Ohio Student Suspended for Refusing to Leave Classroom During Gun Control Walkout


> A high school student in Hilliard, Ohio, didn’t want to pick sides in the contentious gun debate surrounding Wednesday’s “National Walkout,” so he stayed in class instead of joining the largely anti-gun protest or an alternative “study hall.”

> Hilliard Davidson High School senior Jacob Shoemaker was then reportedly slapped with a suspension.

> The student argued that divisive politics have no place in America’s schools and he refused to take sides in the debate

How fucked is he?

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Do the administration not realize that by doing this they could be making a shooter who will specifically target teachers?

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He's a right wing enabler. Good, fuck this retard.


>pay good money to be educated
>get suspended for wanting to be educated
leftism is a disease

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You dont pay to go to high school you fucking idiot


>when the most powerful protest of the day is the kid who didn't protest
2018 folks

>what are tax dollars
evidently you need to go back

Not the kid's money so why should he give a shit

>not the kids money
just throw it on the mounting pile of debt he's going to inherit from the boomer generation. I'm sure he won't mind shouldering that extra weight with a lower wage because he was suspended from school for wanting to fucking learn

Is he /ourshitlord/?

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omg i love when schools force agendas on their students and liberals just flat out ignore and deny it

>He's a right wing enabler.
So a non cucked white male?
Sounds like a Sup Forums ack to me.

Fake news


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>Not the kid's money so why should he give a shit
I guess it's not Tyrone's food benefits either.
Yet unlike Tyrone, he's going to be paying it forward you.
Holy fuck you democrats are drags on progress.

that right there is the democrat mentality in a nutshell

I don't know what that creature is, but I'm pretty sure it needs to burn.

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> Religious studies major barred from Christianity class at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for saying there are only two genders.
And people wonder where school shootings come from

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user, was this you? you were here last week saying you would pull this off

implying he doesn't pay state sales and income taxes

Why are schools even allowed to make these political stands? They are funded by taxes.

If they want to take sides on these issues, against the will and political desire of the people which fund them, there should be consequences.

>there should be consequences.
There won't. Schools are run by not-so-bright cat ladies with a huge chip on their shoulder.

Politicians should starve them of public funds but they don't want to piss off their government workers constituents.

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he wasn't black was he

Tell that to the $140,000 in property taxes I pay in 18 years which given compound interest is around $191,000. You need to slip in your bathtub and save the earth.

Dude, i hope so.


'No guns @ UT, More Fun Cock'?

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