Has your wife started charging you for being a caring family member yet?

Has your wife started charging you for being a caring family member yet?

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Bitch needs a good pair of Sup Forumsish sunglasses.

change the locks before she gets home.

Then charge her $1000 per month for the food he buys and roof he puts over her head.

Come up with your own list that charges her for everything you do.

Then divorce her because she's cheating on you.

>lived experience
Damn, soyboys married to bluehairs have it worse than I thought.

Gotta love he whining about women getting stuck with (((emotional labor))) when her husband is out working all day while she sits on her ass for hours deciding her pussy is worth $5

It is time for a divorce, or give her a bill for all the shit you do.
>Staying employed $500
>Shaving nutsux $5
>Listening to your bitching $5
>Interupting you $40
>Being seductive before sex
did she just admit she was a hooker?

Replacements sure are taking their sweet ass time to arrive.

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Just divorce, she said she'd be gone the weekend so use that time to go find a lawyer and have him help you to expedite the divorce process. When she gets back play along, and then cut her out of the joint account. Give her the divorce papers and there you go.

A lot of men lose in divorce because the wife does the above first.

She turned her phone off as a tactic. Take it to DEFCON 9, I see this either ending as her footstool, or in a divorce. You should be first. BEGIN BUILDING A DOSSIER, TODAY. ACT LIKE A FLOWER, TODAY.



If you need an actual argument, explain to her that yeah, you doing the actual work in the house and her just sitting on her ass doing nothing all day gives you not just total license to not do things equally to her, but gives you license to largely avoid completely menial and easy tasks. Women think that doing laundry is so hard etc. It's fucking easy as shit. It's the easiest fucking thing on the planet. It either 1 takes time (which it usualyl doesn't) or it 2 doesn't bother you that much because you're a man and have these things called priorities. Job = priority. Video Games = priority. Cleaning everything = NOT A PRIORITY.




Holy shit the universe has just unlocked a new cuck level.

She's banging some dudes over thhe weakend with her friends, and he's asking what to do on reddit. Fucking hell, no wonder western women went all apeshit and wild, when this is the state of """men""".

>$20 for telling him to check his privilege
>Not charging him for sex

Is this a feminist who is aware of how ugly she is ???

Hory shit

He married a $5 whore

Oh, and begin treating her extra nice from today onwars, so she has absolutely no room to complain. If she freaks out EVEN BETTER. Record it, that is EXACTLY how you should react.

If you're lucky, you might even get money off her in damages or settlement.

Don't be a fucking hero, don't take it on the chin, you're not above this, the courts will make sure of that.

He should pay. Then start charging her for cable and electricity.

And if you feel like it, come up with your own list of shit that you do for her, such as allow her to stay in your house rent free, which should take a NICE fucking cut out of that list, and question every item list she has, 1 try to minimize it, take it from 5 dollars to 1 to 50 cents, 2 question if she secretly wants to do that, or she benefits from it in some ways.

She is bored, and she has time on her side, because she does nothing all day.

Or you could leave her I guess, change the locks when she comes bakc. But I would start building a case for divorce, there's no way that this can turn out great, because you can't force her to act morally. You gotta skedaddle.

And this is exactly why I don't want to put up with a woman

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Good news, sex is still free. Otherwise, this note has impending divorce written all over it.

honestly fuck people who bitch about their work/shit

i hate those people so I'm somewhat agreeing with her

pussy is 100-150, blowjobs are 40-60

How the fuck was this guy with her for 5 years without seeing any of this coming? Had she been hiding her crazy the whole time? Did he not care? How the fuck do you get to that point with your life?

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That was tangibly very painful for me to read.

Im done with Sup Forums for the night jesus christ.

also, who honestly vents work-related problems/drama to their spouse? thats what bros are for, like when you and buddy are hand augering through rocky alluvium for 10 hours a day for two weeks

How is there an online community for this sort of shit? What a sociopath

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This is the first time I wandered into reddit. How the fuck do people navigate that shithole?

wow 20 dollars to listen to some bitch pilput about leftism what a steal

>charges for basic interactions
>somehow not a hooker

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Every day I see a new reason to never get married.

Why on earth would a man in this day and age do it, when it’s clear that it’s nothing but a terrible contract that you should not sign?

sometimes domestic abuse is O.K.

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>sometimes domestic abuse is O.K.

Boom. I would say this and rhen give her my lte pepared itemized list of expenses to her... whic would simply include rent, food, and utilities.

this is what happens when a beta marries a bitch


I'd change the locks and start fucking her sister

You'd be surprised what suburban life does to a woman.

