Tell me something insane

Ok pol so I’m pretty fucking drunk rn. Tell me the most fucked up, black pilled, insane, nihilistic, mind boggling things that you can think of.

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this is too much

life is absolutely not important and finite
you me everyone we all die one day
the after life is more important than life because it is ethernal and more complete
this is a test

Hitler knew... that black lives matter'ed?
Watch the documentary & find out today!!:

Another must-see classic from The History Channel (un-aired):

Did Hitler hate Chinese people? Let's find that out too:

What about those Scandinavians? Hitler really hated those Scandinavians didn't he and his National Socialist allies? Well:

He totally wanted to take over America and totally did, that's why we're being White Genocide'ed today in all White European nations like KikeWars and Alex Jones say it's "da germane death kvlt elite nazi world order!!"
Yeah, if you fix the word "nazi" with what it literally means: AshkeNazi JEW (aka a "Germanic" Jew...), isn't it? He was gonna take control of America and make it only blonde blue eyed like that card from Yu-gi-Oh, the dragon one:

Okay well, Hitler (NAtional SOcoailist) totally allied with the Zionist Jews (NAtional ZIonist) against the Palestinians and Arabic Islamic Muzzies didn't he?:

Hitler did want to have a Japanese baby and eventually betray Japan right?:

Hitler and National Socialists really wanted to genocide and "HoloHOAX" the Portuguese and Southern European Peoples didn't he?:

Hitler and the NSDAP (National Socialists) saw the Irish as a Jew race, right?:

Hitler thought that Indians were poop?:

Hitler thought that all Romanians sucked:

Canada stands with Israel, right?:


Free will doesn't exist

Absolute evil is in control of the material

Sup Forums is run by jews

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Shut it down

OP will never be the same.

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Oy bin those scissors

Jesus died for your sins.

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fucking shit man


I can't even believe this was the city I have to drive into every day.

Fuck me. Would’ve liked to have visited that place

Look up quantum suicide.

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There are things in the forest in Alaska that most people can't even comprehend.

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Go on

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Western society is going to get shittier and shittier and there will never be a bottom because as long as minorities have a shanty town roof above heir heads they will keep voting in politicians that hurt white people.

sharpiepooper timestamp naow faggotlarper op nothing is free in lies

When buying a house in China, you are just agreeing to a 70yr lease. If you get married in China as a foreigner to a citizen, you cannot legally have a job.

No murderer has any part in the Kingdom of Heaven.

the universe is alive
we are expressions of this universe so that it may experience everything through us, hence why we are conscious and have memory.
Also, there are more universes than just ours

What did they mean by this? Keeps jews out?

Life is the result of random chance. We're the result of a molecule coming together in the primordial sludge that managed to replicate itself.
Life is empty. All things we experience: pain, happiness, sexual attraction, thought; all just by-products that allowed for more successful replication of that molecule (DNA).
Everything you think or feel is a chemical reaction. There is no free will. Even worse is one day the last living thing will die and all of it will completely cease to matter as the great endeavour of life itself comes to an end.

shit i was really looking forward to living in china

Seems retarded desu

D O G actually spells cat..

LSD was distributed by the government and therefore all its fruits are government product.

The hippy movement was meant to neuteur potential radicals in the universities.

Timothy leary and Ken Kesey were both CIA guys

Basically rock and roll is a big fat lie

heaven and hell are just different interpretations of the electromagnetic spectrum. also reincarnation is real.

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Why not just literally neuter commie hippies? Since what you said is true, the CIA pretty much ruined America with their bullshit

Miscegenation and ethnic displacement, not nuclear self-annihilation, is most likely the cause of the Fermi Paradox. The most advanced race uplifts the lesser ones and in the process is dragged down into extinction. The cycle repeats forever.

