor unions. That's pretty much what we want I think.
But we all should be accepted for who we are. Even if it's a psycho, trans, freak....
You mad i called out your bullshit? Here is a newsflash: Your racist bullshit and hick members disgust 99% of whites. You are almost uniformly viewed as a group of uneducated garbage that no one wants.
Please go visit NK
that's a lie
Lmao Stay mad nazi cocksucker. You guys got raped once and no one will give a fuck if it happens again.
enjoy your based black and spic towns, nigger
hope pajeet doesn't take your job
Give up faggot
citations needed
Not even close to an argument, not even close to the truth. Yes, the 40-something out of touch bourgeois middle classer is going to tell us about the feelings and thoughts of the white masses! Thank god for you.
Awwww did a mexican take your job? Cry more bitch boy
The eternal boomer strikes again...
I am a 30 yo from Alabama. Even here you people are jokes. Sorry manno ethno state for you
Thanks for pointing out why your previous post is shit. Since this one is halfway decent, however, I'll grace you with an actual reply.
Arguing that Napoleon isn't a fucking idiot because legal systems today are based on his or that Hitler is because his only feat is leading Germany to a defeat that resulted in its partition is inherently flawed since we do not have the benefit of perfect hindsight. Sure, Napoleon's ideas today are widely regarded as mostly sound, but after the Napoleonic Wars he could be also considered only an idiot who led the flower of French youth to defeat and death in senseless conquests for his personal glory. Hitler's ideas might one day also be considered mostly sound, but we have no way to know since we can't see the future. If you want to criticize Hitler, there are many ways to do so, but the one you chose is not a valid one.