THEY’RE ONTO US, Sup Forums!!!
I listened to about 45 seconds of this kike's senseless drivel before I turned it off. What a faggot.
45 seconds?... that was too long.
this guy is pretending to be the most stereotypical liberal moron right?
lol he is so retarded he doesnt figure out ppl are making fun of him
>changes it to its ok to be pro white power
yeah stopped watching, this guy has no real arguments
I downvoted and commented.
They're on to something that was discussed on a public forum and was done with months ago?
Kudos? The modern left still went full retard at an innocuous statement which was the point. In fact, I believe some went to the extent of outright stating that sources are more important than content. Since it was 'da bad guise', the statement was hateful no matter what it said.
they are not sending their best
webm related is "meme" someone posted in some anftifa chat I am lurking in
I tried really hard and I dont find how this could be funny unless you are really racist or MRA, and I am pretty sure antifa kids think they are not any of those
Every time.
that woman is skinny as fuck
I couldn't watch that whole video without having a blood vessel in my head explode
>webm related is "meme" someone posted in some anftifa chat I am lurking in
I don't think they understand memes
Memes isn't just 'something I found on the internet', it's 'something that's spread throughout the internet with alarming speed and pervasiveness'
That shit's just the start to an amazoness snu-snu porn clip (I'm guessing)
left cant meme
left cant even humor anymore
I have few hilarious leftist meme attempty saved somewhere, let me find them
So it's not okay to be white?
I couldn’t do it
I couldn’t even go past a min of that faggots bullshit
>that woman is skinny as fuck
she's not skinny, she's just tall
>it's not okay to be white
>it's ok to be a faggot
10 minutes? Jesus why do you do this to me OP.
Yet they couldn't figure it out fucking months ago when it first came out that this was fucking gaslighting liberals into acting stupid?
Now add a fifth panel where black muggers beat him up.
Ok lets do the same for blackness. It's a fantastic idea, we can be racist about blacks but scapegoat it because it's not blacks themselves we hate, but their blackness.
i wouldn't touch the play button with a ten foot poll
God, why did I watch that? That guy probably contemplates suicide over the "white guilt" he suffers.
we should call more russian bots to downvote this shit.
They never understand this. Which makes them hypocrites.
I agree down vote this
Naw I get the feeling he shoves a huge egg plant dildo up his ass and stabs is balls with a fork wall screaming out rap lyrics --
That girl looks like she just saw her first BBC
Why the fuck have they waited this long to talk about it?
He's a Jew
What's fransesca?
A little too late to be responding to a shit-tier propganda campaign
what's the point of linking this nobody? I don't get it. Oh wait yeah I do. it's your fucking channel and you're being a fucking shill.
Now fuck off you dopey eyed heeb faggot
Arab, it's AJ+
We already lost the voting var.
>that youutube channel
nice propaganda machine
I don't hate the colour blue, I just hate it's blueness... Ye know?
I don't hate cats, I just hate how cat like they are
I also don't hate the Hindu religion, I just hate how Hindu it is lolz hahaha
Francesca Ramsay. Negro SJW supreme.
You fuckers need to really change your flag. Way too similar to kikeville flag.
one more
it so bad its not even funny
That webm's not really funny to me. It's not really anything. Maybe even a little sad and weird. If it's not some kind of weird bullying or fetish video, it might just be two friends messing around? She's pretty strong.
What do they find funny about it?
Anyone have the "It's okay to be white but it's not okay to be a fucking nigger or a jew" (something along the lines of that) poster?
I'm I'm not sure what this pic is tryin to do
Let’s start a campaign saying it’s ok to be trans and a faggot. Let’s see where that goes
Those poster fags are not Sup Forums. They're the Dugin faggots of the (((Alt-Right)))
Why doesn't sage work or blocks me from all fields now?
The strawmans and non-arguments, fucking hell. I hope these aren't your average people.
>it's not OK
>I care
He's entitled to his opinion.
its so obvious this was made by an angry communist
kek is the accent on purpose?
>High heals
fuck you thats cheating
these retards are so easy to get played.
this is one of the simplest campaigns ever pulled off and they STILL FELL FOR IT lmaoooo
>'Let's hear what this man has to say"
>"Hollywood is run by pedophile and rapist Jews trying to subvert the country"
>Next panel
I got through about 5 seconds. Instant down vote.
