Everyone is well aware of the book at this point- it feels like she’s Jane Goodall. But she does make some good points about how the left can’t meme. Is humor the key to the rise of the alt-right?
At this point is Sup Forums just a propaganda machine?
Other urls found in this thread:
You said it.
Listening to her talk, she is the only reporter that took the time to try and understand Sup Forums. all the others just spouted some nonsense and hoped that nobody would care how accurate it was because it was a racist place anyway and that's all that really matters.
>talking about Sup Forums in meatspace
Cringe desu
The "alt-right" is a control-term invented by Democrat strategist to marginalize their political opponents.
The election was won (overwhelmingly) by REPUBLICANS.
>still cringing
>not transcending caring what the world thinks
Got work to do user
>Is humor the key to the rise of the alt-right?
Alt-Right??? Oh, you mean the (((Alt-Right))). You mean," the lumping of valid opinions with controlled figureheads as to avoid engaging those valid opinions that could derail your agenda,"- Alt-Right.
Sure user, it's all about the humor.
It’s hard to look at what goes on here and come back thinking we’re dealing with republicans as we’ve ever known them. This is isn’t exactly the moral majority we’re talking about
Humor + coping with the nihilism modernity has thrust upon us
Propaganda by the people for people
I made a poop so big that my toilet has been clogged for days. I've been having to go in the shower
Not sure what to do. Might buy a "snake" tomorrow and stick it in there. I've also poured a ton of soap into the bowl but all that did was make the floating poop particles all sudsy and bubble-y
I'm so sick of this shit
>what goes on here
When the fuck has Sup Forums or any of Sup Forums been part of this Clinton approved (TM) term?
>This is isn’t exactly the moral majority we’re talking about
It's fucking Sup Forums...
Do you have a plunger? Get one at the dollar store.
Yes it is. Sup Forums started as jokes. Stormfaggots and then Russians learned of it and came here. Now it's some lulz but lots of confused mentally ill losers too. The only people who take Sup Forums seriously who aren't paid shills today are schizophrenic.
Yea I've tried plunging it dozens of times. The toilet is filled with brown water with poop particles floating around
Nobody here is a Republican dumbass.
are ya winning son
How’s it feel to be one digit off?
>When the fuck has Sup Forums or any of Sup Forums been part of this Clinton approved (TM) term?
it hasn’t. Years ago it was just chaos, and I loved it. Now it’s just literally Nazi propaganda.
>Is humor the key to the rise of the alt-right?
The alt-kike doesn't even exists, so her strawmans are null.
Can I drink your toilet water? Sounds very tasty.
>It’s hard to look at what goes on here and come back thinking we’re dealing with republicans as we’ve ever known them. This is isn’t exactly the moral majority we’re talking about
/pol is a mix. Some advocate for far more morality than is acceptable to the general public. E.g. anti-fornication, anti-porn, anti-homosexual, anti-abortion. But there are also nihilists and utilitarians on /pol, amongst others.
>at this point
Been alt+right for two years and I still don’t know what it means
Nigga, I am the frog.
Pull the trigger, little nigger.
Absolutely. And that’s why the catch-all term alt-right is useful. There’s many view points represented, to some varying degree of the extreme right of the Overton window. The point is they all hover on the extreme right
>How’s it feel to be one digit off?
This is the result of poor life choices...
>Now it’s just literally Nazi propaganda
There has ALWAYS been literal Nazi presence on Sup Forums, because they have been on the internet since it's genesis for the same reason weeb faggots have been on the web since it's genesis - society shunned them. To say that NOW it's literally Nazi propaganda is 100% wrong. Sup Forums has always been a hive of multiple perspectives and motives where truth or lulz reigns supreme. Now that everyone is on the internet, more "normies" are coming here having to face arguments that have merit, and the "system" doesn't like that.
Why do you think all the big sites are shutting down any descenting opinions? Not arguing, but just censoring them to oblivion?
put cp on a thumb drive and shove it deep into the shit then wait for 24 hours
Anything right of center is just purged, because it's racist!
>a person who doesn't understand what Sup Forums is trying to explain Sup Forums to people who are incapable of ever understanding what Sup Forums is
Into the trash it goes.
>liquid extremism and radicalization
No, OP, stay a while. Nothing fucky going on here.
why are you even giving this book attention, unless you're Nagle trying to stir up the hornets nest for attention
An issue, certainly. I was at the dollar store today and saw a plastic snake for two bucks. Perhaps you have a semi Ridgid tube of some sort already?
>There has ALWAYS been literal Nazi presence on Sup Forums,
For sure. But it’s previously been behind 7 different layers of irony. Now it’s blatant and unapologetic.
>Why do you think all the big sites are shutting down any descenting opinions? Not arguing, but just censoring them to oblivion?
Because even with the alt-lite that doesn’t explicitly all for murder or turning America into an all white ethnostate stops just short of it.
