The Outsider
A film about an American joining the Yakuza and doing all kind of nip gangster things.
Rotton Tomatoes, r/asianmasculinity, and all news outlets killing themselves on mass.
Not The Last Samurai
More jew faggot shit
it was pretty good. kikes always have to shove women into it though.
it shouldve just been a rise to power thing, less of a macbeth thing
Is it a good movie?
>Is it a good movie?
Who do you trust?
The people who paid to see it and not the ones paid to see it.
It was actually ridiculous because the Yakuza obviously would not let a fucking white guy into their gang and let the white guy fuck his younger sister.
It would be like letting a Japanese guy into the Italian mafia and he knocks up the bosses daughter. Makes zero fucking sense.
This movie was like a hybrid between Drive and Leon the professional. Would have probably gotten >90% on Rotten tomatoes and an Oscar nod if it was a non-White guy instead of Jared Leto
Having a White guy dominate a bunch of non-Whites while being lusted by non-White women is a big no no nowadays. That only works when the roles are reversed now
the absolute state of critics
cant wait to swing em from the lampposts
Actually just watched it the other night. Wasn't mind blowing good. But solid movie to chill and watch. Better than what I'm used to lately anyway.
It's a netflix exclusive you literal retard
Japan was humiliated and occupied by White men for 10+ years after WW2. Pretty much every Japanese person at the time thought that White people were superior to them. Any organization, even a criminal organization, would've loved to have a White occupier on their side at the time
This movie was good, it didn't glorify whitey joining the yakuza, it worked out horribly for him minus the hot jap waifu
>the finger scene
Same thing happened in Weimar Germany.
Jewish critics and newspapers in Berlin constantly raved over degenerate, pseudo-pornographic/pedophilic cabaret shows while making fun of traditional German culture. Didn't end well for them
>he hasn't heard of Lucky Chinguni Chong
it's one of the only Netflix movies that isn't compete fucking garbage.
I doubt that I'm pretty sure they would be loving to stick a blade in a white guys back when no one is looking. Criminals don't follow the popular culture and almost all criminal organizations contain a racialist and nationalistic streak.
I really doubt the yakuza would be happy to let a racial invader fuck their women lol.Most "ultra nationalist" groups in japan have Yakuza connections.
Are the Yakuza crazy like the mob in any way? What’s the craziest shit they do? Do they murder just to send a message (no revenge involved)? Do they do gruesome murders, even if it’s take by cartel standards?
teeny peeny yellow weenie
the woman was the sister of the asian who the whiteboi helped get out of prison
>If you say Japanese don't want to watch their daughters get bleached you are r/asian masculinty.
I liked the movie, just the fact the the yakuza let a foreigner into their group and let him fuck their women seemed ridiculous to me. These guys are psychopaths like most criminal groups and they aren't going to accept a white guy fucking their women. That's ridiculous.
Other than that decent movie, would have been more realistic if it was racially homogeneous like the Triad movies (good series check it out, that dog eating the bodies scene actually grossed me out).
Would have been better if they let a black in and he stole all their women
lol that would have been even more unrealistic.
I honestly think this black washing of Hollywood could be really funny, I would like to see an all black LOTR or make a ww2 movie and all the characters are black. Like a black Hitler verses a black Winston Churchill and they all speak ebonics.
American """education""" lol