It has a disproportionate number of up votes for a video like that.
This guy is definitely getting in my private room.
no his pronunciation just sucks, he teaches english too i think. He's a pretty cool guy though, his channel is pretty cool
I was asking myself the same question, why would someone repost this from Sup Forums to some antifa themed IRC chat
but they are so PC and so afraid of being called sexist or racist that they literally cant joke about anything anymore
that chat didnt post single funny thing in two months, only thing they post are some communist links, completely biased news, and punk songs from 80s
Here's the highlights for people that can't watch
>3:38 if you have no understanding of history or power and remove all context from pro-white sentiment then sure, maybe its not hateful"
>4:18 "yes even though he looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and sounds like a duck, don't be fooled, he's not a duck."
>changes topics and never really returns to IOTBW
>6:00 "Is whiteness an ethnicity though? like what is whiteness?"
>6:06 "White identitarians would equate white people as those with European ancestry, and that might make sense if it weren't for the fact that I have European ancestry dating back centuries and yet because some of those ancestors were jews I'm not white"
>goes confuses race with nationality, says that Irish people became white.
>8:00 "See this is why its appropriate to view pro-white groups through the lens of history"
>Black Power creates White Power, BLM creates All Lives Matter, Obama creates Trump
>8:36 "Whiteness as a construct can't exist without a victim, white identity is a made up thing so why buy into it? its like the worst type of cosplay. When you go around saying that you're a proud white man you might as well be saying 'I'm a proud Dracula,' think about it."
>Goes on about dracula for a while
>10:03 "its ok to be white, its always been ok to be white, but its not OK to be a Dracula."
Everybody report it for promoting terrorism.
the video was pretty nice
he does speak like a language teacher too many pauses and tries to enunciate everything
had to 2x the video
I don't know how even ardent leftist listen to this drivel. His entire video could be summed up as "when we act racist, that makes you racist."
>it promotes terrorism against white people
Black SJW who used to make anti white videos for MTV (Yes its that cucked now)
Her videos always had a massive dislike ratio and negative comments, then she did a tour around the MSM telling the world what a victim she was of white people being meanies in her comment sections.
She is also married to a white guy so god knows how he puts up with it.
>and punk songs from 80s
That's not too bad.
It's fucking bizarre. Society's lowest common denominators flock to these groups. These are the people that make fun of fat and ugly WN's at rallies. Hell, they even make fun of completely normal looking WN's.
you have to be oppressed to be a terrorist so it fits
white ppl cant be terrorist tho
>That girl
Jodie Foster
You have to say that the guy promotes terrorism against black People or else they won’t take it seriously
lmao look at this dude
It's because in Japan they don't even bother learning the correct pronounciation. They learn it like they would pronounce it in japanese (vocals between the consonants and the end of a word). Everyone there speaks like this.
so her first BBV
Don't talk that way about Jodie Foster.
Fixed it
i hear shitface or twitter has white people under its protected groups, just figure gewtube would some similar protected status for white people too
Yeah SJWs in general are fueled with hate. The literally roam around internet searching for things to be triggered by, and then they viciously attack.
I like watching videos "I was SJW" to understand their mentality so I can try to troll them out of their cult.
This bitch is annoying but its good insight in how SJWs/libs/feminists think
He's jewish. Hating whites is mandatory when you're a jew.
> I should be rewarded for not applying myself
not giving this cunt views...
Why are these people here?
They're deleting comments
it's exactly how you would expect
he got jewed by Sup Forums's plot, we out-jewed him
I didn't see any comments deleted. Mine is still up from over an hour ago.
saw the kinda tl;dr - that gave me the gist
Yes but the most frustrating part is that he thinks he is still out jewing us!
I made it to 2:45
it doesn't get any better
Dat lisp....He sucks a lot of cock
it like viewing Richard and Mortimer hue hue, so clevah with the hebrew jew spew
Dude not cool.
you'll always win if your enemies are losers
Im not a Jew but I am most certainly a white devil.
does sucking cock make gays talk like that!?