David Hogg is literally retarded. He got denied by the University of Central Florida.
David Hogg is literally retarded. He got denied by the University of Central Florida
Other urls found in this thread:
>be the forefront of a movement that exists literally to remove a constitutional right
>no school will touch you
Schools don't give a shit about that.
clearly he is fishing for a scolarship
They care. Hogg Boss is too much of a shit disturber.
>Controversial history
Into the trash it goes.
Yeah check his Reddit account, he was on the verge of suicide because he got denied to his dream college a few months ago. Probably because he's dyslexic and can't write a fucking sentence kek!
This is real? Holy shit what a dumb fuck.. this level of retardation will redpill a lot of people.
>why don’t you help veterans in the same way?
>why don’t you help the whales
Leftist logic.
Is he talking about the leftist whales? They ate themselves that big and don’t need donations to stop.
now when hogg tweets he got into big time college everyone will know about all the backroom connections.
>he has got a wikipedia page
>David Miles Hogg (born c. 2000 / 2001)
> (born c. 2000 / 2001)
Idiots will use anything to get into a college when they don't have the talent or brains. It's rather funny.
I always knew from the start that this bastard was just trying to use the chance to get into an ivy league.
This is the same thing that happened with that one shitskin that got into Yale by simply copy pasting #BlackLivesMatter on his entry essay.
I don't often get mad, but when niggers are retards think they deserve Good Education just because, it makes me so fucking furious. Yeah bitch, I have 20 fucking followers because unlike you being a slut whore, I made decent life choices that made me something, I am objectively pursuing a far superior trade and art in the mathematics or sciences or even Engineering fields.
There is a reason that people who score good turn out good in life. You need fucking dedication to achieve anything, and it's not being differently abled, it's being a dumb fucking retarded cunt that can't do anything, let alone sit down a study that makes you unable to achieve things in life.
I swear to god, the humanities and Social Studies need to be completely purged. People that don't qualify for Science or Math related courses can fuck off to Arts but don't call it a fucking science.
What is his plebbit acc
This nigger loving immigrant shitskin needs to be killed. I remember reading about how he got into Yale and I just sat there infuriated. And OF FUCKING COURSE he has a Twitter account, is a political "activist", does Ted talks... Fucking garbage humans I swear. Ivy's are shitholes
His fanbase, as is evident by the tweets, is worse.
>He got denied by the University of Central Florida
You serious? Not even retards get denied there, lol wtf?
>Playing (((victim)))
>Also makes his bitching on twitter appear risky and thus noble and heroic
>Self-flagellating cucks donate gibs
>Forgot to apply as 25+ y/o (((white))), assuming he ever applied
Hogg is in for a very lolcats future
If I was on a university admissions board, I wouldn't want a controversial, outspoken crisis actor on campus either
If you keep going down the thread he said he got denied from UCSB as well
What these idiots forget is that none of this would be happening if Nikolas Cruz didn't shoot up that school in the first place. He's the real starter of this movement and all these SJW's should be thanking him instead.
>There is a reason that people who score good turn out good in life. You need fucking dedication to achieve anything
>didn't try at all in high school
>had the flu
>only took the SAT just in case I couldn't figure anything else out to do and had to go to college
>still was in the top 10% for almost every subject on my SAT
Dedication has nothing to do with it, never went to college anyways. I really don't see why anyone would go to college outside of a few areas.
>anything hard science
Real good reason to go, especially if you intend to work at the uni
>finance subjects
This is kind of a scam since you can learn all the material outside of uni but you need the degree to get hired
It's honestly pretty intricate and requires a very strong skill in whatever your native language is, semantics, history, and well law. Plus writing papers is good practice for the future.
I also want to add at least I got accepted to UCF and I had like a 3.2 WEIGHTED so unless UCF has really fucking upped their standards this kid must be an actual fucking retard.
Bloomberg or some other libshit with money will keep him like a trained seal. He'll be a professional activist until he does something stupid and gets discredited. Then he will have nothing. They use and abuse twerps like him on a daily basis. Give it five years before he's doing gay porn getting gang-banged by truckers in MAGA caps. It will happen. "I wanna hear you SQUEEEEEEELL like a Hogg, boy!"
>Tfw was accepted by every school in Florida and got my degree from UF
>Tfw I didn't have to become a gun grabbing poster child to do so
Feels good.
lol, what a complete loser faggot
>I'm more virtuous then you are
I want civilization to collapse so these people suffer.
there are legit white supremacists who went to universities like harvard and yale. google it
I believe you but I'm not seeing how that has to do with my entire point that this kid must be an actual sub 100 iq retard.
On his reddit he made a post ranting how he wouldn’t get in despite good grades because his SAT/ACT scores were so bad.
The SAT correlates at .81 with typical IQscale. This guy is a brainlet.
What his account?
He admitted to being a literal cuck on there too. That shit is a gold mine.
>he wouldn’t get in despite good grades because his SAT/ACT scores were so bad.
Exactly what I expected, no school in Florida besides UF even gives a fuck about your grades outside of a certain threshold if you have an even decent SAT/ACT.
>be a gun control activist
>be retarded
>high school bully is retarded
wow who would have thought
I actually feel sorry for him. I hope he can get into a university, and that he also changes into a not faggot.
Very rarely would I get pleasure from seeing someone's life crumble, and I certainly don't enjoy seeing some activist kid get wrecked, even if he's wrong.
He was already confirmed to be retarded. He was in special education classes and could not even read until sixth grade. That's why CNN needs to feed him lines through an earpiece. Because he is literally too stupid to memorize a few lines in their script.
well he's still a fucking white male. maybe he'll learn some of the truths of the system he's a puppet of
You do know his mother was an emu...