If he's the type of guy to do the "help me reddit!!!" thing, then I have to side with her on the matter. He obviously has no backbone. He should pay up, and be glad to raise Chad's child as his own one day. That is what fate has chosen for him.

Charge her rent.

Divorce immediately. Any other action is condoning these behaviors. Women are whores no matter what mental gymnastics are used. This one is getting uppity so it's time to find a younger less corrupted model.

Welp, looks like he pissed off the wrong feminazi mod


She was probably on some feminist sjw website getting gassed up for months then convinced to do this. The internet was a mistake.

Women were a mistake.

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Holy fuck the replies are even Worse

>it's normal for your girl to start charging you.

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>Divorce immediately.
Not how it works. You behave like an angel for a year, and make a dossier. Create domestic abuse situation. Seriously make it look like she's emotionally tormenting you, and pressuring you into shit. Make it so that it looks like she's going to go to jail. Only then lawyer up and fuck her in the asshole.

>Then divorce her because she's cheating on you.
Also possible - she might really want to leave you, and is trying to make it look like it's your fault so she can shirk responsibility and/or keep money.

doesn't work like that in white countries anymore
she's going to be the victim no matter what, she'll be fine and taken care of no matter what

I'd fuck her shit up. Niggers are right about this. Most women can only respect a man she fears. Animals. m.youtube.com/watch?v=0yLfgXS8O28

>doesn't work like that in white countries anymore
>she's going to be the victim no matter what, she'll be fine and taken care of no matter what
Wrong. She's a woman, so she's retarded. Deceitful yes, clever, no.

She can't be the victim unless she's had time to be ready. If you pull the trigger, BELIEVE ME, she is not going to be able to even think of victim shit to say in time.

>I'd fuck her shit up. Niggers are right about this. Most women can only respect a man she fears.
Yes, but the police have all the guns so that's not going to work.

Its free while she doesn't realize that she can lie to the police and sue for damages because of regret rape, or whatever other kind of rape there is out there.

>I see this either ending as her footstool, or in a divorce
theres a third possibility
it could be a shit test
beat the ever loving fuck out of her (physically, mentally, emotionally; whichever has the strongest impact on her) and see if that helps
if it does, she just wanted to make sure he was still the man of the house

basically this

>beat the ever loving fuck out of her (physically, mentally, emotionally; whichever has the strongest impact on her) and see if that helps
>if it does, she just wanted to make sure he was still the man of the house

But you are not the man of your house. There's such a thing as the police.

This guy is subtly saying that she got brainwashed by obese feminazis online.

It's shit like this that re-affirms my choice in staying single. Bitches are crazy, stupid, and demanding. I don't have the emotional skills to deal with one on a regular basis. If I was married/living with a girl for 5 years and this shit popped up on my table after I got home from work, somebody would get punched in the face.

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A hole has been dug. No reason to make it deeper. Women are really slow to react on things like this so quickness favors the man every time. besides the fact that she has no job and is a useless stupid whore. she will be totally crushed and have nowhere to go. She's so single-mindedly stupid she never anticipated any reaction but complete compliance. I mean these aren't her ideas she read them in some feminists manual and she's just repeating them. It's like an experiment and she's about to find out that it doesn't work. This is the only way.

If you're the primary breadwinner and happy your wife shouldn't have to extort you for spending money. Something tells me this is either a larp, or dude is a nickle and diming motherfucker.

Account is suspended.

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if your wife feels like she is your equal or your superior then expect a life of hell for both of you

Good luck getting the courts to believe that.

Shes right you know

It's a crime that usually goes unreported. It's an animal dynamic much older than the ridiculous law or state that enforces it. It's part of why we are seeing all of this shit, most men have never actually had a woman fully submitted to them. The woman is always looking for a way to fuck you with the (((law))). Throughout most of history she would have just stfu and got on with it, and everyone was happier.

Digits don’t lie and the last one in your pic is easily the worst thing imaginable


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>Listening to your bitching $5
Where'm'st've is she going to find a million dollars a week user?

Reddit is full of beta white knights.

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Tbh I don’t get mad at women for this stuff. Women like to play emotional chicken with men. If you take anything they say or do seriously, you lose. Literally all you have to do is act apathetic and amused and talk to other women.

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>the account is suspended
>that totally innocuous cry for help gets you censored instantly
I don't think I'm ever going to be capable of forming a relationship with a woman again

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>I make enough to support both of us, while she doesn't work, does online courses (WTF?) and works out at the gym.

Id kick her out and withhold the funds. Within a few days she will be begging to be let back in.

You're not making it deeper you retard, you're preparing for the conclusion. You are pulling the trigger first. It's even possible that she already wants to leave to cheat, and just wants to make it your fault.

