Proof that christcucks never defeated pagans in battle

>Christians are the only ones who could write
>Archived all sorts of propaganda against pagans
>Only archive of a battle they won against pagans is verdict of verden which was really a slaughter of unarmed populance.

The christcucks never won a battle against pagans, they would have you believe that the christians swept all throughout europe and defeated paganism in a single strike, in reality it was a slow proccess of the most pathetic and covert subversion to exist, the shameless weasely christcuck actually attached himself to pagan religion and slowly and subtly removed the pagan parts or claimed that they are 100% christian, for example many of the saints were actually pagans and pagan gods.

And muh crusaders? Literally rape babies of pagan raiders. The church needed testosterone to try and retake what it had lost through its waselly soyboy incompetence and so it needed pagan warrior DNA for it. And of course it failed because of the overextended bureaucracy it needed for a warrior to not kill a soyboy who tries to command him.

Lets also not forget that our history has been christianwashed and you will never know how many pagans existed right before ww1 massacre, the war the church endorsed so that it can brainwash the undefended youth with christianwashed history.

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kill yourself varg

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You got trashed by Christians, you suck.

Fuck off christcuck

>thread about about how pagans never got trashed by christians
>you got trashed by christians

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Your religion doesn't even exist anymore, that's how bad you got beat.

Now let's see you prove this.

Literally every member off the church tolerates christianity because of the pagan aspects in it. Protestantism removed them completelly and left only the christcuck aspect in them, and protestant countries have the most atheists to exist.

Literally no one goes to church but according to the church everyone is a christian. At the same time nobody can partake in pagan religious activities (save for the ones christcucks claimed as christian) and yet they would be pagans if they could choose to do so.

Not even jew war 1 can make cuckstianity a real thing.

>Literally every member off the church tolerates christianity because of the pagan aspects in it. Protestantism removed them completelly and left only the christcuck aspect in them, and protestant countries have the most atheists to exist.

Literally no one goes to church but according to the church everyone is a christian. At the same time nobody can partake in pagan religious activities (save for the ones christcucks claimed as christian) and yet they would be pagans if they could choose to do so.


fml, fucked up the greentext

What the fucking Christmas trees and other seasonally themed decorations is paganism, and so the only reason people believe all this jewish doctrine?

Utter retardation.

>Trying to claim you cant go to a church and see only the ww brainwashed youth in it.

Wew lad!

You need to write that again cause I didnt understand shit.

>buttflustered by asking for sources

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Can you specifically name the things in Christianity that are somehow fundamentally at odds with actual Christianity, and are really pagan?

And could you also explain why this made actual pagans wholesale drop their religion in favor of a corrupted version thx?

It seems like you're saying that pagans accepted Christianity because Christians had Christmas trees and other seasonally appropriate decorations for their holydays, that are also somehow pagan and not Christian.

nobody takes this larping seriously just stop

>The christcucks never won a battle against pagans
Wait what about Charlemagne btfoing the Saxons?

>Thor = Germanic
He is nordic you fat american piece of shit!

Literally every non-disturbing part of christianity is pagan. Literally kys if I need to explain it to you.

I just wrote how it was two millenias of subversion for it to happen. Now that you dont have paganism and just cuckstianity white birthrates are non-existent and not a signle bullet is fired during the non-white conquest. Coincidence? I think not.

Just said that verden is the archived case. And it was just a massacre of unarmed populance. And of course youll have me believe that chivarlic knights are christian and not pagan lol.

the only archived case

pagfags can never recover, pic related

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Holy shit it is retarded.

>how dare you expect me to explain myself!

>Goverment planted neopagan hippies.
I wonder why they are needed?

Im not a court or sourcecuck buddy. Its plain obvious you know the answer yourself and you think ill just go along with your crap as if I make a court case.

>Pagans are just larpers hurr durr
Meanwhile on youtube templar song and on Sup Forums

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Charlemagne's Saxon Wars lasted 30 years. He defeated them in like five separate wars. You're saying he never had a victory other than executing his prisoners that one time?