My point is it used to be jokes and “lol internetz” and now the anger and vitriol have spilled over the irony. There’s a certain way you have to phrase your posts, if you even sound slightly apologetic to the left no one will respond
Shit Pic is the new dick pic
I'll go to the store tomorrow and grab one for a couple bucks. The thought of cleaning it is disgusting so I might just toss it after I use it (depending on the price)
he'll get there eventually
>For sure. But it’s previously been behind 7 different layers of irony. Now it’s blatant and unapologetic.
Are you new? How can you even tell, "they" used to spout the stuff with sources and even sourced info graphs, it's literally toned down because all these phone posters suck at interneting. IF newfags want to have that ideology, and play into the trap, well it's the other sides fault for now allowing any dialogue and proliferating it among the unwashed retards.
>My point is it used to be jokes and “lol internetz” and now the anger and vitriol have spilled over the irony.
This last election and the Democratic strategy of pandering to a strengthening demographic of "minorities" is SOLELY 100% responsible for the current state our country is in. It's power hungry (satirically) Nigger-Jews that have done this. Clinton chief among them.
You're a white male, so you can't have an opinion this.
Listen to what I as a minority have to say about your white male society.
Everything they say has to be held as truth, or you're a racist/biggot/enabler...
This is all systematically backed by left leaning institutions...
There's thousands upon thousands of instances where this is held as the standard of truth seeking in dialogue, so is it so much Sup Forums and blatant internet racism, or is it just people close to reality saying that this is fucking retarded.
>Years ago it was just chaos, and I loved it. Now it’s just literally Nazi propaganda.
So your eyes finally opened about the real world and now you can't just explain all Nazi references away as some kind of a joke. If there is any political disposition that can be attributed to Sup Forums as a whole, it's radical centrism that acts like a counter-weight to the rest of society. Literal Nazi's are just a bunch of retard LARPers even if people share some views with the historical ones.
this was a pretty good book desu
As long as you have a strategy for maintaining hygiene for the interval I'm sure that's fine.
I agree. She makes some good point: player.fm
I’ve been hearing more and more dissent from normies. Even my mother who voted for Hillary and hates Trump thinks that the incessant diversity push by the media is stupid.
Sports talk radio guys I listen to who trash Trump and support gun control are outing other media outlets as “too liberal and not to be taken seriously”
I don’t think the US will ever go full 1488 but we can at least have Republican rule before the Democrats correct themselves and move back to the center like it was in the 90s.
>caring about a book a woman wrote.
I'm actually convinced this women knows about the JQ. She is smart enough to understand, the question though, is she brave enough to say it publicly
by the way, this book is only ~110 pages long; you can read it in a day. I don't think most people realize this. Worth checking out.
That's awesome to hear, but now rational people have to start using their spending power and voting collectively to get these fucking racepimp rats out of power.
Affirmative Action says that you have too many Asian people at this college, you need to up the black, latino, and white populations here! I don't care if your graduating some of the top earners and entrepreneurs!
Asian GPA for admissions NOW: 4.3
White: 4.0
Latino: 2.9
Black: 2.7
These are the new standards or we'll see you court, and remember kids, "Don't be racist!"
Hey angie. Not enough people buying your book?
I moved to new york and rent is expensive as fuck so I need to boost sales
What is your message for us then?
who will stop this out of control racist artist?
You know if you stick around here for too long you are going to learn truths that you can't deny, that are blasphemous. Why do you still lurk?
Great post user
I think there's a big problem in the modern world, something quite unprecedented, and fixating on it too much will make one go mad. I don't think it's just the Jews, I don't think it's just political correctness, I don't think it's just neoliberalism, etc. These can all fit into the picture, sure, but the problem is much more depressing than that.
The problem is in the greater confusion and lack of certainty on the biggest metaphysical questions of life. Since the time of Greeks to even Hume and now, we cannot even conclusively answer how mind relates to matter, whether universal properties exist, and much more. And of course, these affect meta- and normative ethical questions too.
I disagree that Wittgenstein or Derrida signaled an end to philosophy. Rather, what has happened is that the ethos keeps splintering or putting emphasis on x and then y to exclusion of x, then both y and x, and then neither y nor x, and cycling through everything ad infinitum. It is manipulated based on market dynamics, political objectives of elites, modern academic biases, and much more. It is a paradigm of pure flux with constant doubting.
This leads to a situation of feeling one is suspended in spaceless aether, totally alone and asking for some answer that life is meaningful, that is life is somehow special.
It's like the Matrix but wherein one asks whether there is a reality to the dream itself, and how the dream relates to the totality of the Cosmos, if it does at all.
But there is no answer, though many claim to know, and of course many lack common ground. There is no common ground anymore, with anything, and trying to create this ground and reset things is impossible at this point.
The best thing to do is come to terms with the non-knowing.
I miss sarahposting.
lmfao. The fuck outa here shills.
No one read your book Angela.
>kill all normies
>satan frog
this whore makes the baby Jesus cry. and all for dirty shekels and for lies