Happy St Paddy's Day, McCabe

Top o' the morning. May the devil kiss your dumplings before you wag your blarney (or whatever the hell those drunk paddy bastards say)

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What is the soy content of your boutique beer ?

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Avast ya matey, Happy St. Paddy's to ye as well

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what a meme of a day. I can hear drunk fucks walking around on the street right now singing about "luck of the irish" fucking dumb normie faggots.

I'm a large portion Irish and i fucking hate it.


(((Fellow Irishmen))) cultural appropriation ?

>large portion
Corse you are

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Im not irish, what am aye missing?

If his dick is less than 3 inches it's safe to say he's mostly Irish

Incest and illiteracy mostly

WTF is this racist shit ?

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I’m exactly 0% Irish and I can confirm that “Irish Americans” are all giant beta faggots

Another Americunt obsessed with dick size.
Sure we know you only go for the BBC.
I prefer women myself.

Arent they white and developed?

Its really insulting to have my culture reduced to this

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We all know only true alphas say that

t. Patty McDicklette

No and barely

I will be avoiding the city and boozing at home and playing computer games. Dublin gets too crazy on paddies day.

The most in red are the Ashkenazi...that’s why they have all the genetic illnesses...
>like (((you)))

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I Wanna be irish and crossed the border to London

Faggot assholes taking a shit on your culture, like cinco de mayo

We arnt white. We are better.

>muh dick
The (((doctor))) lopped off a good few inches off yours no doubt.

Fuck off or I'll steal ur lucky charms

You are pale as fuck nigga

We are fucking transparent

I bet you can't even measure you're dick using inches

Cinco de mayo is based, we beat the frogs

Leave the retardation to the McMutts.

Holy shit (((you))) surely are obsessed with dick.

True, Americans have a lot of irish blood, why are they complainning

St Paddys is actually cool with me too. I just wanna stir the pot with the virtue signalling crowd.

You are American.

Fucking hilarious. You really should get a career in standup comedy..I mean this is Amy Schumer level entertainment


Lol yeah

The Irish are subhuman

U gay m8?

Didnt mention blowing a cabbie

Non whites can be pale. You can tell we arnt white because we have children.


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Non irish whites are self hating cucks, subhuman is better

What if you ascended to the final stage of Sup Forums evolution, then kinda got scared you would be jailed for hate crimes or this would somehow come back on you cause Canada, took a break, actually found a life and now you just lurk?

Who am I kidding... I'll be back

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No leaf and I'm also not a dog so calm down

the best part is his birthday is in 2 days, can we get Sup Forums to send him birthday cards for a massive dump at his mailbox full of pepes and other insults?

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If you even want to call them that

Well now I am insulted.

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Yea, you a gay boi

The only Irish whites live in Ireland you fucking idiot.

The final stage is going back to stage -one.

Talking about "Irish Americans" mostly.

I already said no, stop flirting with me. There are plenty of young brown Irish boys in this thread for you and they were groomed by their church so have fun.

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They are all the same, Irish Americans just wear a condom before they fuck their mothers

>Imagine storing this shit on your hard drive.

Well your there son.

>mfw i prefer boobs over butts

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Holy shit

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Nice try alberto but that's not how it works.

Sub human with irish heritage are better than weakling soupers that stayed in ireland

great. get to watch everyone larp as a drunken mick all damn day. also, don't get a big head ireland, no one likes you. they're celebrating their ancestors, not your third world country. their ancestors left for good reason.

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Go and celebrate Israel day.

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His ball sack has to be a foot long

Yeah that makes sense.
>the strong ran away
Keep telling yourself that you generic pick n mix

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kys wop

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I was joking when I said your material was similar to Amy Schumer’s. It’s more Sara Silverman.

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You are a anglo collaborator and enabler


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Wait why do we hate the Irish again?

Not talking about Irish American but the actual Irish from the fucking island in the British Isles.

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first time i've been amused by the amerimutt meme

Now this is news.
>Americunt ejamacation strikes again

they're trash

Rolls royce

All of them are good. Why does it bother amerimutts so much?

There is a certain amount of trash in all societies
>but (((you))) have the market share
Israel wants all its Jews back by the way,

>Is birthday
>Working a double
>Spending the night before drinking on Sup Forums instead
Happy St Patty's, faggots

I have a special folder for this kind of trolling.

Too white.


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Because you're GREEN with envy.

Fiddledeedee potatoes cunt.

And a nice pirate flag too. Look at the Big boy now.

I am italian but my gf is irish and we will make many mutts together


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hits too close to home for some

You see a black boy larping as an Irishman..
>where as all I see is an American

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All 4 grandparents from Ireland here

St. Patrick's day is a joke.

Black irishman

genuinely hate catholic mutts like you and I wish you'd fuck off back across the Atlantic, you're not American and can never be

>All 4 grandparents from Ireland here

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I'm going to hatefuck an Irish backpacker tonight in honour of St. Patricks Day

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They are drunks, love to fight, and some are part African

I'm not catholic

Why do amerimutts hate italians so much?

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Looks like an American to me.

Feels bad.

Beautiful countryside though.

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Well it's true so not sure how I could be a mutt but ok Muhammad