Tfw golden ticket to the best country on earth

tfw golden ticket to the best country on earth

i feel lucky not living in islamic nations such as iraq, iran, france, syria etc.

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Australia is fucking cucked bro.

Why have you forsaken Guangzhou, Thomas,

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in what way? every chinese i know votes conservative

Also are you still doing the learning Chinese live streams?

i'm trying but I'm getting more hours at my realestate job which takes up a lot of my day.

Why is it that austrochinks are so arrogant about their invasion of straya? You guys are fucking faggots and should be grateful they don't vent their emu frustrations on you.

arrogant in what way? The chinese actually made australia as wealthy as it is, otherwise the economy would have been destroyed in the financial crisis.

Grass is always greener until you get eaten alive by a giant spider. Enjoy your no gun country!

>not living in islamic nations such as iraq, iran, france, syria etc
I find it strange you picked out those particular nations rather Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, etc. Could it be that you've done business/investments there?

Fuck off chink you will never be Australian and every Australian despises you, filthy slope.

ugly chink commit suicide

the australian community loves me (although most of them are from guangzhou (a city in china) )

this thread again, please thomas get back to your job and stop posting inane bullshit

You live in Sydney right? Have you been any where west of Hurstville and Ashfield, like Lakemba or Auburn?

sort of, I dont travel around sydney much. I go to work and then come home

Why didn't you stay and fix your own country? Serious question, not insulting.

begging cunts to accept realistic prices for their meth shacks and sky kennels now that sydney's market is getting a taste of reality?

Say hi to Matt Damon for me.

Will you fight for PRC, RoC or significant Han Chinese minorities countries excluding Australia or Australia if you were in war between Australian and other countries?

Die in pain chink. You yellow-rat colonizers get purged on the day of the rope.

Go fuck yourself lying chink scum.

I know you are a troll, but I'm replying anyway.

Chinese in fact, have been part of Australian history for over 150 years.
I have no problems with Chinese who integrate.

I do have a problem with the Chinese in Sydney/Melbourne who are fucking filthy and create enclaves. Spitting/pissing in the street etc.
Every other state in Australia, the Chinese seem to integrate extremely well. Owning shops, markets/market gardens, etc. They just want a better life for their kids.

I'd rather Chinese than Muslims. At least Chinese have some self respect and keep to themselves.

What MOST Australians don't realise is the large amount of history Chinese in Australia have.

Its massive. Chinese have been here from the start, and I find it highly respectable that alot of them put up with the racist shit in the begining, and have come out well, as Australians today.


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do you talk to international clients? you can speak mandarin, right?

a handful of them came during the gold rush and never left lmao

Sydney is very Chinese I agree, but its about equal parts Islamic

insectoid, australia WAS wealthy. then mutts transferred industry/tech/wealth to insectland and now the insect locusts swarm Oz/US/Canada with the money you stole from us and hyperinflate our housing.

locusts swarming our real estate is how we get back some of the money we gave them to buy the things they make that we once made. It is called trade.

You got fat Fenglou. Must be on antidepressants.
Just KYS, you will never fit in and we said we were full.

I know you are a PRC gook troll, but I'm replying anyway.

Blacks in fact, have been part of Australian history for over 500000 years.
I have no problems with Blacks who integrate.

I'd rather Blacks than Chink insects or Muslims. At least Blacks have some self respect and keep to themselves.

What MOST Australians don't realise is the large amount of history Black in Australia have.

Its massive. Blacks have been here from the start, and I find it highly respectable that alot of them put up with the racist shit in the begining, and have come out well, as Australians today.

Go to Ghuangzhou (a city in China)

That isn't an American passport though

This thread is Australia summarized

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how small is your penis

gee I wonder if it has anything thing to do with the liberals privatising public services and selling them to china and singapore

"Australian soldiers stationed in Egypt including Billy Sing were major customers of Egyptian prostitutes in the local red light districts and brothels. High prices by the prostitutes led to the Wasser red light area becoming the scene of a major riot by New Zealand and Australian soldiers on Good Friday in 1915."

Tell me about dat thicc egyptian pussy.


we need to kick out all white people

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Apparently this 'Australian chink divide' is because of the mainlanders from capitalist china.

It's also why many Aussies are ok with some chinks. They don't mind a few, running the local Chinese shop or small business, the ones that are involved in their communities.

I would like to hear any Australian chinks (family from pre-capitalist china) take on the mainland locusts.

Except they get our land and permanent residency in our countries and we get disposable plastic chink crap that breaks in a few years and ends up in a landfill.

Do you mean abos burger? Their very different compared to other races


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The Australian lower class has always been race-mixing scum. That's why they were 'protected from themselves' by the white Australia policy.

>tfw the 'old' nanny state used to be based.

You know youre dealing with a Jew when they needlessly bring up the middle east

So you're just going to go ruin a great country.

What a cockroach you are.

I'm a third generation Turk in Germany. I have enough of this country, it's flooded by Africans, Arabs, and Gypsies. How can I become an Australian?

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Charlie talking about Billabongs, must be about the yids.
Fucking single-minded retard. Eat fish oil or something to get your IQ at least towards triple digits.

and once they've bought our estate we can buy it back for 1000 times as much.

real smart.

also they buy up our farms and export the meat to china so they get the profits and meat and we get the pollution.