Anyone else picking up vibes for supporting martial law in california?

finally started seeing others say it online.

help trump. send in support. get the traitors to military tribunals.

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tfw we're the people that get the live through the greatest happening in human history

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yes. antifa roaming on college campuses, illegals being appointed to statewide office, feels good to be living in the dark times

Absolutely. And any of these other blue states who think they're going to stick it to Drumpf by flouting federal law.

Declare an insurrection, send in the troops, declare martial law, arrest their state leaders, and try them in military courts. Appoint military governors until the state and local governments are cleaned out and elections can be held

post yfw they start executing libs en masse

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As a Yee-Haw nigga from the one and only Lone Star State, I approve this message, FUCK CALIFORNIANS, 6 MILLION DEAD CALIFORNIANS NOW!

I know you're making a shoah reference, but why stop at six?

What the hell are you smoking.

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What are you on, have you not seen the news lately? California appointed a literal Illegal immigrant to their senate or something

Because theres probably only six million whites left living in California at this point I’m guessing and because a Californian that runs to other states after fucking up their own with their quasi communist policies is a good Californian, but a Californian that bathes in his own shit after mucking up the golden state with mudskins and faggot commies is a WELL indoctrinated Californian


antifags are getting bolder, attacking people in broad daylight

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What the literal hell. California. ...that isn't the California i use to know.

They’ll never find a spine to pick up arms and actually revolt, these faggots are no different to weekend warriors in the army reserves, all about that talk, till its time to do the actual walk

Yeah bro, but you know, if you’re one of us, keep fighting the good fight, keep your head held high, they’ll get what’s coming to them.

This is fucking hilariously true. All the fucking Califags don't shut up about how much they love their state but somehow made sure to move out of it ASAP to go fuck up everyone else's.

what the fuck. question is, can we possibly lead the authorities to this faggot?

i mean honestly i wouldn’t mind recieving white/right wing refugees from California into Tx, but the rest need to fuck off, on their own accord or by our force

I'm Californian. That would be kind of neat.
I won't give up my guns though. Rip me I guess

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>finally started seeing others say it online.
it wasn't on wow trade chat was it?
if so that was me.

Sounds good to me.
They are a rouge state that is acting as a defiant entry point for enemies of the nation. Mexicans aren't the only ones hiding in california.

you been living under a rock?

>a Californian that runs to other states after fucking up their own with their quasi communist policies is a good Californian
They aren't. >

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It'd be the greatest happening in all of Sup Forums

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Would be great to see martial law imposed on those idiots.


Apparently the antifag attacked the cameraman, tried to break the phone and hide the evidence of being a limp wristed faggot

remember when california, the people, voted down gay marriage, then the state court ruled the vote outcome unconstitutional therefore implementing by law gay marriage? popular votes mean nothing if its not liberal/communist

I'm not a Trump fan. I disagree with him on a lot. But the law is the law. Follow it, change it, or be punished for breaking it. California is in direct, willful violation of the law and must be brought to heel. An example needs to be made to preserve order.

Holy shit you are in TX. I heard they completely fucked up Austin and now its the Portland of TX.


We'll need a way to identify them beforehand though, like little stars on there clothes or something.

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user, I hate to break it to you, they're going to nuke the entire western seaboard up to ten miles from the shoreline.
If you want to go play a game before your fiery death I can understand

Goodbye user

3/4 of California hates the illegals:

Just have Trump activate the national guard, and metro police in the key regions, and use personnel transports plus buses borrowed by ICE and just deport them to the border in convoys

Most Californians will support this, and the few thousand who protest are gonna, what? Wear pink pussy hats? Run in front of buses and get run over?

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coastlines are automatically in a state of martial law. threat neutralization is trivial

I think I recognize that girl; she was trying to cozy up to me when I was winning at roulette and her friends asked me on a scale of 1-10 what she was to me and I said a 7; she got pissed and said she was going to let me fuck her and I replied sorry, got someone back home.


civil war is coming lads, if the gubbermint ain't gunna fix itself.

Overt martial law is a step too far. But I might be okay with right-wing militias receiving covert support from JSOC and non-prosecution agreements/guaranteed pardons.

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It was always going to start in California...

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>Overt martial law is a step too far.

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What exactly has Trump been doing about California?
Having a rebellious state breaking federal law in his own backyard is humiliating and makes him look like an apathetic weakling. Even Spain punished Catalonia swiftly and decisively when they tried to become independent.

He did nothing wrong, to be quite frank with you.

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He's already been compared to a dictator for no legitimate reasons. Imagine if he invaded CA overnight. Media would play that horn for months, years.


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