How do you manage without Facebook?

Logged back into my FB after yet another 30 day ban for a ridiculous reason, only to be logged out and met with ANOTHER 30 day ban within minutes. This time they found a post I'd made multiple months ago of me saying "Had a great time with my Dad. I really miss him being here!" (my father has lived out of country most of my life). Nothing inappropriate, and here I am banned for another 30 days. I had multiple believable dummy accounts that were properly verified upon creation and now all of them have been locked until I can verify them with a mobile number. Not a single fake texting app or site works to receive the code (I easily went through dozens), and my real mobile number is tagged to my real FB account under my real name. I can't remove it because I'm blocked, and it seems like this will be an endless cycle. I've tried using VPN's and proxies in hopes of tricking FB, but nothing works.

So many here have just said "Fuck it" and got rid of FB altogether, but I must ask this... How the fuck do any of you function without social media of any kind? Message/image boards, forums, etc don't count for me as all my friends only actively exist on FB.

Over the years I've become accustomed to being connected to the world and easily being able to keep in touch with all of my friends. That way is quite literally Facebook. None of my friends are active on Twitter or anywhere else. Gab, Minds, and even VK are so dead and/or glitchy that they aren't even close to being viable replacements. Almost like an addiction, and going back "offline" is total Hell. Ever since I stopped being liberal, Facebook decided their site is no longer for me and will use any excuse they can to keep me off it. Worst part is I don't even post, comment, or share ANY of my views anymore or give any indication of my political affiliation. I went back and deleted all posts related to politics, but FB still persecutes me. I'm at a loss.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I left kikebook when they asked for my ID

I use facebooksolely to chat with friends and rekindle old dates.


waaaah facebook banned me

go outside

>Using a datamining website.
Haven't been on facebook in years, I'm never going back unless it's a troll account.

Delete the facebook. Don't tell anyone, just delete it.
The people who contact you were your real friends.

FB is literally the only way for any of these people to contact me, as the overwhelming majority of my friends are American or from other countries where international texting costs extra and most won't ever bother with it.

These people aren't anywhere else and it isn't that they wouldn't want to keep in contact with me, but it's more that they would have no idea how to.

You need a fresh install, or VM machine, but Ubuntu from flash drive is my go to.
Request a new IP, or go to an internet café. Don't bring your phone unless you've reformatted it.
Create a Facebook and add your contacts you want to keep ahold of. Use a icon picture and a nick name they will know you by and download the icon and modify it in gimp.
Return to the free WiFi a few days later, boot Ubuntu and ask them all via pm for cell numbers and ask them to get telegram or signal.
Then actually proactively keep up with them and leave FB behind. It has a negative effect on your actual social life believe it or not.
Oh also use in Ubuntu to change your Mac address before going on WiFi.
A mix of this can be used for socks.
I created a burner FB on a paygo to troll toasties on Tinder with the 14 words. Totally fake pictures just for some screenshots. That account got suggested every one of my Facebook friends and I can imagine it's because I had the two mobiles next to each other so their algorithm realized it was the same person. Good luck.

If its that important to you then you should keep the facebook, obviously. You could find an alternative but if its inconvenient no one will use it.
My advice is to cut the people you'll never see again out of your life. Thats just baggage.

I photocopied mine and sent it to the calling them niggers and kikes. They reactivated it. I left new years though. Deleted properly and never think about it.

>deleted properly

the first two days I was kind of curious what everyone was up to. After that I just had other things to do so I stopped caring. I didn't just "disable" my facebook account. I actually deleted it, waited the 14 days without logging in and everything.
The only bad thing was having to re-create some accounts using an email address vs easy sign up via FB and shit. I could care less if they actually deleted all of my data as they said they were going to do as there's nothing there of any importance unless you're into marketing.

Im not cursed with being a type a extrovert so instead of feeling like im drowning if I cant read updates about what my friends are eating for lunch, or what their latest preening takes on the latest socially safe mainstream thing is, instead if i do read that kind of stuff it makes me want to do permanent harm to myself

Never made a Facebook account in my entire life.

How do you use it
It’s trash SJW echo chambers

Autism poster

>How do you manage without Facebook
Never using it

kill yourself

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Never thought Id say it, but good job Canadian guy!