God is real and you will be judged; time to repent is fleeting as we approach the end of days.
Come to Christ.

im so used to mass shootings that they don't even affect me anymore.. "oh no another mass shooting D:"

Someday soon folks at the CDC will release a new virus that will kill off at least 50% of the population of the earth. It'll spread by airports, ships, and person to person. They'll do it to keep the balance of the rich and poor that are under their heel, and so that can mold a new homogeneous society as they see fit

The black plauge will have nothing on the new plauge, and when population levels get down to their liking they'll come out with the vaccine

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Same. Last time i was really shocked was Bataclan but I watched that unfold live as I was at the gym; Vegas didn't do shit to me. Parkland even less so. Actually I'm starting to question whether or not any of it is real as I haven't felt any consequence on my own life experience.

Yeah it pretty much took all the people that could have helped fix the world and transported them to some drum circle somewhere completely outside the spectrum of influence.

Works like a fucking charm

is it still light out there

Bear tracks ain’t it?

I love me a spoopy alaska story. Nothing like 5 methed up crabbers seeing some legit indian ghosts

ikr. it's a weird sort of bittersweet nostalgia to see old pics of how beautiful everything used to be. we gotta get forward to that

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Wolves have a scent gland on their head, right between the ears. And if you bury your face in the fur there it smells like honey.

A lot of the satirical posts from Sup Forums are badly written and sound extremely ranty, but I always have liked this one for its eloquence and brevity.

Funnily enough, its speech pattern reminds me of JBP's. Perhaps one day he'll be pushed in this direction out of necessity. Although his public acknowledgement of race differences seems to stop at the recognition of higher Ashkenazi Jew IQ, it doesn't necessarily seem like such a huge leap from his current philosophy, what with his existing resistance to the Cultural Marxist narrative of the 'oppressive patriarchy' and 'white power'.

Or maybe this post was made by Dr. Peterson himself.

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holy shit took me a while to see the dead body in the 1st picture

is that cum on her face

what animal leaves single file tracks?


You watch usernamen?

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Who knows

feline would be my first guess but dunno

Grade school edgelord psuedophilosophy.

That's completely unrelated as shit.

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And my piece of resistance

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It's actually more in line with what the average Christian would tell you.

Humans don't revolt if they are WELL FED. That should kick you in the nuts if you were hoping for new happenings.

is it even possible come away from solzhenitsyn's book and not be woke on the jq?

Looks like a big cat of some sort. Especially by the amount of distance it covered with the jump. Cat's are also smart enough to walk straight lines on trails.

Not that impressive. Mountain Lions are everywhere and have been found as far East as the Appalachian Mountains and as far North as Alaska on occasion

Looks like wolf to me desu

bet you have this as a tattoo you homo

bears hibernate
um... let me find pic that I called cops on
>what animal leaves single file tracks?
wolves are to wide to step single file. Also they do sort of a trot when moving.


Most cats

Too add to this: "well fed" doesn't have to refer to food. In almost every aspect of your life, you are being "well fed"...

it's starting to seem obvious that the muslims are our only hope against the left and we will probably end up joining forces to defeat communism and the jews

Iguanas possess a third eye on the top of their heads for spotting birds of prey and arboreal predators.

There are some hungers that bread and circuses can't sate

Oh really?
That's where pic related comes in handy.

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Scientists say the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, but they're actually mistaken. They've misinterpreted the redshifting as doppler shifting when in fact it's resulting from the speed of light changing due to increased pressure on the universe over time. Increased pressure means that the universe is actually collapsing in on itself. It will be like the Big Bang in reverse. A Big Crunch.

Can you really be this clueless? The muzzgroids are using the libs to get the white Christians out if the way. Those people are the only obstacle to the shitskins rounding up the libs and turning them into soap. The libs think theybare using the muzzies for exactly the same strategy. But they can't see they have put their own necks on the chopping block.

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How will that peice of paper keep me out of the snow? Or make it so there are jobs to be had? Or make it so people don't just point at the feds and say that they're what's ruining the world?

I believe in what the constitution says amd swear to uphold it, but really it doesn't mean jack shit these days

trump is the current god head of the elites. the global elites have a functioning stargate in NK that they use to transport to the piledies star system which is where man is originally from.