>Give you proof of just oldfags interested in the church
The eternal christcuck projecting

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When the thread is about how christcucks never defeated pagans in might and you have christcuck white countries crying white genocide as a result.

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>battle of marton vikings lost
Wikipedia:Viking victory

Do I go further into this?

>make bold, unsourded allegaztions
>try and weasel out of giving any evidence whatsoever
>expects to be taken seriously

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Vikings have a reputation of being good warriors--individual fighters. This is somewhat at odds with martial discipline, or fighting as a unit. The Vikings do not have a reputation of being good at that.

>try the "gibs endless source for obvious common knowledge"
>claim weasely tactics if the other party refuses
The eternal christcuck weasel tactics.

>try the "gibs endless source for obvious common knowledge"


Just because you say it is, doesn't mean that's how things are.

I know this is bait but
>actually bragging about a civilization that didnt know how to read or write
How nigger tier can your belief structure get?

Holy shit up until the point where I searched these the vikings won where they should have lost according to OP. Fuck that.

>bragging that you are a nerd ass lying bitch. How christcuck tier can you get?

Take that shit elsewhere kike worshiper

So that's why pagans keep getting BTFO. They're dumb as shit and proud of it.

Face it, you're a laughingstock.

>T-thats why you get b-tfo
>Thread about how that never happened.

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This LARP shot has surpassed fedora levels of cringe


>one person being an idiot and being BTFO repeatedly is a thread about how you're right

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>y-you are btfo!! I-its true I believe in it!



Considering most Neo-Pagans could get their asses kicked by your average soy-latte sucker with one arm tied behind their back....I'll stick with my Rosary beads here while dreaming of a new Jerusalem.


Try again when you dinks are back to sacrificing bulls and prisoners.

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Is your goal with these threads to convert people to paganism?

Conversion is a patently Christian construct. Pagans took the god or gods of their ancestors. They didn’t actively try to recruit new members.

>too dumb to know he's been btfo

checks out

Neopagans are literally goverment planted.

Just like hippies were supposed to be roaming mountainmen but that was too healthy and too alpha and so goverment sent their agents to subvert it with drugs and peace and whatever, and has put neocons as the alternative.

Christcucks are that alternative to goverment planted neopagans just like neocons are the alternative to drug hippies. Nobody would choose the christcuck or the neocon without goverment moderation lol.

You wanna talk about christian masculinity tho? That would be fucking hilarious lol.

No I want to expose christianwashed history.


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So do something beyond ranting incoherently.

>stale meme

There reaches a point where the image just get's silly and loses it's impact.

>implying I care about the opinion of a weasel christcuck on anything.

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Your memes accurately show your mental state.


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Continue proving me right.

>The christcucks never won a battle against pagans
So you are fucking retarded or are you suffering from burger education?
Constantine the Great:

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Follow your soyboy brainlet leader you soyboy brainlet christcuck.

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>kiked christian roman empire with heavy goverment favor for cuckstian slave dogs against other christian slave dogs.
>Muh pure byzantine christian fortress has to import pagan snowniggers to protect it from saracens.
The absolute state of christcucks

Germanic paganism was horrible.

Human sacrifice, tree worship, settling every dispute with a trial-by-combat pit fight.

I have no fucking clue how anybody could idolize this. The "weak" Christian Romans only had warm water, aqueducts, and a system of laws and courts.

>in reality it was a slow proccess of the most pathetic and covert subversion
Nope. Your precious pagans fully converted. Happily so. It meant they didn't have to sacrifice half a dozen of their animals, each other, or die in battle.
Have a nice day fucktard.

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Fuck off soyboy kike worshiper

I noticed you didn't acknowledge that you were wrong and just decided go of an a tangent of cuck this cuck that. Fuck off useless meme flagger SAGE for idiocy

Isnt the fact the Christians were the only ones capable of writing proof of there superiority?

0 AD is start of christianity
12 century AD still pagans around
Pagan statues in royal french gardens
Pagan statues in DC america
>Pagans converted immediatly
wew lad

>Pagans converted immediatly
Who said that?
They still all converted. And again, happily so.
How else does a warrior culture get totally taken over? They don't. Unless they want to.
Ancient ex pagans would kick your ass soyboy cunt.

