Right wing dick strikes again
Right wing dick strikes again
Huh, that's not what I thought Steyn would look like based on his voice.
Who is this Thot?
>my current boyfriend is far right
shes a coalburner
Prove it.
could use a hearty kek
Link in OP is timestamped. It's at the end of the interview.
Fug she's so sexy, why can't I find a qt intelligent right wing gf?
Oh right, because I sit in my room all day eating entire boxes of double stuffed golden oreos while the weights that I haven't used in two years collect dust in the corner. Stopped using em around the same time I lost my job. Use my free time to jerk off and have delusions of grandeur about how I'm going to save the white race and western civilization.
But we're all gonna make it, right bros? Tell me we're going to fucking make it.
btw, apparently, if google hasn't failed me, Lindsey Shepherd is the Leaf girl that played the Jordan Peterson *Video at her college and got BTFO by faculty, who had to do an apology tour. Some right wing media circus ensued, didn't hear much about it desu senpai. but i don't really pay attention to the Peterson cult.
>tfw some Sup Forumsfag LEAF is plowing her right now after a fun Friday night out
full of veneral diseases. what's her free speech? bare chest? is she a hateress or something?
She looks like fucking dogshit once you properly light her face.
not great
calm down britbong, she's not that bad. not like all those couple dozen handfulls of attractive women like maisie williams
They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.
That's the makeup
Understandable you'd make that mistake since Brit women wear gallons of it daily
Her bf is romanian no?
So yeah, coalburner
>I love talking to people from the far-right
>My boyfriend is far-right
Take lessons anons.
anyone else think she comes across like either a sociopath, or that she is just rebelling and doing this for fun?
something seems really off about her, like it's an act or she's disassociated
we're going to make it, you on the other hand...
Get off of Sup Forums for 1-2 years and you'll get the experiences you want
>DYEL spouting /fit/ mames on pol wtf is going on?
the way she says far-right makes me think she still doesn't quite know what far-right means.
it's like she thinks it's 'funny' and wants to brag about it or something? something was weird about her tone
she's a woman she doesn't really understand half the shit going on in her pretty head
He’s probably some based black man with a maga hat
Kinda got a giraffe neck thing going on.
You don’t watch FOX do ya?
romanian faggot
Girls fuck niggers
>degenerate cunts fuck the jews!!!!!
Girls fuck alt right degenerate
>So based xD we're the best
Nah man....we're fucked.
it's a leaf
Is she half giraffe? Why is her neck so long?
Condescending piece of shit, enjoy your hand tho..
canadians are weird
>right wing
>jewish woman
One of these things doesn't belong with the other.
Excessively long necks to offset the long noses is a common trait of jews.
Why do reddit LARPers who come to pol keep falling for these beady eyed jewish thots?
I honestly think she's just a leaf, not a jew.
altho she does have dead eyes..
Look at that nose too. Those disproportionately neck. Those weird eyebrows. Her excessively square jaw. Her weird lips. That combination of features is jewish. The only thing (((she)))'s missing is the curley gross hair.