Effectively End the Second Amendment Today!

I would never ask anyone to give up their Constitutional rights without first demonstrating I was willing to do so myself. All you have to do is register yourself on the NICS database as someone who will not be sold a gun. If half the Country does this we have effectively removed half of the Second Amendment.

When the other half sees all the lives we saved doing this, they will register as well. There is no need for more gun laws and a repeal of the Second Amendment at all.

Call your local Sheriff today and as to be added to the NICS gun database as someone who will not be sold a gun.

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Neck yourself.



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Even leftists aren't this stupid, who are these people? Feds?

It is about honest commitment. You are either a true believer or you are not.

That is where you are wrong sir.

Population: 325,000,000
Gun murders annually: 13,000
This makes current gun laws 99.996% effective.

Yes that is very accurate and thanks for sharing. But we should go after a zero deaths policy and register as many people are willing. It is a simple thing to do and if it only saves one life it will all be worth it.

good gawd you are embarrassingly, stunningly full of shit aren't you. What you are proposing Is the same fucking thing idiot. The end result, is i loose my right to self defense and defend my family through the use of a gun.

That, is a red line that you will get shot crossing. Remember how bundy ranch went to find your answer. I'll give you a big fucking hint...( NO.)

We hope that liberals will be the leaders it takes to show the way. We completely understand the 2A supporters and gun owners will need to see the effectiveness first. So please keep your gun until the time is right for you. This is a freedom based movement.

We do not want to "take" anything we just want to demonstrate that we are right and committed to the cause. We want to "convince" you we are right and see if you will willingly follow our gentle lead.

OP, you do realize that most of us are willing to die for our guns, right?

It's easy to have something to kill for, that's every week individual in the world.

We are literally willing to die over our right to keep and bear arms.

Yeah. We get it. But you're wrong. The only people that would willingly do what you suggest are the same people that would never commit a gun homicide, because they wouldn't have owned a gun to begin with. There would be no change in the numbers and you'd prove nothing. Furthermore, in the future should gun ownership prove to be an absolute necessity for survival, you will have effectively killed yourself, or forced yourself into criminality by having to illegally purchase a firearm. You have a right. You don't have to excercise that right, but you'd be dumb to relinquish it, and you'd be evil to attempt to force others to do so.

Disclaimer: the extremely vast majority of legal gun owners would never commit homicide with a gun either. The statement I made in the preceding was simply to point out the idiocy with Op's idea.

Yes and that passion is beautiful and commendable. What I am asking is for liberals to show the same level of passion and do what is necessary to lead the way. If we can show you instead of force you, we can keep the Second Amendment, never pass another gun law and still save some lives.

I also believe it would be a great step for politicians and celebrities to commit to not using armed security. This makes us all look weak in our arguments. If British police do not need guns, why do the Hollywood award ceremonies?

I can appreciate your initial push back. You do not want to see liberals defenseless from promoting our own agenda. I appreciate your wanting to keep us safe from our own policies, but we will lie in the bed we make with pride.

>we should go after a zero deaths policy
this some funny shit

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This is a top notch larp.

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Yep i will 100% fight violently and am willing to die to keep my rights

This is exactly why we want to take a gentle approach and promote a freedom of choice. No more gun laws. We just want to show you we are right and not force anyone. The last thing we want is Americans feeling threatened.

Lol. Try doing this with welfare next. Make contributing to social programs voluntary. It'll be so effective people will pledge more than asked, I'm sure.

This is a good idea. It would be nice if when we register as a Democrat that we could also agree to be taxed at a greater rate, and have those taxes be used on democratic issues, to help more people get the things they need. We can lead by example in many facets. I would definitely support this and would gladly do so.

What if the life saved is the life of an asshole?

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As it is currently we do not distinguish between bad deaths and good deaths. Our stats are not adjusted by the the death of a burglar or rapist vs a sleeping child or law abiding citizen. We just count them equally as deaths. I see no reason stats should not be adjusted to show more truth. We are all about freedom and truth. Not sure how you account for "assholeness" in a government stat, but hopefully someone smarter than me will come up with a solution.

Maybe if we all register on the NICS we wont need more stats maybe Sup Forums will have less graph images and more peace signs and flowers.

Would love to know the voter party of the murderers....

In 1776 the USA was not as multi-cultural and safe as it is today. I appreciate that Franklin was undoubtedly a very smart man, aside from wanting the turkey as the national bird, but today people are just more community oriented and as such we have a stronger sense of community. I think we can do it! We just have to be the ones to try!

