How are jews not the real master race again?
How are jews not the real master race again?
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Well, most are not semites, for starters:
>Only 2 out of 467 Ashkenazi Jews showed typical Levantine ancestry.
>The non-Levantine origin of AJs is further supported by an ancient DNA analysis of six Natufians and a Levantine Neolithic (Lazaridis et al., 2016), some of the most likely Judaean progenitors (Finkelstein and Silberman, 2002; Frendo, 2004). In a principle component analysis (PCA), the ancient Levantines clustered predominantly with modern-day Palestinians and Bedouins and marginally overlapped with Arabian Jews, whereas AJs clustered away from Levantine individuals and adjacent to Neolithic Anatolians and Late Neolithic and Bronze Age Europeans. To evaluate these findings, we inferred the ancient ancestries of AJs using the admixture analysis described in Marshall et al. (2016). Briefly, we analyzed 18,757 autosomal SNPs genotyped in 46 Palestinians, 45 Bedouins, 16 Syrians, and eight Lebanese (Li et al., 2008) alongside 467 AJs [367 AJs previously analyzed and 100 individuals with AJ mother) (Das et al., 2016) that overlapped with both the GenoChip (Elhaik et al., 2013) and ancient DNA data (Lazaridis et al., 2016). We then carried out a supervised ADMIXTURE analysis (Alexander and Lange, 2011) using three East European Hunter Gatherers from Russia (EHGs) alongside six Epipaleolithic Levantines, 24 Neolithic Anatolians, and six Neolithic Iranians as reference populations (Table S0). Remarkably, AJs exhibit a dominant Iranian (88%˜) and residual Levantine (3%˜) ancestries, as opposed to Bedouins (14%˜ and 68%˜, respectively) and Palestinians (18%˜ and 58%˜, respectively). Only two AJs exhibit Levantine ancestries typical to Levantine populations.
>This research also shows that most Palestinians have been living in the land of Palestine for at least 5000 years (Early Bronze age Levant).
you tell me.
>British flag
>loves jews
not surprising
I always thought it was funny how the kippah or yamika covers your bald spot
Pretty sure balding came from whites.
Well the name Jew should be your first clue.
>The intestal worm is superior to the human it's infesting
They have crippling rates of schizophrenia.
how many times do i need to tell you people? its the other way around jews are the hosts and goyim the parasites, because a jew perfected fertilizer.
Have you ever seen a black man before?
>tfw I'm a Hawk but not Jewish
Jews in general no, Ashkenazi Jews you are thinking of.
- Low empathy
- Physically weak
- Prone to mental disease
- Doesn't create good societies to live in by their own
- Destructive
- Short
- Ugly
Also they are very low in numbers. There are way more Europeans with 130+ IQ than there are Ashkenazi Jews in total, actually you could think that in the USA alone there are more whites with 130 IQ. And then you have the fact that their are not practical, medicore at litterature, mediocre at philosophy, medicre at arcthitecture etc. IQ alone is not a measurement of all forms of intelligence.
>its the other way around jews are the hosts
>IQ alone is not a measurement of all forms of intelligence.
that's explains why jews won all the nobel prizes
where do I upvote? to make it to the front page?
Nepotism and Jews didn't win all the nobel prizes.
jews won almost 900 nobel prizes despite being a tiny demographic
The Jews had no lands hundreds of years ago. They had to compete with the nations that put value on their lands in order to survive. So they developed banking and interest to control the kings. They aren't a master race, just people who did what they had to, to gain wealth and power and we see the results still today.
nevermind someone fucked with wikipedia
holy crap jews really won almost 900 nobel prizes
i guess they really are the ubermensch
nope its actually just 200 a lot of misinformation
So beautiful
u need Sup Forums gold account to do that
Lots of them are frauds and I don't deny, even if there is reason to, that Jews are intelligent in certain aspects and determined. And as you see in the wikipedia article, 22% of it is won by Jews and 70%+(?) probably won by Europeans. The greatest have been European and there are way more European geniuses than Jewish ones.