>How do you manage without Facebook?
I give friends and employer my phone number. Das it. I ain't reading all that shit nigger.

>op is a faggot and thinks he needs kikebook
no bump for jew boot lickers

Facebook made one for you

I have work to do unlike you whose work is to give attention to every humans except yourself?

Privacy paranoia kept me off every single social media, nothing is free in life.

By never having had one to begin with.

If you are 20 to 30 these things are degenerate
>1. Sex
>2. Music
>3. Movies
>4. Social Media
>5. Fast foods
>6. Mother
>7. Friends
>8. TV
>9. Weed
>10. Video game
>11. Anything that ruin you dopamine.

We'll I don't know what to tell you bud. The only advice I can give is that you are going to have to stop being a faggot, go outside, and talk to a girl. Who knows? You may finally see what a vagina looks like besides the fake one you make when you stand naked in front of the mirror and tuck your cock and balls behind your legs. Best of luck now kindly fuck off.

people that use social media are pretty much insufferable wastes of life and generally really, really fucking stupid

So it's no loss to me, really.

i actually call people, or text on snapchat

You're one hard-to-the-core poo.

>all my friends only actively exist on FB
sounds like you have no friends

Me too! Done!

He's impacted.

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Just dont use facebook. What kind of a dumb faggot are you?


I did this for 3 years I am 28 now.I have more than $10 millions in taxed deducted cash spread across different band accounts.


How do you enjoy all of your wealth?

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I never had one

have only the messenger bcause family.

but no fb app. i dont have any patience more for the bullshit.

its a bit like to quit smoking..

I am 36, and have been an internet junky since it started. First social media I did was a free yahoo personal page. I had pictures of myself and shit and did lots of chatting through e-mail. Then, myspace got popular and switched to that. It was cool as shit, but then one day got a friend request from my dad and I had to delete damn near everthing I had posted. By then facebook had gotten popular, but parents weren't on it yet so I switched to that. Reconnected with a chick I dated in high school and married her, so I owe facebook that, I suppose. Facebook made money real fast, I bought stock in it and made money, but times are changing again, and I sold that stock. The next big thing will rise, just not sure what it is yet. But, I must say, Sup Forums was there moat of the time, and I keep coming back.

sorry to hear this OP. I recently had FB reactivate an old account of mine for no fucking reason and when I logged into it to try and delete it they said "this is an old password, please give us a picture of an ID to verify this is you". No ID existed considering I used a fake name so I had to photoshop my license to get past their Kike Bot. FB is pure Jewry, you are probably better off without it. Go to instagram or something.


I use and only interact with friends I would give my phone number to via text message.

Sure, they beg me to come back to FB and Twitter, but fuck that noise.

I never had one ever. And never will.

The sites dying. The only people that use it nowadays are boomers and rednecks, most people have migrated elsewhere or soley use it for its messenger function. Leave.

he finally got himself a loo

i've never had a real facebook account and i don't even know what the hell people do on them. play farmville?

I stopped using facebook back in 2010.

>How the fuck do any of you function without social media of any kind?
the first thing we were taught about the internet back in the 90s was never to put rl info on the internet.
i had a fb acct under a fake name back in 2007. my youtube accts are fake. my yahoo accts are fake. i dont twitter. i dont ebay. i dont amazon. nothing i do on the web connects me to rl. i'm paid with a paper check which i cash out at the bank every payday. my cellphone is a throwaway. i pay cash for everything. i am as dekiked from the system as possible while still maintaining the comforts of modern society.


just use instagram, whatsapp or snapchat. facebook is a dying platform anyway.

facebook owns whatsapp

Just use it as a means of contacting family members and friends. I hardly use it so much that I’m currently 21, yet I’m 16 in my profile pic.

>FB is literally the only way for any of these people to contact me, as the overwhelming majority of my friends are American or from other countries where international texting costs extra and most won't ever bother with it.
>it isn't that they wouldn't want to keep in contact with me, but it's more that they would have no idea how to.
what is email
what is facetime/duo

Pretty much user

this. my "deleted" account from 2006 still exists, in its entirety.

free wifi calling and free texting apps. FB is crap, deleted it years ago and still keep up with my friends in other countries for free.

haven't had facebook for about 7 years. i mean its fucking retarded and for children or boomers. get a grip faggot.

so what? facebook the social media site is a dying platform, not the company itself. whatsapp is independent of a facebook account anyway, you just need a phone number

Simple. Only normies need social media. We've managed without social media for thousands of years just fine, I don't think it'll kill you to not have Facebook anymore.