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Aknowledge what wrong? Constantine already had a kiked cuckstian empire on his hands. That collapsed because of cuckstian influence and whatever remained had to be preserved by pagans lol.

Is this Pepe supposed to be black? He looks like he just got down on some weed and chicken.

So basically you say the same thing as me. But you claim they had a smile on their face. If that was true why did it take the length it would take a covert subversion to happen?

> Ancient people could take a bullet better than modern humans
Who cares about that shit? Why wpuld I want to live like some animal in the woods shitting in pits and murdering others? What a shitty culture

> If that was true why did it take the length it would take a covert subversion to happen?
There was no covert subversion you fuck.
They converted. How do you subversively make someone stop believing in Thor and Odin and start believing in Jesus Christ?
You don't. They wanted to.
You're just oh....about thousand years behind the times is all. They used to throw little retards like you off cliffs in sparta.

Yea and the pen is mightier than the sword until you get a sword in your skull. Seems like those pens dont protect 100% christian 0% pagan modern europe from invaders tho lol.

Always fun to see genuinely paranoid imbeciles rewrite history as OP has attempted. Christianity did not take aggressive steps until Muslim incursions into Spain.

>during low times of the cyrcle come and claim you are the pagan renaissance by having pagan lore mixed with a pinch of christcuck lore
>people believe you and become christians
>Slowly erase the pagan parts and increase the christcuck parts in the lore of the people who converted entirelly for the pagan renaissance parts
There easy

I thought this was common knowledge since christianity just repurposed polythiesm with icons

Well, Jesus said to the Samaritan woman that salvation is from the Jews, because they knew who they were praying to and the others didn't. But then he said a time would come when they wouldn't got to a mountain or to Jerusalem to pray, they would pray in the spirit and with truth.

Then the Jews killed him for this.

So much for Christ being Jewish.

If the sword is mighter than the pen why is the side that couldnt write extinct?

Christcuck weasels would have you believe that christianity btfoed paganism in battle and we had an 100% christian europe ever since. So no.

In the places the pagans resided? Yea. They converted. Glad we agree.
Christians introduced Christian concepts and the religion.
Pagans took to it.
Nothing subversive. It was right out in the open.


So every Christian is a Pagan? Logic seems to be nonexistent in you claim. Perhaps you should go to college and learn logic and reasoning 101. Especially hasty generalizations. Pagan Clause is not St. Nicholas. I think people know the difference by now. Also, most people know that Easter Bunnies don't have any relevance.

> Christcuck weasels would have you believe that christianity btfoed paganism in battle
No. We don't.
Christians talked to the Pagans about Christ and they converted. It was worse for your sorry ass than them loosing a battle. Your people are my people. You don't have any.

Fuck off brainlet

Literally subversion you idiot. They signed in only for the pagan parts. If they would be presented only the christcuck parts from the beggining they would kill the christcucks.

Yea you do retard. Countless archives on 4plebs for that.

Pagans were retards. Infested with venereal disease and addicted to drink. In organized warfare they lost almost every single battle. The only times they won against Romans were when they managed a massive ambush in northern Germany.

Basically the pagan European of 2,000 years ago was the same as the African tribesman of the 1800s. You might as well praise Zulus or some shit.

No the Christians allowed them to keep their traditions to honor them. And satisfy them.
The ones that fit nicely inside Christianity. We adopted their practices to some extent to.
It was a melding of people. Nothing subversive about it. As you say, there was no battle.
The Pagans were not forced.
Also you're not a Pagan.
You're a Jew fuck.
Jews are the only assholes that start these threads. Jew.

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>Christians talked to the Pagans about Christ and they converted
Was that before or after their kings converted and started burning pagan villages and drowning pagan priests who refused to convert?

You said there was no battle. Now we are drowning and burning them. Which is it? Jew.

>It was a melding of people. Nothing subversive about it.

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>In organized warfare they lost almost every single battle
My words are only the truth

that is christians I'm not sure what earth you live in but most christians are 100% cuck. Thanks to christianity. I'm so fucking tired of this shit.

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> Thinks religion is race

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