Give me your honest opinion about the 2003 Iraq invasion and war user...

Give me your honest opinion about the 2003 Iraq invasion and war user. Even Bill "poisonous dick" O'Reilly said it was a fucked up affair. But I guess that there most be something good about it. A stable iraqi Kurdistan perhaps. What do you think?

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>Be thanksgiving dinner at teh Bush household 2002

>daddy, i got all them tanks and planes in ganerstain. i can go get that bad man husain if chaney lets me

>ill consider it son.

Pretty much a total disaster. $3 trillion for nothing. The US national debt is now over 100% of GDP in part due to this war - and that was after Bush promised a budget SURPLUS. He fucking lied to get elected.

>A stable iraqi Kurdistan

The Kurds were under a no-fly zone before the war and had de facto independence anyway. Their fate is still up to the Turks and the governments in Baghdad and Damascus.

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What mission?


>trick me once shame on you
>trick me twice, you aint never tricking me agin.

It was a complete mess and a misstep is US foreign policy.


Nothing good came of it, but holy fuck was it cool to watch an entire nation get bowled over in 2 weeks when you are 13 years old.

I watched the shock and awe shit live all night.

OP, you know what's gonna happen? We're about to wipe Israel off the fucking map and then you know what else? We're gonna make all the Jews live under arab rule with no chance to leave and immigrate elsewhere.

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Jews did it. Pic related.

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It was a mistake. Only because I think those subhumans only would’ve suffered more under Saddam. Too bad.

Muslims need iron fist dictators.

>We're about to wipe Israel off the fucking map

This has to be the most idiotic statement I've ever read in this board

Filthy kikeniggerpuppetfuck should of been killed

More ZOGbot wars for Israel with a different puppet in power. Nothing more and nothing less.

I think most peoples opinion on Iraq Invasion are simply an outlet for hate.

Iraq is like South Korea except with Sand niggers. If America stayed and made sure shit went well in Iraq they could of created a South Korea.

Most retards like to say Iraq was for oil (mainly hear this from blacks) except the Chinks and the turks got all the Oil.

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>Give me your honest opinion about the 2003 Iraq invasion and war user. Even Bill "poisonous dick" O'Reilly said it was a fucked up affair. But I guess that there most be something good about it. A stable iraqi Kurdistan perhaps. What do you think?
The good thing about it was that a dictator was deposed.

Or what. Does that not count anymore? Or only count when somebody margically unsettles PC establishment, who then ree for weeks about how not every wish of theirs was met??

disgusting cianiggers shouldve left the damn country alone, and this piece of shit is the cause of the rapefugee crisis

Everyone knows that Dick Cheney caused it to inflate his holdings in Halliburton and KBR. It really is that simple.

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11-M attack almost killed one relative so fuck kikes oil war

Any war that helps depopulate this shithole planet is fine with me



>If America stayed and made sure shit went well in Iraq they could of created a South Korea.

We have had our military stationed in South Korea for 70 years, and they haven't had a bunch of extremist radicals run a guerilla campaign against us the entire time we have been there, unlike Iraq.

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A lot of guys came back fucked up from that war.

What's that one Marine's name that came back burnt in a wedding pic with an unhappy looking bride?

I am former navy (VF-2) and was on the USS Constellation the night the war started. I launched the first plane to hit Iraq. AMA

That guy story is so sad... He ended killing himself bcs that bitch left him

The problem is that the destabilization caused by these wars in the Middle East is used to justify mass immigration into Europe. Legitimately or not.

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He was president twice.

Let that sink in.

>A stable iraqi Kurdistan
That's impossible.

May God hears you.

Israel used the USA to destroy one of their many adversaries, and the USA didn't get anything out of it except 3 planes into buildings, trillions of dollars wasted, and thousands of dead Americans. The end.

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Leaving this here. 9/11 stars at 2 hours 15 minutes in.

tl;dr America should have done what Stern suggested. Middle East hands over all known terrorists in 24 hours or we nuke them.

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maybe stop giving terrorists money and weapons. would already help a lot.

Stupidfuck saddan was a good leader for irak people. It gave them stability. Look at all the mess that come with his dead. Sunny people vs chii people. Sadam was at the center of that.

>stable iraqi kurdistan

did you miss the whole fiasco a few months back where Barzani fucked up so much that entire groups of Pashmerga simply threw down their guns and refused to fight while Iraqi troops rolled in and seized a third of their territory?

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Americans and most of the West look at everything through a microscope.

In the Middle East, they've been continually at war with the West... well for centuries, but this current war since the Israeli/Arab Wars. 2003 was just a continuation. It's still going on and there's no end in sight.

It's bizarre that people don't look at it that way. I'd guess it's because (((they))) can only convince Americans to keep soldiers there if we keep pretending it's temporary.

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looks like iran will win lol

You aren't gonna hear me defend the USA's terrible ability to counter an insurgency and pick friends in the Middle East. We are awful at it.

Because they need oil.

>As 9/11 is going down Howard Stern is talking about fucking Pamela Anderson

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Companies got oil and development contracts. Military and bomb makers made a lot of dough. Soldiers and citizens got their shit fucked up. It’s pretty obvious why we went.

>pamela anderson

now that's a name i haven't heard in a long time. She was a good fapping material during my early puberty years

i member this tad fake news

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shouldnt have done it Tbh, afghanistan was one thing since America was pissed but not iraq

Pure NeoReactuonary Black pill: Everything from Brandeis to 2018 gets burned down.

I don’t think you understand what the US was really trying to accomplish in Iraq

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I fucking hate these autistic greater israel maps.
For a fucking start. The border is from the brook of Egypt, historically egypt always held control over the nile and Sinai peninsula secondly if god promised the all the land between the brook of Egypt and Euphrates they get all of Arabic peninsula aswell.

this was fucking KINO. operation iraqi freedom confirmed the greatest artwork of the century?



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OP i never thought a thread about the iraq war would be comfy but oh man have you ever brought on an attack of nostalgia

Sadam didn't want to convert to the world bank. Make up lame excuse (WMDs), go in and shoot his family and hang him. Problem solved?

Who's next? Syria, Iran, and North Korea aren't on the world bank. I guess they're next.

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I got to go kill some sand niggers, so not a total waste.

This was the turning point that lead to our current political hell. The hubris, phony patriotism and corruption that went into the WMD debacle was such an utter disgrace that it turned Americans against th their own country; there own identity. The effects we feel today are threefold:
1. It made the West look like the "bad guy" in the War on Terror and made Muslims look like victims. Now Muslims enjoy Jew-level victim status.
2. It opened the door for not just Obama, but far left politics as well. If we hadn't been to Iraq, SJWs wouldn't be mainstream.
3. The mainstream media turned unabashedly anti-Republican and anti-American. Even if they were already that way, they were certainly more open about it. I think this even really galvanized them into a cohesive priest class that acts on its own. See the HBO fantasy series The Newsroom if you want to know how they view themselves.
In conclusion, when you think about the Iraq War please remember what a fuckin' failure George W. Bush was. An absolute out of touch mental midget. Any cuckservative that still supports him is as brainwashed, dumb, and clueless about the current political landscape as the average Obama worshiper and/or left-wing celebrity.

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there was chemical weapons in iraq. how did we know? we sold them to sadam.

still bush was a cia plant and not very intelligent. stupid war for cheney and co.

war research is necessary evil op