WHO launches health review after microplastics found in 90% of bottled water

Researchers find levels of plastic fibres in popular bottled water brands could be twice as high as those found in tap water


Why don't you own your personal water bottle and a filter Sup Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Buying bottled water
If it isn't plastic, it's mold or eggs and shit.
Why should anyone ever trust their bullshit?

>birth defects
We need more

I told you to buy the filters...but you didn't listen.

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so glad I bought a Brita filter last month

what foods do I need to avoid?

>green tea
>bottled water

What else?

redpill me on the best water filters

I only drink glass bottled spring water..

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Do Brita filters get the job done? It's basically a charcoal filter.

Honestly fuck filters, nuke that shit with a distiller, its the only way to be 100% sure. The downside is you'll have to take some vitamin supplements to make up for what you're no longer getting from ground water.

>green tea


I just kicked the coffee and started drinking this GARBAGE WHY

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>implying it wasn't stored in plastic for months before being put in that bottle

>canned food

i thought of puting that one too. but id already put the other one I can't. no more room

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fuck that I'd rather die

Switch to peppermint, green tea tastes like dirt.

Microplastics are good for you Sup Forums. Turns the frogs gay, might settle you down.

Jokes on you, my frogs are straight.

mint is highly estrogenic. nice on occasion, worse than soy for daily consumption. lift and eat your broccoli boys

Then die you fucking animu watching faggot. World doesnt need another one of you.

Honest question here:

Have they studied this in milk? I have been buying milk in plastic jugs for at least 2 decades and feel I may be entitled to a huge cash settlement.

I've already created 2 more. Doing better than most of the fucking losers on this board turning it into /r9k/

yea fucking mods deleting r9k

Is there any atual evidence that phytoestrogens have an impact on us? It seems like a ruse to distract from birth control and plastics but maybe I'm wrong.

coffee is fine if you can drink it without sugar and cream

How's that Fukushima nuke plant treating you, Glowie?

I fill up a glass bottle with my own filtered tank water.

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they obviously all affect us to some degree, it's the amount consumed that's the issue

lmao sweetie

This is a vpn pablo. Nice 56% IQ posing though.

I almost never drink bottled water, because I know its bad; but i just drank a bottle shortly before reading this. Fuck

the same World Health Organization that wants to end in Dex the Codex alimentarius across the whole spectrum of the world stating that you need a prescription to get anything above 200 mg of vitamin C. I guarantee whatever the World Health Organization is doing is not malevolent massive sarcasm

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I use an aluminum bottle and I buy water in a bag

Ive wanted to see what the testosterone levels of dogs are overtime. If plastic food is the cause, almost all pet food is tainted, likely worse.
I think that would settle the case and also raise some more things to consider.
If dogs t levels have been stable, maybe i had the right idea eating dog food when i was a kid

*index* replace In dex
replace *end* to endorse

Green tea tends to have really high concentrations of fluoride.

agree with that. I cant even imagine what Plastic and
i cant.
i cant.
worries me even more

>Alex Jones was the most redpilled all along


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>World Health Organization
Literally who?

literally who

it's to make yo shiny teeth twinkle!

Get that into yea!
Don't like it?
Well eat cake peasant!


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They fuck up the sexual development and characteristics of numerous organisms across the animal kingdom.

We migh not be fish, but it wouldn't be surprising. Better question would be if its effects are permenant, or could be reversed.

>Alex Jones right again

>not drinking fresh tap


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