Why does it seem like every day there are more and more faggots everywhere I go? It literally seems as if one out of every four men are gay in current society. Was it always like this, even 100 years ago? I know homosexuality dates back to at least Greek times, but not at this frequency I'm sure. Could there actually be some kind of deep state kike science experiment tainting our drinking water?
Is it the tap water?
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Tap water is obviously one of the main causes of the global gaydemic, others include the numerous toxins being sprayed into the atmosphere (via chemtrails), the poisons being put into food (via GMOs), and the constant psychological attacks and brainwashing that is broadcasted on (((TV))) and other entertainment outlets
Of course it's the tap water. It's full of the devils piss making it easier to turn people into fags.
Kys faggot
its the internet. anyone can have any trait, kink, fault etc. validated as being perfectly okay if they look online for a while
I want to stop drinking tap water. How should I go about purifying it? Filters? Distillation? Alex Jones?
If getting your own water tank isn't an option then either bottled water or a purified
bottled water is still contaminated, and purification taps dont remove small molecules. there is no option really
If you have just one gay friend they'll bring all their fuckbuddies around every time you're around them and you'll be surrounded and you'll hear them talking about sucking cock every time you leave the room to get away from all the pixie dust which irritates the skin of true heterosexuals. It's true.
Picture kind of related. I dunno.
Yes. This video explains what is gonig on pretty well hooktube.com
Uncle Joe was right?
Next time a norime said. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa water. All waters good {ME, defend the weak is my battle call } {youtu.be
This is when /lgbpol/ goes retard and starts post Jewish propaganda
I got fed up with paying for brita filters. 5 weeks later I was cruising craigslist and sucking dick again. Not sure causation/correlation but cmon
Dog at the end was me !!!!
I don't know where you live or who you're interacting with, but I rarely come across faggots. Maybe you're just in a city/state filled with degenerates.
&bpa, ee2, chlorine
Did you have that one straight friend that you thought that you were only semi awkwardly talking about sucking cock around, expecting them to start doing it as if mind controlled because "straight people don't exist". Or are you not one of the Jew shock troops...
There is evidence that gayness has a genetic and cultural cause. Genetics can make someone gay, or can make someone susceptible to being a gay, then depending on social situations some will become gay
all in all 25% of the pop. will end up gay if society lets it.
>trusting teens to have complete certainty in sexuality
>I know homosexuality dates back to at least Greek times
It has been documented since the beginning of history and would likely span far back into prehistory. It only seems like there are more than ever before because the developed world has granted them legal protections and adolescents are encouraged to explore their gender and sexual identities.
reverse osmosis
>trusting adults not to just lie and say they are straight
its a mixture of hormone disruption, positive reinforcement in media and school and the ease and prevalence of sexually explicit material available on the internet.
Its not fluoride, fluoride just makes you ok with bullshit, stupid, and easily manipulated with ideology....ok i guess it has a small influence by proxy.
Yep. Don't forget the global conspiracy to convince us that the earth is flat.
By then they usually are certain in sexuality though, ask literally anyone and theyll tell you how teens are uncertain of sexuality and much higher rates, for good reason. It doesn't tke too much effort to realize a little more than half of all gay teens will be straight or bi as adults
Collect rainwater and filer that.
Older people grew up with gay sex being a criminal act and fearing losing their job and families if they were honest, they are going to lie about it.
well yea, california
chem trails contaminate the air and atmosphere, thereby making rain water unusable
I never denied that, im just saying fewer are, and i gaurentee half of the population aint gay, half of those kids are going through a phase as hormones rush through them. Either that or that poll was taken in california, where for some reason everyone is gay
You could have said that from the beginning. Isn't that where we sent all of them, anticipating the day when the state literally slides into the ocean?
Rich people drink bottled water, they don't poison their own food supply. They just don't buy the GMO corn and soy based products, subsided by the government to make them cheaper and thus more cost efficient to use in food products, which means most poor people will consume GMO corn and soy in some form in nearly all their food products.
Something is making girls hit sexual maturity sooner and dropping the testosterone of men. My guess is the two are connected. People in the future are going to think of fluoride water like wer think of Rome's lead pipes.
the chinks are subverting us. they supply our water pipes for infrastructure and have them deliberately contaminated with testosterone blocking chemicals because they feed off our gyno and need more breasts before taking over usa
Wut u on about m8?
Humans must be stopped
I've seen some shit and some shit accessories
what the actual fuck
There is no way an average gay man will not be filled will deep regret as he takes his dying breath.
Only a life filled with biological children and grandchildren can yield deep satisfaction.
It's not natural.
What I don't understand is why these genes apparently don't die off.
Darwin was a faggot as well.
woman are carriers of the gene.
repressed dykes are a thing and they betray as all.
There are so many fucking moths. Someone should go on a gigantic moth holocaust!
It's not solely the tap
It's true though, I felt so alone until I found my infantinecrocorprophelia support group on reddit.
*coprophilia sorry.
IMHO trans is what is getting worse. Whoever heard of some preschool aged child talking about wanting a sex change when they were that age?
I cant believe how long that was on kikebook for. Poor kid. That was a real fucked up video
Might be one or all of the following:
Something in vaccines
Something affecting children hormonally in the womb (prior birth control usage?)
Hormones in meat
Other food additives
gay and straight are fake. if woman shit goes in water (estrogen and birth control) then why is being "hetero" not considered the same thing? fuck. gayness is all sorts of things. environmental is all lies and goes to bottom. go suck a dick. no need to put it on your tombstone. posting frogs is worse. the only definition of worse there that there is. or grabbems
we outbreed you 7:1
But fluoride is good for your teeth and niggers can't afford toothpaste.
We need to start putting listerine in the tap water because it's as effective as flossing yet poor immigrants can't afford it.
Sounds like confirmation bias.
Or maybe it's just very different in your memeflag country.
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