I agree with you. Liberals with guns are the best mkultra targets

Hello fellow goyim

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Hahaha what a fucking funny post my friend.

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I'mma keep my guns. Only reason I wake up and get out of bed is the hope today is the day the commies try to be funky fresh

Not problem at all - it is a movement based on freedom of choice. In the off chance this all goes wrong we might need your help one day to restore order.

I doubt that will happen, I see a more peaceful future. Maybe we pay down guns today and countries lay down tanks and jets next.

We will never know unless we try! It only take a minute to register.

Samefag slidefag

Come on anons. It will only take you 60 seconds to give up your rights forever

It is not different than repealing the Second, it would take a very long time to reverse such a thing. So why do this? No need to vote, no need for laws, just voluntary action.

Well detective user I just meant I was not a Fed.

This is a god tier psyop.

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death to traitors

Stand down marine. No one is going to tread on you. Just the opposite. We just want to show you the way, not force anything on you.

It's LQ bait

Not even a fish hook meme from the skeptic? It is something real, something tangible. Not another law against adjustable stocks or some dumb thing that makes no sense at all. This real and we can do it together.

What would you do, sure we can ban bump stocks but how many of us even know what that thing is? It just sounds like something we would ban, so we vote in favor it.

>zero deaths policy
>by banning the greatest home and self protection device ever invented
you haven't thought this through.

I appreciate the gun owners who want to save us from ourselves. The ones who are against us registering because it is unsafe. It is a noble gesture and an argument that you do truly believe guns make you safer. This is why we want you to feel free to keep your guns until you are ready. We will show you by demonstration they are not needed and if you are not convinced in the end - at least we did not infringe upon your rights any. It is a win win for both of us.

I prefer that you give up your first amendment rights first.

Jews did 9/11


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The government has a lot of databases, but I never heard of one for giving up the First Amendment.

I believe we covered this... so here is the copy paste you deserve. "Well detective user I just meant I was not a Fed."

Good share... thanks.

Most retarded thing I've read today. Who comes up with this stuff? Ok, all you libshits give up your guns. Fine by me. kek

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Great idea dude. Nobody on this board is going to be ready for your revolutionary idea yet though. I recommend you go to reddit and tell them about it though!

You will see in the end. You will be a believer.

You don't get it. The constitution doesn't give us rights. It lists the natural rights that all humans have. One of which is to be able to arm ourselves with with guns to defend ourselves to something as small as a thug, to the government itself, were it to become tyrannical. Everyone has the right to defend themselves by any means necessary.

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Yeah right, you have know idea. Keep telling yourself that.

We get it. We are not going to infringe on your rights. We are simply voluntarily effectively giving up ours. We wish you well and hope you come around to considering following our lead.

>Even leftists aren't this stupid
i wouldn't be so sure. dumber things have went viral. #oneless had a us senator follow some twitter losers

The simplicity is the beauty even for you user.

You cannot see it now, but once half the country registers it will be beautiful thing to witness.

Yes #oneless is a hot mess created by someone that wants to impose their will and not lead. It makes no sense and should never of happened. I apologize for some of the asshats on our side.

I read the whole thread. You said you’d prove you were willing to submit to these rules. Yet you didn’t post a screen cap of your form.
If you’re serious about what you’re posting, follow through. Show us your conviction.

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This is a bit confusing as I did not say that. But I understand that leaders must lead. There is not form per se, you just have to convince them to add you to the list. A letter can work. Or you can visit in person. When you go to buy a gun, they will just say you were denied and not give you a rejection form then either.

One user said he had to tell them that inanimate objects were dangerous to get on the list. Persistence is key! Keep at it and let us know if you have problems. Most have had better success in person. You can do it user!

I think we should be careful not to mix up our Constitutional rights with other items like healthcare. It makes us look desperate. I am believe in a simple approach - not trickery and misdirection.

>I would never ask anyone to give up their Constitutional rights without first demonstrating I was willing to do so myself
It’s your first post, and your words. What is confusing to you? You didn’t understand your post?

>Famous last words of their movement

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Sure I thought you meant I had some form. I just did not want you to think there was a form to fill out or a certificate you might get when done. It just goes into a government database. So sorry there is no paperwork to upload. Do not give up though user, you are not alone. We are here to help.

>left can't me-

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Leftists memes look like THAT?

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We never will. That is the old way. We are leaders now.

Sup Forums BTFO

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How will Sup Forums ever recover?

