seriously wtf is happening right now?
seriously wtf is happening right now?
fuck reddit. I only use it to find celeb nudes and they even suck at that.
tell us
Did you time travel 2 years in the future without knowing it?
I was tuning in to the deepfakes sub there but then they shut it down. I also like r/mensrights r/kotakuinaction for being based.
Are you the Duke?
More reddit fags going to voat
Faggot mods are faggots
Fuck Reddit! It's nothing but circle jerk lefties.
>mfw this thread gets no response but all the reddit-tier threads get 250+ replies
There about 10 genuine Sup Forums users. Everyone else is a filthy plebbit immigrant.
This, mods actually delete the important threads and let shill slide ones go. They most likely got bought out.
They banned all the rightwing subreddits, except (((the donald))) so they've now taken refuge here
Censorship, Spez edits, shills, and a vote system that encourages groupthink.
If you and your buddies go back it wouldn't be.
i imagine it's a double-edged sword. e-celebs bring new members but also lots of shills. i guess it depends on the strategy: can pol etiquette become the popular attitude or is it only effective as an underground subversive community?
Their business model is literally product placement and shilling. That people are able to entertain themselves in that environment speaks more to the users than Conde Nast (a mass media company)
sexy digits
More entry level redpills, heh.
fuck u im eating,