This is true. Everyone saying porn isn't degenerate needs to seriously think about why porn companies are all owned by Jews and why porn is completely free. The simple answer is it isn't. It destroys your ability to have real relationships and leads to greater sex expectations then are feasible. This all leads to adultery which leads to divorce which leads to the destruction of the nuclear family which leads to the destruction of society which leads to more gibs to keep people afloat which ultimately leads to more shekels for the tribe. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is free in this world. The only thing you can do that absolutely won't cost you at all is to kill yourself.

>Over the years I've become accustomed to being connected to the world and easily being able to keep in touch with all of my friends. That way is quite literally Facebook.
>connected to the world
>quite literally Facebook.

I hate to sounds like a broken record leaf user, but seriously, KYS. And don't post shit like this on Sup Forums.

hard but fair
i like you user, you can come over and fuck my sister

>how do you manage?
I don't want to talk to most of the people I know. They just carry on with their shitty opinions and gay attitudes. I haven't used it in years. Will probably delete once and for all soon.

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This ain't 90's anymore

FB was cool in the beginning. People were authentic. They posted funny shit and funny pictures. Pictures of parties. Facebook was the coolest shit around. Around 2009 I quit because you can only take so many farmville invites before you lose your shit.

I rejoined in 2014 and FB had changed so much I barely recognized it. Nobody posted anything anymore cause their shit would just end up randomly sorted in the non-chronological piece of shit they call the news feed. The algorithms had become optimized to get rid of user posts and put useless ads and sponsored inorganic content ahead. The user base had shifted greatly too. Nobody posts the funny beer bong party pictures when their fucking grandma reads and likes everything they post. I quit after about a month.

Apparently shit is so bad now I would probably feel like Not Sure waking up in Idiocracy. Just get rid of it. It is garbage.

For a board that champions itself on tradition and disparages the contemporary age and society, being unable to quit facebook ought to cause great shame in your minds. Quit this utter bullshit "socializing" and make real friends. Think of your parents. If and when they were able to go to university they made friends, and if those friends were truly worth keeping around in their lives they kept in touch. Your parents didn't need social media to keep in touch with people in order to be lifelong friends and neither do you. If you hold onto this stuff under the guise of maintaining friendships you're just being lazy. Make the effort to keep people in your lives, and they will stay. And if they don't stay in your life after deleting your social media perhaps they weren't that good of friends after all.

>How the fuck do any of you function without social media of any kind?
Why would you ever need social media of any kind?

How do you manage without Myspace?

Yeah, I am kind of sad. Now that facebook is making search suggestions like "video of littld girl sucking dick underwater" for their VIP clients. I don't have the screenshot, so google it. Very sad, indeed... Why me? Why can't I have special Facebook privileges? :(

I've never really used facebook other than for 2 weeks in high school. It's easy to keep in touch with the people I want to keep in touch with, you really don't need social media



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but not alcohol? cmon

I never mingle with poor and weak people.
Your comments shows you.
About enjoying. You know there is lot of things you can do when you have money to spend.

Firstly they use photo recognition ai so don't use a profile pic of yourself on an alt account.
Also you need to change your ip, change your MAC address and perferably use a browser like BRAVE to use fb on an alt.
My main is just for extended family
My alts are for shitposting.

facebook is stupid bullshit for people who want the feeling of having friends without the obligation to any of them to interact on a meaningful level.
it's for fake neets or busy-body asshats who think they are more important than they are.
fuck facebook

>How do you manage without Facebook?
E-mail lists, text msg and HOLY FUCK MY MOBILE PHONE CAN ACTUALLY MAKE VOICE CALLS!!!!!!!. I grew up in the 80's, the faceberg generation is pathetic, no social skills because there is no actual socialization.

yep, i bet all the streets you shit on are paved in gold

I heard there was cp on facebook. Could this be true?

i left years ago. if anything if i were to ever use social media or something again maybe instagram to save photos or something so i dont lose everything like i normally do when my hard drive kicks it and i dont have a back up

I spend so much time on forums i was totally bored with talking to people online when fb became a thing

Now i only post on 4chins because i enjoy being yelled at by strangers

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I manage without it easily because I've never needed it or wanted it.

