Guys Sessions firing McCabe is fucking huge
Guys Sessions firing McCabe is fucking huge
Goodbye traitor
Bigger fish to fry
why is Sup Forums so boring today, Sup Forums ?
Nice try, Cernovich. We all know you're a dirty lying jew and you can't cover it up this time
Cerno got BTFO today too that's right hahahah
He posted at like 6PM EST that Sessions wasnt going to fire McCabe according to his super secret sources which no longer exist now that Bannon is gone
he beg not to be fired for 4 hours
Yeah it is. This fucker basically ran the Clinton investigation and he was tied to Strzok. He was part of the "insurance policy". Sessions doing his job means he's going aggressive.
This is getting really fun.
we all know trump is retarded, but hopefully we also all know the spying began under bush
Isn't that extortion?
Not surprised. He wrote a fucking novel for his "statement". McCabe is every soyboy beta cuck meme rolled up into one corrupt FBI nigger boy
either your lost. Or an all Jameson lunch and dinner was a bad saint paddys day choice.
meh time for dessert
Section 702 of Fisa amendments act
Passed in late 2008
Not implemented until 2009 to replace the outgoing Section 215 program
ALL of the illegal NSA spying the past 9 years is directly on the hands of Obama
>Without Pension
Without pension or without full pension?
Dude is probably going to get 80% instead of 100%.
Whatever he gets isnt going to come close to covering his legal fees
>threatening to burn it all down
please do. Stop threatening and do it.
Q called it. And Hannity is vindicated once again. Period. Unequivocally
>threatened to damage a key federal law enforcement agency if he didn't get a payoff
If he really said that, he fucking deserved to get shitcanned. They did him a favor by not firing his ass months ago
that nigger tried to steal the United States of America
>Q called it
Lmao, was referencing him trying to say something big was gonna happen. Didn't even know about that
The plot thickens
He did faggot. He’s looking VERY legit lately. You just have to be intelligent and know how things work outside of WoW
If Q called it, than he called it bitch.
Govt work fucking pays. Almost 2 million and retire at 50. All on our backs. Fuck!
>tfw you have the death sentence on 12 systems
God I hate that self aggrandizing faggot so much
Right - so he gets to skip home with 900k at 50. Unbelievable. Keep working citizen slaves to pay my good life.
He was retiring in 2 days though?
So many cute german girls, It;s so sad that they're trash on the inside.
a fucking moron could call mccabe getting fired. even fucking y'all lord called that back in december.
> talks shit like he's Chris Dorner.
faggot wont do shit.
He might lose his pension now, thats why Sessions fired him early.
If Q is real then why does he talk like a retarded schizophrenic on acid
To make his messages look more cryptic and get more attention
Yeah but Stormy Daniels...
No pension
He will be found suicided before he says anything.
>I was distracted
20 years in the FBI
He didn't know the consequences of "being distracted"?
>I was distracted
That's the excuse?
I think its really interesting how literally NO ONE CARES about the Stormy Daniels thing. Normies at my work who usually always talk about politics are talking about the Florida shooting or the school walkouts but not a single person has mentioned Stormy Daniels ever. I bet they will mention McCabe being fired tomorrow, and still nothing on the whore.
He didnt deserve this guyz, Trump is cruel....
How are you supposed to reliably get information without going all in with your act as the crackhead who follows random people around DC?
Prepare to see the FBI come down hard on Trump. You don't disrespect a veteran like this and have a happy time.
Yeah i was flipping around the other night and saw Erin Burnett on CNN at 7 PM basically begging the audience to treat the Stormy Daniels thing seriously
>torch the FBI
Send this MFer to Gitmo
FBI recommended his firing
I would bet FBI agents across the country are incredibly happy tonight
lmao good fuck the fbi
MSM: Trump had an affair!
Everyone in America: Yes, and? How is it any different from the others?
Who cares guy loves top shelf poon.
It's the same reason the Trump Tapes weren't as damning as some people hoped: it isn't surprising a multimillionare is sleazy with women.
McCabe is a fucking Hillary shill traitor who needed to be much MUCH more than fired. Fire his ass out of a cannon straight into any socialist shithole nightmare country of your choosing.
Awful statement. This guy is a retard
what a fucking cuckkkkkkkkkkk
wow these are FBI agents? no wonder the USA is so cucked by Islam
Yeah at this point Trump is only helped by articles about him having rough sex with porn stars who call him daddy
Last time this happened, Mueller came along. I wonder what surprise is waiting for Trumpy baby tomorrow.
>m-muh pension
He writes like every SJW faggot with a blog
someone need to edit it and add a sob story about how he was gonna turn his life around and go back to college
>Don’t fire our incompetent people or we’ll make this country unlivable!
Fuck your overreaching bureau
His 20 years do not mean shit when he start working against his nation for private interests. Fuck him. He deserves to rot in prison.
I think Bill's right.
Didn't McCabe's wife receive $600,000 from Clinton-connected sources? That alone should have made McCabe step down due to conflict of interest.
post tummy
Woah and what's gonna happen to Trump then you worm?
Love and miss papa bear. He still has a lot of redpill to swallow before I'm ready to invite him back to fox but he is slowly beginning to see the past error of his ways
To avoid syntax analysis
Where's John McCain?
Indeed. It is interesting
Literally burn this pedo alive
Trump is working for the interest of the fucking country. McCabe is working for Hillary. There is a big fucking difference but libshits like you never actually live in the real world. So go back to wondering if you penis means your female or not asshole.
Dead from Kuru
how does one 'torch' a discredited shithole joke of a federal agency? sounds like he'd be doing them a favor or working for free
I have been defending Sessions since day one through all the hate he is getting. I really think he is going to surprise everyone. The guy is just really ethical and extremely careful.
Yes and that’s all they got. Just shows what an alpha male he is lol
>do illegal things
>threaten to even more illegal things if you get fired for the earlier illegal things
What the fuck is wrong with this retard
>working on a Saturday
sucks at the bottom bro
I hope he literally torches those FBI faggots
Those tapes hurt him. Woulda won by way more without that
I work in a kitchen at a country club so weekends are our busy nights
2020 will make that wrong right
Bill dindu nuffin. I miss his smug ass. Does he podcast or anything?
One thing my rich uncle told me: you'd be surprised how stupid the people are who run 'the world'
Low IQ dumbass running the FBI
That didn't take long.
Yeah i think he gets boomers to subscribe and listen to him via his website ala Rush Limbaugh
This is what liberals do and how they think.
>Imma break da law
>I deserve dat money
>you better give gibs or else Imma burn this muthafucka down
White liberals are niggers too
He died weeks ago
Working Saturday and Sunday, in addition to working M-F sucks even more
yeah, they have six ways to sunday to get back at you, right?
fuck all spooks in their gaping spook holes with giant spook rods. Trump willing.
they probably get pizza at the same place too
He sounds like a harm to himself and others. We should confiscate his guns from him so he doesn't harm anyone. Will this please the faggot high schoolers?
Wasn't even an "affair"....
He fucked a porn star. Whose actual IRL job is to be fucked.
Sessions did good to elicit this kind of response from swampy poo man. Preet was one of Asshole Andy's old partners in crime from SDNY US Attorney office
>Disgruntled former agent sets fire to FBI headquarters.
And Trump supporters all knew the he was the type of guy that would have an affair but as long as he does what he said they don't care.