It's the one day of the year whites get to be proud of themselves!
Happy St. Patricks Day "white" Americans & Canadians, Europeans
It's the one day of the year whites get to be proud of themselves!
Happy St. Patricks Day "white" Americans & Canadians, Europeans
>Canadian is a gook
Hehehehe. You're alright, potato. Proud to have Irish in my mutt blood stream. Happy St Patricks Day.
irish people are absolutely horrible. i heard about an asylum opening in a beautiful rural part of ireland, to host 300 refugees. the town gladly accepted them. every democrat in america is irish. the kennedy's are irish. like you guys are the biggest cucks on earth there's nothing to be proud of
I'm ginger, and St. Patrick's day is the day I get bombarded with "oh my god are you Irish?". I'm an Anglo, but I just go along with it.
We are absolute lunatics, Rome never conquered us, we were never civilized to that extent, which is why we have become crazy over a time... listen to this
never conquered since ireland had shit value.
romans did have a military garrison near present day dublin, but that was abandoned within 10 years, too expensive to maintain for the crap it got in return
>shit value
That explains why the greatest Empire in historu conquered us, made us an equal part of the Empire (The empire was called "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland") and why they still cling onto it
ever heard of the kikes? they rule the greatest empire to have existed in human history, encompassing the entire world
This image would only be accurate if America and Ireland are having an affair.
Everything you said is bullshit and you seem like a crazy person
St.patricks day isn't even worth celebrating
>Ballaghaderreen and Donegal refugee hotels
>also others
>irish people vote democrat
>the kennedys literally are all irish. this is a fact.
debunk that potato nigger
some salt with your cries.
Happy St. Patrick's day! It's great in America since it's basically a white pride holiday and no leftist likes can screech at you for it since it's a cultural holiday.
and Roscommon and i know there's another one that starts with an L
it's disgusting. they're importing niggers into rural ireland. rural.
Your Americanized descendents attempt to keep alive the spirit of Irish traditions... I'm not one of them but do respect the efforts.
I'll drink one for you Paddys today.
Those people rejected having "refugees" in there community but they weren't listened to and people here in general are fed up of forced multiculturalism and "refugees" being imposed on us.
I fail to see wtf Americans of Irish decent voting democrat or the Kennedy family has to do with us here.
Just fucking with you paddy. Have one of my favorite songs.
you said that everything i said was bullshit so i proved you wrong. i never implied anything in that last post.
nobody protested against the refugee centers, they were constructed and will be accepting refugees. nothing will be done about it. and are you serious? if a large ethnic group migrants from one country to another and begins voting for a certain political party, you really think there's no correlation between the diaspora and the mainlanders? most of the irish in america arent mutts, irish people kept to themselves and continue to do so when they aren't coal burning.
Micks are white now?
The ovens roarin for ya boi, jump in kike
Why won't you rejoin the United Kingdom? I get hatred of the monarchy but its rejoin them or stay cucked as part of the EU.
We are doing fine in the EU, just gotta hope that federalization isn't in our future and we can ride this for all it's worth.
>rejoin the uk
have some fucking pride m8
When it suits us
The EU is already undergoing federalisation. RIP Eire. I'm proud off Britain for having the guts to leave.
Irish aren't white, though.