Also Niels Bohr is considered Jewish on that list, when he was not. I wonder how many others are counted based on some Jewish ancestry alone.
the point was that they make up 22% despite their
tiny population no other people can do that it's why the ashkenazim are the master race
Russian are the true aryans
from a biological standpoint the jewish brain is superior they poses mutations that allow more growth in the neurons
But they are not, even if they are intelligent in certain aspects see Parasites will never be a master of anything, they are parasites. Intelligent or not. Btw the Wikipedia article is faked as fuck too. They list a Norwegian as a Jew simply because he married a Jewish woman. And of the 11 first winners in Chemistry, 3 of them were non-Jewish. I didn't bother go through the rest. If someone bothered I'm sure the number of actual Jews on that list could be reduced a lot.
its not only nobel laureates jews are overrepresented in everything intellectual,
chess champions,ivy league colleges,fields medal,turing award,average income and positions of power
why, explain
>chess champions
Best of all time is either Bobby Fischer, someone that hated Jews and his own ancestry OR Magnus Carlsen a Norwegian.
And how overrepresetned are Jews really?
>ivy league colleges,fields medal,turing award,average income and positions of power
Above average intelligent combined with extreme nepotism.
I don't know what you are trying to prove, Jews aren't the masterrace, they are parasites. If all Jews moved to Israel, Greater Israel became a thing and Jews managed to create a good country independent not depended on international Jewry, then you can come back.
okay stay delusional, don't worry you worry you will find many friends here
people here always say jews use nepotism to succeed people would have caught them....its not true they succeed from merit
And you will stay a jewish parasite
Why haven't you moved to Israel yet? Too many Jews and Semites?
>x isn't white
megg an ethonostate XDDDDD
It's no secret that Jews is very nepotistic.
nope i have friends here i was born here the only reason i would leave is to get away from crazy people
Ah, I get it. Being a parasite is better than creating something of your own.
And btw, look what I found:
“By the late 2000s and early 2010s, Jewish students had become one of the academically weakest groups at Harvard, constituting 25% or more of all students, but just 11-13% of PBKs selections. Meanwhile, during the 2010s the average Asian student was nearly 300% more likely to make PBK, with their proportion of Junior Year PBKs running even higher. And white Gentiles seemed to perform best of all, being about 400% more likely to gain PBK honors than their Jewish classmates.”
jews aren't parasites we contribute more than others on average i have many PHDs who are professors in my family as well as engineers with many patents
So in your own idealized version of yourself, you wear Scrooge McDuck glasses and have a big nose? You fucking nerd.
Not at all.
Jews are overrepresented in:
- Dirty banking
- Dirty lawyers
- Push for Mass immigration
- Push for degeneracy in general
- Lying media
Jews as a group is VERY destructive to the world.
ok have fun at your next visit to the psychiatrist or mental hospital
>There are way more Europeans with 130+ IQ than there are Ashkenazi Jews in total, actually you could think that in the USA alone there are more whites with 130 IQ.
uhm, first of all, we still have our schmeckl. Second of all... I have this basement I want you to take a look at.
What are we, then? Whites? You keep saying we're not white.
Most through google seem to put around 3,5% of the population to have 130+ IQ.
If there are 200 million white Americans, 7 million of them have 130+ IQ.
>we stacked the faculty with people who favor us in colleges and we gave wonderful patents for birth control to estrogenize the water and new drugs to keep the population docile
>these are wonderful contributions goyim, be grateful
look at this too
“By the late 2000s and early 2010s, Jewish students had become one of the academically weakest groups at Harvard, constituting 25% or more of all students, but just 11-13% of PBKs selections. Meanwhile, during the 2010s the average Asian student was nearly 300% more likely to make PBK, with their proportion of Junior Year PBKs running even higher. And white Gentiles seemed to perform best of all, being about 400% more likely to gain PBK honors than their Jewish classmates.”
Look it’s your ancestor
His iq is 666
Jews are not smart. It took them centuries to subvert nations only to fail over and over again. If they were so fucking smart, then there would be no nations by now. They are just practicing what is their culture. They pass down subversion of others and unity of themselves because they are too stupid to make shit themselves and too lazy to try. Jews are a trash race and a one trick pony.
They are too neurotic. Even the most successful are psychologically disturbed.