Why doesn't anyone just go and investigate by themselves? This is hundreds, if not thousands of child victims we're talking about.
Why doesn't anyone just go and investigate by themselves? This is hundreds...
Well, you see, the last time we tried that...
Relax little friend.
Whats happend last time?
They had a pretty dam sketch back room whe.n jack presence went there periscoping last year. And they kicked him out for "furthering an alt right conspiracy"
dude walked in with an assault rifle and demanded to see the hidden rooms
>any conservative is branded a pedophile by (((MSM))) with no proof, three months later when the media hype dies down all suits are dropped
>meanwhile any MSM darling can actually, publicly be convicted of diddling kids and nobody cares
How do we fight for America? How do we save this culture?
Ya think you're hot shit dont'cha?!?!
Why dont someone go with a hidden cam or something?
And a gun.
Go kill yourself, you fucking gaynigger jew
>imblying they'd show you the secret kiddy-diddling room if you just walked in with a funny-looking pen taped to your hat and asked
Especially as well-connected as the Comet-related ring, pedo rings are obviously hard to walk into like that. Are you a fag? It would explain why you're sucking C[ock]NN so hard.
Why? faggot
Calm down, user, im not from your country. I dont even watch tv. I just want to understand.
Terrys coming for ya you glow in the dark nigger.
It's a bullshit goof thought up by internet memers and some retard believed it and went there with a gun.
why don't you tell the whole story?
The shooter is an actor listed on IMDB his dad runs a children organization and the only thing that was hit were servers that people claimed to have hacked and found child porn on it.
Of course the traffic cam being pointed in the completely opposite direction on that night is also a funny coincidence
This pizzagate conspiration is full of coincidences
>I want to understand
>rape kids in a front (((pizza restaurant)))
>'pizza' is code for sexual shit in the elite circles oftentimes, btw
>literally post Twitter statuses almost explicitly saying "We diddle kids here"
>internet fags catch on
>fill basement with concrete to hide evidence
>turn away streetcams to hide pictures of concrete trucks which are documented to have been there
>years past admitted to having basement, shortly afterwards deny having a basement
>C O I N C I D E N C E
Taking down Comet Pizza is nothing, it's a false front and it's no more significant than ripping a cardboard sign off a fencepost. But recognizing that it was one stage of a centuries-old globalist pedo elite ring is important.
Because there is a SHITLOAD of government and private money involved. They will just as likely murder the fuck out of anyone that makes the attempt or speaks out loud about doing it. And no one anywhere would be capable of doing a damn thing about it.
The fucking Clinton crime family has been running that nightmare for a few decades now.
I sent my 10-year-old Billy in undercover a few weeks ago. I'll update all of you when I hear back from him
When i discovered the patent for the adrenaline hormone I knew shit was going to be a lot worse than I imagined
They probably moved their kiddy dungeon by now
Alefantis owns multiple properties connected by underground tunnels. Ask him about his art gallery.
What's with the crescent moon and star? Are they moslem?
>Be minimum wage worker at a pizza place
>hate my job
>get to see some happy kids running around, it's the only thing that makes me happy during the day
>have a 350lb cheese smelling autist approach me
>oh god please don't talk to me
>"Do you have a 'secret' menu, for special tastes" the man says while not being able to maintain eye contact with me, but I'm pretty sure he winked.
>No sir we only have what we advertise
>"Are you sure?" the autist says.
>Yeah, we don't sell any items we don't advertise.
>"Oh.....You-You too" the autist mumbles as he waddles away
>On his way out he screamed at a little white boy saying he was needed to get out of there before it was too late, feel bad for that kid, he was having his birthday party hosted here.
> This is hundreds, if not thousands of child victims we're talking about.
But how many were actually connected with Comet Pizza? AFAIK: zero.
ladies and gentlemen, witness comet pizza apologist fan fiction.
>get to see some kids running around, it's the only thing that makes me happy during the day
what makes you happy at night?
I mean, a stakeout would be totally possible. Just have a few dudes watch the entrances and exits for a month.
Now Jimmy is posting pictures from one of his ancient alchemical pizza books.
demanding to see the hidden rooms
relax bros
Seattle here