But millennials think your life is the internet - its not! However you dont know any different! Life never revolved around the internet before and we lived happily in that world and very socially.

When it comes to relationships aim for quality over quantity. You dont need to be connected all the time.
You can write letters and send pictures in the post and all sorts of way to keep in touch for long distance friends.

Its hard to understand when people say they're getting bullied online -just turn your computer off and the bullying stops! If only we could do that in real life, in my day.

You probably think Im a Luddite, or a boomer -i'm neither. Im software dev and the biggest thing I appreciate from facebook has been React, it really was a game changer for web dev, and smart way to manage the DOM.

The only social media I use is the occasionally shit posting on here -but I would call Sup Forums anti-social media. I believe most social media is over-opinionated ad bloated, none of it is worth the time spent on there.

Heres the real crux though, I also think social media is to blame for some of the PC culture for example, especially on the virtue signalling side, which is truly endemic. Its very easy to say you like other people's culture when you dont live next door to them. Also I think social media is to blame for everyone being so political minded these days, which fester and pollutes every converstation.

There was a time, when people kept their relationships, affairs, politics and religion a private matter -theres a lot of value in that. As Sup Forums says dont reveal your power level. 30 years ago nobody would dream of revealing their 'power level' let alone share with everyone pictures of last night's dinner!

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>uses facebook or any other social media
Pick one. They are for normies. We are not normies.

>>using a datamining website.
>on Sup Forums

I don't do Facebook. I NEVER even made an account because they wanted to know who I was, like I was a getting a fucking bank loan or something.

But, aren't there like 50 alternative social media sites? Even MySpace still exists (I think).

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why arent you following the plan??

delete everybody except your troll friends, change your name and go on the offensive at your local media. especially abc affiliates...aka disney.

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why does the neighbor chick keep getting suggested as my friend? i have less than twenty friends and this chick keeps popping up?

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I don't have friends.

facebook is a sinking ship, it's going down

Once you leave, you realize how little you needed it
It's only practical purpose is to talk to girls. But if they like you, they'll find a way to talk to you without Facebook

And believe me, if you think you'll get social status and recognition by keeping up with the latest Facebook news, you're woefully mistaken

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just stay away from it dude, every click and letter typed is recorded and saved in databases accessible to many intelligence agencies upon request. in canada you can actually request your metadata from sites, have a try and see how large it is.

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When did you get out of prison Ted?

>The only social media I use is the occasionally shit posting on here -but I would call Sup Forums anti-social media.

technically we are eusocial here. everyone has their 'thing' that they contribute towards the goal outlined in the sticky..

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literally (((what)))?

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>not having permanetly deleted goybook and all social media 3 years ago

At this point I think I've been off of social media longer than I was ever on it. And how the fuck do you get banned from Facebook? Are you just being a faggot and posting obnoxious shit like this thread?

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>And how the fuck do you get banned from Facebook?

he disagreed with a feminist.

this is I got snitched on because I would argue with liberals. my screen name was questioned they asked for ID and I Was out good riddance it was more of a distraction then anything else. good lord the amount of liberal acquaintances I had and the shit they post was disturbing.

>where international texting costs extra and most won't ever bother with it.
you nigger get whatsapp or some messaging app;.. I don't even have a smartphone and know this stuff

Confusing deactivate with delete.
That's because you deactivated and didn't delete, the proper delete link you have to google to find.

Porn has made my marriage better. She enjoys it more than I do and we try our new things we see. Like last week there was a vid about a wife who gets it by 2 Mexicans fixing the sink so I called a Plummer and him and his helper banged her in the kitchen. I was not there but she was happy.

I've never had an actual facebook accout.
Never had a real twitter account, just shitpost ones.
Why do you care about social media? Friends can just be met irl and talked to via SMS/calls.
Any kind of news that is remotely important will be on Sup Forums or other boards. Also kikebook sells all your info, just like discord. I bet twitter does too.

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