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meme this

straight up retarded cunt

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Didn't you guys give up your gun rights long ago, I thought you would be more supportive. Surely it worked out great for you? So why so negative?

>it goes into a database
>there is no form to fill out
user, are you sober? There is no possible way for things to go into s database without information.
I’m here to help you. Are you ok? I’m getting the impression you haven’t slept in a long time.

Less creepy anime watching please Latvia - that cannot be healthy.

I went into a gun shop and filled out a the background check to make sure and I have to type into a computer on their website only they can access with a user and password. So weird I know, but no forms is the norm these days.

It works like this, knucklehead.
When you and all your friends inflict a military defeat on the world hegemon and win your freedom, you can make up the rules.
The current set of rules is called the US Constitution.
You don't get to change the Constitution just because it makes you sad.

I don't watch anime though. There's too much antisemitism and nigger lynching in anime.

Sorry you go the wrong idea as we said we are not interested in changing the US Constitution or whatever you have down under either. We are trying to preserve the Constitution and willfully effectively surrender our rights - not literally by changing laws and certainly never the Constitution. You are gun free in Australia right? Are you not happy?

Look at the evidence and then decide. You can't just ignore statistics when they don't favor your perspective.

Attached: GunViolenceStats.png (600x380, 23K)

That is good to hear, how do you know what is in there if you did not watch it - I do not want to know. Stay healthy user.

>I would never ask anyone to give up their Constitutional rights without first demonstrating I was willing to do so myself.
So either you don’t understand English, or you’re lying. No one forced you to say you’d offer proof that you did this, yet you can’t offer any proof.
>I would never ask anyone to give up their Constitutional rights without first demonstrating I was willing to do so myself
Yet you offer no proof. Just allegory. I think you’re lost.

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Looks legit, thanks!

First off that pizza look disgusting. Can you delete that shit. Secondly the proof will be in the end when we are all registered. once the media gets wind o our actions and puts us in the news, it will spread. Try not to be so literal with your readings user. All I said was we will show you. Our actions will speak. What will you do sign another White House petition?

Yet you refuse to register. Let’s examine your post again.
>I would never ask anyone to give up their Constitutional rights without first demonstrating I was willing to do so myself.
So if you want to be taken seriously, show us your demonstration of proof. By your own words, you need to submit the form you filled out, or everything you’ve posted is one gigantic lie.
Show us which is the truth, because you’ve refused to offer the proof you started the thread with. No one but you, typed those words. So please, prove your words or stop posting.

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This is genius. Liberal douchebags get to virtue signal on something they'd never own and a birthright they want to disown. The rest of us keep protecting our families.

What if I want in increase to the deaths? The death count is currently too low.


From what I've seen theres no such thing as a multicultural community. Just a bunch of groups of people that pretend to like each other and then talk shit about everyone to their spouse.

Why so angry user? If you have a suggestion for a better method you can post it. There is simply no certificate or paperwork or anything. It is a database, when you are added you simply cannot buy a gun anymore. The proof is when you go into the gun shop and try. They will simply say "Sorry I cannot sell you a gun today" and you can smile all the way to the door knowing you did a good thing. Or you can log onto Sup Forums and spend your day being a shit, posting Hillary making BJ faces.

Wise words, maybe with less people able to buy guns people will become more relaxed, have more BBQs and shit and try to be neighborly again. Fire up the grill user and have some people over.

Yes it is all about freedom of choice and leadership things we can all get behind.

Honestly, I can find zero problems with this. 2A states you have the right to bear arms, not the duty. Therefore, if people choose not to exercise their right, that is their choice, all without infringing on the rights of others. This entire thing depends on people being mindless sheep that will drop their guns because doing so is popular. The people who put themselves on this registry are people who were never going to buy guns anyways.

On the other hand, when pro-2A people DON'T give up their guns, and the day of the rope comes, there will be a nice big list with all the names of commie faggots.

Pools are actually very deadly. You can always dig people swimming pools for free. Surely someone will die in one of your free pools if you dig enough of them.

Your words sound slightly more abrasive, bu I think we agree on freedom for everyone and keep the 2A.

Clearly Pewdiepie is involved.

Absolutely in favor. 100%. All the best ideas come from Sup Forums.

Why do you perceive anger? I just can see you you are a dishonest person and lack integrity. You clearly stated you wanted other people to follow your lead, and would prove your position.
You’ve only offered lies.
Goodnight user. I’ve exposed you for the liar you are, using your words. This discussion is needless. You’ve shown your true colors. I hope Buddha takes mercy on you.
