How is United going to top itself in 2019?

2017 - Beating up passengers
2018 - Killing pets
2019 - ???

Attached: feat_united04__01.jpg (2200x1455, 226K)

crashing the planes with no survivors themselves when something gets complicated

For you.

United put that mutt out of it’s missery of being owned by a family of retards. Good job United.

Killing niggers

>beating up niggers
>dumb amerilard puts their probably-abused pet in overhead because they're retarded
United is a generic unionized (i.e., workers paid good wages, rather than working for barely minimum wage to profit Shekelstein) airline. If you want to hear some shit, read up about Chinese or (((Icelandic))) airlines - protip, being an 'Icelandic' airline is just industry code for "We're a state-run company based in China, but we say we're based in Iceland because their taxes are really low."

I fly almost exclusively United and there's absolutely nothing remarkable (good or bad) about them. These stories are media hype and just part of the bread-and-circus designed to keep you from thinking about the (((problems))) in society.

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Naming the Jew.

What a waste of Satanic trips

digits confirm a coked up pilot kills himself by crashing the whole plane full of amerimutts

>you think you can get away with treating your customers like this?Well,

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>United shill

KYS, United is absolute shit-tier garbage

Stranding everybody on the runway until the toilets overflow, arresting anybody who tries to escape?

>crashing the plane with no survivors
There's no other option.

>United is absolute shit-tier garbage
kek, differentiating it in what way from any other airline? We all know you just buy whatever ticket's cheapest on whatever shitty booking service you use, just like everyone else.
At least it's a unionized American carrier employing legal American citizens, not some Chinese shitshow that's literally throwing your money straight into Soros's cockhole. Compare, if you're feeling lazy, an ALPA (Air Line Pilots' Association, the largest airline pilots' union of which United is a member) pilot's salary against a generic non-union and particularly foreign-based carrier, then remind yourself that every dollar not going into an American worker's pocket is going into a globalist CEO's.

>until the toilets overflow
When a plane is on the runway, passengers aren't allowed to leave their seats.
The cabin will end up shittier than India Air.

They break guitars and Asian doctors. There assholes don’t defend them. United isn’t the only All American airline either

I don’t give a fuck what their pilots are paid, i’m talking about passenger experience. I’ve flown on a dozen or more European and Asian carriers, and all the main American ones. American carriers are universally shitty, but United is particularly awful. Their flight staff are ALWAYS fags and geriatric old women. Compare to Turkish Airline or Air France, who employ pretty young women. Do you like to have a few drinks? Well Lufthansa and Air France will keep the free drinks flowing, while United will give you a shitty little voucher for a lukewarm Heineken. FUCK United, and more generally, FUCK American air carriers.

air traffic control accident with another airline

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>United isn’t the only All American airline either
No it's not. It's also not the only unionized domestic carrier, or even the only ALPA-union domestic carrier. Read up on the Southwest split from ALPA, if you're bored and want to learn more about union politics. Regardless, I believe it's important to support carriers that operate in workplaces deemed fair and respectable by YOUR nation, not by some shithole Communist country. Go ahead and fly on foreign carriers if you want, just remember you can't complain against globalism/corporatism if you're actively supporting it. Flying on a unionized carrier that operates within your nation's laws and pays its staff a high wage rather than shit is, I believe, a moral action.

That's real neat, just remember you're no different from a generic suburban defending his choice to buy horrible Chinese imports above American products because "muh they're so much cheaper, plus they give me a free (((Netflix))) account after I sign a contract with blood saying that I'll never buy from anyone else and also they own my firstborn child!"

baneposting is never a waste