Everybody is some kind of IDF. Everybody a shill for something. Even me. Even (you).

No. The universe is slowing and cooling as it expands. It won"t expand forever and it won't collapse back into a singularity. It will simply run out of inertia and all the processes that have created stars and life will just sort of coast to a stop.
Entropy is the true black pill.

The only cats in Alaska are Lynx, unless a Siberian Tiger found it's way over. They mainly eat snow shoe hares which we don't have enough where I live, I rarely see rabbits maybe once every couple of years.

>gibs me jobs
how fucking does gubmint gibs u job or are you talking about money

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Unless you're to subscribe to the Sup Forums theory on JBP intentionally withholding him views (which I don't necessarily think is untenable), I believe what's far more likely the case is that JBP is in some sense in denial of facts which completely counter part of his presupposed worldview.

That's not necessarily a bad thing though--as a traditionalist conservative, he surely wouldn't be the type to wantonly shift his whole paradigm, especially that relating to an ultimate topic like race, without the requisite wealth of up-to-date proof to back it up. Unfortunately, race science has fallen ill to the same sickness of the hyper-politicalization of all the social sciences. Results unfavorable to the Marxist worldview are discarded, or not pursued at all, and any modern forays into the (now largely dead) field of race science are expediently shut down, making it extremely unlikely that any new evidence for or against race differences will surface, at least in the currently trusted, mainstream institutions.

And perhaps like other things, it will be a realization which takes him years or decades to come to, if at all. I'll try to stop making this a JBP thread though. I've just been on another lecture streak and have been trying to bridge the dissonance between my worldview and his.

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The Star Gate is in the old tunnel in West Virginia. The 77 interstate runs past the old tunnel and the old tunnel is closed to the public. Sometimes the Aliens and Humans hold a Thanksgiving celebration in it. The extreme similarity in the Human and Alien Physiology means that they get to eat turkey, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy together.

I have a job.

The rising homeless population is something that shows it's harder and harder to get one though. You might live where there aren't many, but that doesn't mean that this problem can just be swept under the rug. It doesn't matter whose in office. Most low end job aren't coming back, and more and more jobs are going to disappear. Making most of the population worthless.

It's the writing on the wall. I'm sorry if you can't see it

how long do we have?

You're not even right about the mainstream view, which is that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. That discovery was awarded the Nobel prize.

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so more homeless people should mean more work
hows it my problem if you aint got a home.
i guess your not seeing the big picture of i dont give a fuck.

homeless, like i can do something about that. if i give him one, tehn what are we goin gto do about the homeless problem. itll be a homeful

Believe it or not, real science includes diffrences of opinion, not lockstep consensus.
Many theories will win Nobel Prizes, only to have a competing theory win years later.
I realize that global warming propaganda has taught you that science is a dogmatic religion that must not be questioned but some people still engage in debate.
>thinking like a jew's all

When America starts to lose influence or becomes irrelevant is when it will start. I'd say close to 2025 but that's a conservative estimate on my part. The economy is in another bubble, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop the coming market correction

I am going to move to an Island off the coast of Scotland or something by that time.

Good luck

The CIA knew that there were still POWs in Vietnam, but they deliberately sabotaged rescue attempts in order to blue-ball JSOC. Well, probably. No one knows.

The wall exists... it is the Earth’s crust. We live on the outside of a Dyson Sphere. Far advanced races of human live on the interior and they keep us out.

the jews are not behind it all they are just the scape goats, with the zionist jews being useful idiots

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I heard the black kids in my neighborhood get yelled at by their mom and then cussed at by an older kid. They immediately copied what they’d heard and practiced it on each other. They beat up a kindergartener (I think their younger brother) who even already had a cast on him arm. I picked him up out of a bush and he was crying and hugged me.

I realized the difference in IQ is nothing, that can be overcome. Thomas Sowell did it, etc. That pales in comparison to what the collapse of black nuclear families and absence fathers did to the black community.
Their idols used to be Nat King Cole and Louis Armstrong instead of crack dealers and rappers.

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