Don't dissapoint me user. Use words like "she has created an environment of abuse" document every last fucking thing she does, and make them look bad.

>emotional labor

it's called "being in a relationship"

If she acts like a child, treat her like a child.

That may be, but you are not the man of the house while there is a police, especially an overactive police that destroys men's income for time eternal because of nothing.

Marriage is a joke. Get a surrogate kid and raise them the right way with a girlfriend for as long as possible. Like Ronaldo

>gone to stay with a "friend" for the weekend

>It's a crime that usually goes unreported.
FUCK THAT SHIT, that's walking into a death trap. We are all in teh current position because of overreactive policing, which will treat even a whisper of this as an abusive household and seriously take lying women and upholds their testimony.

it's a horrible fucking layout

old Sup Forums with frames without the extension and without autonoko was easier to navigate

Yeah you will. If she's THAT KIND OF WOMAN, then you just have to form it for yourself. Never give anything to her. If she wants to go, tell her to go fuck herself. The only way to be with an abuser, is to be the abuser yourself.

> get a surrogate
Or get a dozen.

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Yeah and then what. She's not stupid, she'll realize that she needs to jump ship. If he didn't get a pre nup, he has the problem, not her.

only a weak man can't keep a woman. Raise yourself up and stop being a faggot. Treat them like property that you love and would die for. Women don't grow spiritually without a man to guide them and if you can't hold a woman down then its because you're spiritually weak.

>police exist so nobody can be the man of their own house
is that your argument?
i dont want to strawman you senpai
but if thats actually what you believe then this conversation isnt going to go anywhere

also, i'm not arguing your original points
i'm just saying there is a third possibility that you left out

To be fair, it’s literally genetics. The “Women are wonderful” effect. People naturally are hardwired to think women are amazing in comparison to men. It’s also been proven that criticism of women is judged as DRASTICALLY worse than criticism of men by otherwise rational people.

Hence why even a perfectly logical observation about women will be shouted down with shrieks of “Virgin!”, “Loser!”, “Fedora!”, and “Who hurt you?”. A person must be actively trained to resist this instinct.

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exactly. this is great advice from someone who likely speaks from experience.

>Listening to vening
Sure but she'd probably do the same about other things to you
>provide advice
Possibly useful most likley useless
>emotional support
That's what relationshhip is supposed to be
>reminding ...
What is she, the man of the house?
>planning events...
>being seductive etc.
It's her duty and his to provide for each others needs
>discuss interests and hobbies etc.
why would he with her?
>participate in those hobbies
He's the leader, she should follow
>apologize for upsetting him /arguments
Probably started them herself
>provide education
lol what

>makeup etc
Wasting his money on useless products
>Staying fit
both their duties in a relationship
Her duties

She didn't even bear any children for him. She's pretty useless.

This is what happens when women are brainwashed and convinced that they are men.

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this right here. nip it in the bud.


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these comments lmao

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Divorce her. She's already fooling around on you.

She doesn't work and I support her and 2 of our adult children, the children do pitch in on housework and pay me nominal rent every week, but I'm carrying most of the burden and that's the way it's always been.

So, she has threatened to leave me before when weren't getting along and I'd tell her to go ahead and do that if she wants and although I would miss her, I would be ok without her.

She shuts up everytime.

Mate if you had better comprehension, youd see I'm not saying to not to keep a woman. Girlfriends are a type of relationship too. Marriage is bringing a different set of legal and social implications which are quite frankly an annoyance.

but seriously we need to make showers almond scented again

I'm not a retard and I didn't marry a crazy bitch, so no.

Holy shit. Way to put pussy on a pedestal.

everytime someone posts a link to a reddit story I think "haha, thats just some user making reddit look like a bunch of faggots as a joke, even they arent that pussy" but then it always turns out to be true


>getting married (((legally)))
It's a covenant between you, her and God.
Not her parents, not your friends, not the government.

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It is, a woman will teach a man everything he needs to know if we can listen
>suppose truth is a woman?
Therein lies the problem with men today, dogmatic, constrained by prisons of our own creation. We need to awaken our passion and take up our yoke in service.

Pussy is on a pedestal you fool. Women are the womb to our society and if you can't master them then they will bring chaos and destroy everything, just like is what is happening now. If you dont see the beauty and necessity of women to the creation of society and life then how could you possibly desire to direct it and bring order as is your duty as a man. Fucking redpiller faggot.

I feel the same way about Jews.

Sage wisdom here. A woman will only leave you when she thinks she’s defeated you. The ultimate aphrodisiac for a woman is a man with options and low emotional investment. They want a man who will shrug, text backup woman #3, and wave goodbye when she starts shit.

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